THE U. OF MI. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8H11RT8. YIo are n doubt interested In the albovecline, andI o isv niade th(m a ~ l 1(151 tune, Nwish You would call iand see wliat we hice. We klow we (,ani llase V01t and ar5V11 ou lerOI )MV11 ho THE TWO 10 SAMS." I- 3LIrzA op t u i1 LllltrY , VOORHEIS & DITS BEST WORK IN ITHE CITY: STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDEORatul DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. EL r 0 LE ED, O1 Old U1. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. I do. Evertinig Ilinn tI l I ,o. . Morin SE~t, ALLMEITDIN~ II LK O .>=America n + Rl amb lers, CATLOGUES PANS7 i FOE FOOTWEAR. SHOES for J30T11 LADIES arjl GENTLEMEN. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISH. 1>5AHR'S 00 Ev1r Sitenti-wilt Sav oleyby1eViVI se ita l solt anL111lAW BOttOK, I~lice~it. 7vt~I31101 o at I.I Ill Ilt I ~l rx S Itill, ho 11and ll S.MEIDIICAL BOOlK,,. IINT1AI1(01 AIIN(1 IOOtK '401111IN VIII:(I1 Tho Choral Union, Pass0111) 1 1T2( ) -rk ii 5 .,clic 1-l ation1 1h1s1110110ill',O loll lrC than1 AL LJ TELI TIL I- 1 sup lyf t ll ltltu7 lii''l 0Un0irity las l COre tl oot 1all jsiSa itti. 111e MiliIner'y and Art (Ooods. L . ofI 'i. el~jctcii, liii acco1un1i ttf111Fast lHuroni St. 1iipOeldI't 1-roundstloanti smialIl attendI- _- A'latoager Aibuott hail a pleasanit suirprise at supper yesterday. At the clust of the meal, wehicht tas in re-I ality a banquet, D~r. Catrhell pre- sidetd as toastmaster and Abbott and the nine were freely toasted. Don't forget to see those fine old A tapestries at the Art Loan. One of\ the I nth Century deserves especial -_________________ noticc. Belonging to the McMillan S O T A D TK collection is an exceptionally SHOR HAND 'USE~. one of the Mandonna and Child, by IT WILL PAY YOUt. Shorthand School, New !Corregio. Building, 20 South Ob~te Sret.