THE U. OF.M. DAILY. f ,'y~ ~ jg unirarsltins and colleges west c I .oo the Allegitanies. This trip is hartdly less signfticant than the sine ma( e ttithnttisis(tanetit- a-rt'jtrtiutiAAlt p . I i . I I I ml THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION a'nerl sa t- t an fot ((C ii e Iaw- -tat a at 1i. t'itt k a ii tt ttttifttt: nls ip itt w Ia. tti , ttt at ie lie)ITHE it. 55 DALYl'h~w.a Co. i i ll itt icf-, tat S-ant. t' tatilit ~ n : I sttitut > itilit/t 'sitat. hi r is- a tl Itit a it h A is aierit . Itt st'ratte ill ngista nti a tntlite is1;1,texeedditpeas i tis. e5Iu ti ha h o~ al ine st ustltitsit gos itlltis 'e biteni ti frthe Vaiance oftut i I schoot lilt-rlNIetkill give you a beanit. - ai i ito There i- l ii .\1a1-ti iiit Ouri titaitock igt. our 'l l'. 'till i l te O rl ill I s trin s ultoalilt eCiy (.litit i'l .11 iii i.1 t'iil(1(n Lg lAYELS o. -o l 11n f (0 §W I lL~rt A ell. c.,)l, i ICA ri- 0 eesst s 'Isea 0 HI{YH~RAH{U Ni)ii V II hN am GrandOperaIjou I au'a seits (ts ti"2 ST5A'TEST.a, .SNN .S i ttu Toledo, Ann Arbor and North (Michigan Railway. TiTtaTblea-going Into efecst, Monayta1tai. It. 'it. Ii''I i u tii---iii ..........5U7 t). iii- Mt. ileitait Ex pssi ...... . .... .II '5a . i - ii Stttii t s i l- . .. ... ...t.. ... 2 111, it IV. II ENNET', RiS. Gtillitli tiO O, UNtERl NEW)MANAGEMTLs reetth a coitt Sjac t- iitt trigintl tdisaignts Ni-ilitril- of interest takeni by wtestern col - mates wiltlha- furisedtoil ttretparst far fegehIT egs in IHarvard, the U. of '-M. was (tinmensentent locuti~st '~~-~yIC L 7 quiety hutnone he les surly Pograntmes, Fraternity Stautionery' L~ L~ E .IO T quety u nneth es sreyMenu sitd (inetittCardls for IBanqts Las ltleding stguport ht to io-ri tDowntng) making its influence felt in the anti Cluh Dinners, Dtance Progrmmes,INTA and all oilier kinds of college work.INTA west. At long as the U.- of 'M. Our stationery is always notable for maintains the foremost position she its handsome engrav-ing, eorract forna, G-E. T PLAY anud moderate prices. now occupies, hoth in numbers and in methods of instriuction, so long A. C. McCL R O. T EGL D A O . will she he the model of the grow- CHICAGO. Furtflur Announemnet Later. Is being tlhoroughaly- renovated anid re-furnislied. We should be pleased to see all old patronts of the house anid alsonew ones. MA M.Nowlin, Proprietor.