c . of ~rn. WIN Nutl. 1..-..N,.165 VICTORY NUMBER ONE. The U- of M. Nine Defeated Hamil- ten College, IS to 3. T1he team arrivedl at 1,tia at 2:0 p. im. andl as soon thereafter as ps- ssie, dressed and Nvet nt 1 to tie rounds.'lThe daxyxwas lmost ier- feet for isall pIaina' and asiar stlt 0o11 boxs lut 111;n aimot errolss game ittilat teturs eIParxon's a line ly to ilitir Followcingisla dtild cuuntt of the 'ante: ; fM etto bat first. Kelly truck ott \bloi litia groundelr to short aindl wax j thrownvot iiat fist XlWilkinson git first ott an error of pitcer aiii xwas lit ot tryiti to raclitiitd. For thellaniiltotiiaixx 1E.Ric strck out. H aydcn got a iase islit adl xent ot at sconic on Dixvis' it to Codd, D axvis takiig firt iuitthe pla. Nortliupiwill'. cittfristit Kellx tisRich. In tile xsicndiningia 'Pill itisiii hit a lice lyi iiithuiirxxwhis tiifdiiit giin hii miiiitliie. Rich g1ti iibase ott isalls. (ois[llit totilic itcicit ing to ittilir. 1o tlJ w ut A\iii kniitxis ciiin l11 tesancifice. Wals glxi irtn ii ierrcit butiasti xi hut out wheun auer it to shunt. I lanlitoti went ot in ione tio three order. ''iie tliiid otpetedwichitastrike' out lix Kelly. Asbott folloiwed switli a line it oxer seoiiclbae ail reachietd secondclott a fumitlse. Piear ton xen out front pitcher to ist and Wilkinson zit to left fieli, wi "ace 'himt a life, Asbotscrig. Wilkitnsotn stole secoiti. R-ici got a bate oin bali. Codd it safely filinig the bases. Boothi xet outl on a ty to tirid base. Next Gear got a base ott balls. Keranifleir out to Abbott and Rice xett out rons Codid to Rich. 'Tenx witli twxoo mitot a-I only-Oe tmailx on baes, Hayden,Dais and Nortlhup lined out three clean singles, serlg three earted runs. Ini the fourth, Walss got base ot balls. Baer took first on an error by short slop. Kelly singled and Abbott took first on an error by left field. Pearson the ame on an LUNIVERSITY 01" MICIUIGAN, AMOKNIAY, MAYV 5, 1>91. PitTis, '1'oi,,cCENTS. error by ri' lit field Wilkitusust flewx'out to cltft. iclitiiik i rst xiii jxan errcib scnd tiile secisil. Cosdd tiwc()ittto ic ct-r.iHills ant i Siteitlier Itrc ot eer txas pi-enit n1Zch erriir. anii stiile codx ndtid. i\, risa"n linteid cut to ( uistl 'Walsh ad iout g bases oil balls. -e .I el t.; h bases. Sruk o nd Vt biott tic' ouitito cinter.B tl cr W'ilkinson Ii t sit;l lx Ii lyi tixoi h1TiS rus. h t i ti icwet i t fromtishotis ttoirst. Haitontii xwenttiut lila tixothrae Ini thea 6thiColddhitt sall.xxas doabiedait ott Ioosthi's hit tolshlii. WlshwnuDc oGe, aer sill"led, andxcl-cly got a base ill balls. Abbot hittto hitcher, tx-Ionmacda a wxxd hI rcixetos itnie1 plate, lettin" in tixo si-tres.- Pear- soil got a lasa liii Wilkitisotn got fiirst sit arrcir bx titiri. Rich a base lilt ani (Cid ifcxx out to shirt. 1Nisrtitp hitt lorithnec bases butt carelesslyx alloixd cisi if lter tii get too iheatrIBooth's tittteni"ihetre it stuck. S iesrc u n Mtills tut intoitCoddo Lih their iihalf iii tisi x i i l m lo CrItat xiut osatrute biche For its, bel ly struck ott. A.iitit mtade a base lilt, stile secotiiiiandi thtiril, anid scored ott a passedl sail. Pearsont got bisce uti balls, stosle secondiciatnc third, anti scotred ott Wiilkitnsont's sacrifice to left fielid. Rich struck ont. Rice flew out to' IAbbott. l-lay-cen twetit out to Abs- bsott. IHay-cetn tent outliy- Codd to Ri cii, hat-is fouled io'Palshi. Itt the nitht, Citililgot to lerst lix bse ott balls, stole secotnditand third, andc scored ott Boothi's out frotm short to first. Walsh treait out secotnd to first, Bauer lilt safely but txas lint out trying to steal sec- ond. Northrup, Rice and -iMills struck out. Robinson hitches to-day. Teanm spent Sutiday at Burling- ton, Vt. Following is the score: Kely, -, 1).-- jiPearso,ii.I. R i ich )--- - . - - - - Bo thc liiish - . - - - lit r, , ---- Ni I E. ice p itye1,e1 in ITN'4 I CHIiAN.x - VI tNfl the experietice of College A.11tit1.1.,:c-it;i'p..A. . if5)Metn suitekntows andi appreciate f; s 1 11 the 'tclrefulscruttiny if Ciollege St- 5 a s 1 iens.hvig lmicrpif kilei2 1 0 0 fD signiers -tnd IJewelers spiecially -_.4 u t1 1 i« 1 tied totribtige titnilothietjexwelled u- « u Nvork iiimpititig, is Nxxidoil i re lcetly ti 0 0 ,:s o Itfrm ali ittLotndoin ttin diAmtserdanm 1 Ii 71 9 - tonesNce -re ini a iositionto iipro- -_-- --- ace tih. finest lilaiti atit jeweclled iii t ( IIl "(;.ocii'ic Biai'es if till kinidstwhichiuait- .11.R. 1.11. .13.>>. tititi ftil ch i1iiithis cona1tni. 1 1 1 i XWright, Kay & Qo o - u1 i 1 IS.u X llIN 1 IWKItS 0 o It?0 D1 rA t . Mloh\ JEELI. C.o M------ 1 1 4 31 60 2 1-1 H-atuiiitei--,o 0 tt0i0i0i0 its-a Eatrned ratis, hU. of M.- , ittitilton, 3.tase ott stlls, by Codd, It by 111cc, ;. Striucka out by- Cotd. lit;by- 1ice, 5. Umpiire,. George Etlatms. W. C. P. A. CONVENTION. Tue Association Organleed it-iChxi- cage YesterdOay. Chap. Speller & . Univ ersity Outtittes, 20,1 SUiic ttSTA Ii'D iT GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHiING lxINExiIN tHCIltYli. I' i rst cuneitists 01 thei a -g ,P 'g- tens hisuhha-Ceehrss Assuic a ti (a (5 1 1JI- t~ndinlthinPlmetrnIiauaex ara 'RAKE T E PACE cg, n audN. Thrweei CTt sessios, m.tuorntinig andaftlt- 4 TALoot, it No. 'hue convcenttiniwas callcd tos uder at to: 30'ocsk andtelslain pocnty- orgtitiionuwxas effacted Ibx the election of 'Piliam Fairtris, of the -Northwxesternt 'onld, as Itmipo- Sietgtl i ~t rsr rany- chtairtiaitniad Smtith iuanthuatmt of the Alioin Pleiad, uts tempiorairy 15$" PCLLCP\ & 0 secretary. Tlue follotwiag xere the tdelegatexs: ~O '1. II. Ryani, II. A. haynt, Aegix, SWill Tletichlils Methotd of Unix-ersity of Wiscounslin;H. C. Sdchluter, Chirotilcle, Northwrestern M PO lT College, Ill.- Stiithi Buirtnhant, '' P'leiadI, Albuin Cosllege, Sticit.;'' - Charles S. Kiler, C. A. Shiatitel, LI L LIU f 'Pii nvri~ o liosOie . Stewrart, C. TI. Slither, Ptegasuts, AndiFtacilitting Acquiretment of T'.i..,..aC n. .,,.ill , r W I _ Kitoihelge int Fixe Lessotis. J I i lititis, 1Kenyon Collegiant, Kenyotn Collage, Oiuo; 1\. E. Danforth, I. E. Zinnutertuati, F. C. Shiarotn, Stenxtor, Lake Ftorest University, Ill.; Williant Farrns, S. P. Johnston, Northtwestern World, Ill., A. IV. Newlin, Earlhanmite, Richmsond, Ind.; A. R. Priest, Benra, DePauw (Continued on Third Page.) I TICT~LT ,S" AGL7I AT 7:1h O'CLOCK, To be continued Thursdays and Mondays following. FEE FOR TIlHE COURSE $2.50.