'T -F 1 FWL !A LV 110111 -1TC7 An rl TOILET =-=SOAPS TINME TABLE. 5liiliii~ltiet d frsuiliiithe oot of the cuif s N. i. 1W VI t Kiii I ii c_ P 1 1 1 a 7 ,. ;it " iio~. ,ii 3. 25 i I EX I t A iti CII: T1oiE°. I iv ANN {)tiiii it a tsi i .t 5 i 'lle A 11 t eo 'l - al. as it coo ttls i) C. I Ct , 1i~>11 aists tee ti. l- fet, Ille cu e fr )1'lts F. eaeCLARK f'l, t ,Man4+1a..;5,Gm, . ;9.11 "ill itisess of if l ilt is B.ai F.-l CLARiK,2.11.anager55 BSt std a st sdits. ]ri it ll&("adsN's Is-ai ANN titillit, from51 551155 lhisie, al ut l .1 eit 11 lll;li JIM AA OciM .t. Pl 'ItLANDO RE ,: .55 101 ) 5, >, . U..i 0, l).1f i. i 4t), Iich rdi l llk. 1' a,4iinglo Bil ''ll, 945 iitl 15 trins o n iiSundyi i l st~ q) ' T , iat corner i~~iie ~i, anii1tlAasis,1>Ypsili li. LI--LIOAIT Ai011001100. f-cititt- ldfrA : e I-tt-st teii1e0i1ican s i siiiir by it ;;thusia vt i IOIL. l~iiisut.>j{f :,I L 0cCJDIPII2T{L T 1OThKi ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. lute ac ii ets that hive ])Cellthotrusgtlytried in II iII Arleir aiid cii tiper)ecit satistactioll The 'Ashby Special,'" iAshtby," "uOxforId " Havard.' H-i lLinc if Tenunis isd Base t;all ( c s. 41 SI >11. STR :I'd . 6 SU(t_'I I 111IN i-I' Teachers Co-Operative Asso i ion7Hc Established in 18854. Positions flled, 2300. Seecks Teachers are ambitious for advancement rather than those without positions- G. H. WILD, 1s>>]howit tth l I i titoc f i FuIstltl iiress"iiti i n 1 tie marktt. No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. 1. tL. 311117701D, HIGH CJLAS CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring' Suitings ANDi r Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings { Trouserings. Nos-eltie-s iltFansce eestinlgs---Eery thissn.tN ee---tyllisl a it tiSi.s al 1 'at GREATEST VARIETY G LOWEST PRICES OiXCROCiKERtY IN Tr Is TY1. 7i iiti Peart White Ptates - -ft- 3 ets. tier set 7inch Adamaitntinie ChlinaaPtates - - - 41l cts. per set inlcti Semi-piirceetain,Bootes Plates it-58ets. per set IPeart Wthite Il'dId 'leas- - - - -ft8ets. iier set Adicanstine II'l 'letas - - - - 5Ollcts. pser set Bloote's Semi-por-cettino IIltti Tetis - - - 75 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN& co. THE CAMPUS. Ilter tisia iif otfics t i t sth e iptii this e cin;. eleeei H) the ield1 Thetsseoleexsamiatonta grille s lo l i ii tt t1.1). less 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. esi. AN N Al B11t,-- Its liti[fiiersits ioi North Dltaota sire re silseito itakse drill. SFO11G 17HLETfJ6 GOO0DS. Haread, iesi ndtsu riiss leisu-uoufitteril'ss, A Full and Complete Line Cthevitsirtlts, Canvlias ants, ''enniis Ratckets, Raciket IIanletis, tase Bltt Base Btatllflasts anvItllass Blets, 81oe5 Pltateso, Ihixil Gl(ovtes, Body Protec- loss, t-slii-sir ies, Si-w'e Btiis, Iltase Bllt (gtoves'Tenils Blts, Capls, Inda (tists>, Dumb llset, Siteaters; IJerseys, (Catetiers Mifts, ietci. ttic. Ios tlilly uistilt us tiasie se-sior tassortent. Ii LiILEIG II &JOLLY Sii. SATEST ., IE tCREAM AND ODfb A VTE. L-teue titles tess' rsar 5 (lincilt suati it, N ese SVork i ti;Cieveland ~ Ilitstitit. Cininnaitti, itill tircact inii tie Alt. E. stiurcti Sundiay. At IHIarv-aritfor illy years isi ssiotker tias gradtiateid withthetticrtst hotnosrs if Itis cla-s. Th~ieenctressfIore the great inter- collegiate athletic moectilug at Blerke- let- Ovtal, chase to-tday. Lehtighi has refusest to joino the neit'fioot-hallleaguie twithl Cornell, ILafaeette andtICoiluaiis. Cliaiel miectinig, to-miorrowl, itill ticonducsiltedt by C. 1. II- c Allaster, psresitdesitiif the St. C. A. J eiwett wa-ss arounds yesterdtay witth the ait of a canle, for the ftrst time siiice thle '93-iettic gamlie. Is is said ttiat the large telescopse inick OebIlservt ory itas recenlly ireid he an eatrthquaske. - Thse stutdesits of Yale hate started toil tprintedl for a time thtirty differ- enit publlicationis sinice itoh6. Blowd-oin htsscehaltenigeidColstti- b-ia to a bioat race text Jone, to- Itereafter the studienits at Csortnell I iviersite still ise gratediaivle ilays' vaatiistio ltiThniv 5ing Iardhitiat efet ed tciI osf 1.9to)32 Lafav ette utefeatedIcli -s o2 II srstril dfettedl t'iisosu5I t Itso 6- iya, of Thlreeives Mc.,wss recenttly electesd Itlealtht ouficier uof city, P~roft. slu A.Steartofte cltss of , 75, at litesetnt supleriniten- dtetnt of schools at IDot I l iris ts itn thle city. Airs. A. It. Stevetns glees the ent tertainmoenit at thte Art Loanth tis !eventing. Stereoputicani tietis itt C ctttstssr'; Btroswt has sotwo tte out if titree gamoes tithl IHarvarud atndUnii-ersity- of Pienntsylvania twtto ottut fthe thtree gamtes stithtPritncetson. 'tihere weere ontly thr eec hits made o~ff Robinisonsinl the D. A. C.-As- sumpt~tiotn gamie ott'Thursday, satu not eight its ias tputblishiedtyester- daytt. At the memoriail meetinig mteetitug litch1 yesterdtay afternoot inithonor of IDr. Wiinchiell short talks srere givenlily ArSte iltrser, lProf.- l'ettec, Mtr. WIilliamos atnd others. iB-JSIITLSS PIL.EOX- WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, #55 MAIN STRIEET, Specialtattenshtinpitilto repairig wttt g55 and Jiwetry, M.W - BLAKE, ICTU GRES, FRAMES8, A ART GOODS*. 55 itest Hssrlii 5 FERDON LUMBER YARD, Islanufsaesrer of asdsdeleins SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER Cor. Fiisout ad ett~slsiIi J. HALLER O. M. MARTIN, tFAtl-25t IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic tNt) (i(uJitCsiN t'l'i 5>> J. A. POLHEMBUS, T T7-V-P l = AIsis) IllSIIlA('I AN )I tixooco s-s iNa- Northes ii Steiou RINSEY & SEABOLT, Iliu~ir'suitd iisiiers ini Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed t, xnd.StItWsiissiisSt.__. . JOHN WOTZKE, With the e risof fue ltieJti Se-asuon,. we shtatllibe IsrtprareuI tsofttr- tiishs all thast is test'sal lesisrablte ill Z'\ IFOI1IdS 011ItaBse IBall, La«-I7 'lelinis, ('ricket, Lai (rosse,, aisttlllii aitd for alltinlg ustss. Our Sllltei Swteforfeqsusality 1a1s1 dura-bility 11,15 noi equal.t -Our lhne if Base Stall SO'P teefuurs. Catchsers' Mitts, LasirisTetuttis Suppillies, etc., etc., as ii lormste is wl eyCmeiin Aeare justly paroud of outr large colleee I-t tettisig!, dlue its ti-(- lre ati aire, to file suiperiuortquaility o url its oodus.o "I1 esteem- Nve sin stutos stteisgthe'n 00It seaisoto(sseasus, itsthe iliusaprovfwel if sutr goswhetsre- it is psossile.-(.Of- resliondiene desiredl with niaalgtts of s11t college ecluhs. Si-d oil out 1111 (aaloigute if Summeri-Spuortss and 11 formos, 1A. &, 1Stfree to lily .suluress- A. G, SPALDING & BIROS., ('ito toss : 1111 i AD jilt t li8 bladi-soSteiet. (.shiitit tret> 211 alustii ra w y