Of /* LU. WaiIp. VOL. I.--~ 1 G-1 UN\IVEIISI1Y OFI MICHIGAN, SATIUDAY, IA Y-i t IIimCsiaTtin vE NTS. l 'AVING the expseriencie of College Men who kow adate mrciie Toe Freshman Banquet. a leasi;pctrofyl 1ad Accordingi"to the tprecedlcnt of lic, rowis'sarlotrt ll prevs 5claisses the sclass of '94 held i ii1t its 1' reshmais Ianucut' last nigt lin , la stertis prosveu olefle Nickels' hall, and to say' that it W is a "lorious success is to give it silihtoill niotice. I iteedlit ssas a remaralsit Shivn, ha li t~t~twa suiccss inevery, particular, aind ii iiwesccs kinows, sic e scere "ee viitiisscs. 'The gitests lbegan tio arrivear The Art Lean. o'clock andstyis- uthe hail w iralhd.t ii irt eliiii ifor teblei At 50K30 the granil march lieganiii i heS. C. -1.isel),itil the close Oifwhchsall were iseitedil t N crrlit rvhall toildisill icontinue heautiifully arrangedl tables thitithiiriiii Ii theevenitg ot 11aii29thi groaned smiler their iweighit o o0 hevroutsletpartmsenits oi thystats things; anidlafter a haniliiet of dl- irethieitloral, Gtermian, C.olonsial, lighitfutl viands, lastin" for iii hour bric-a-birac, orieiital and refireshi and a quarter, the literary 1prograiisnesit rooimis. The art salciry is a followed, consistin iin tlheimaiii a5 proninent and delighflfeaI tuire of stated ott the piro"grami excep t thatIthlo, and each rooni is a feature Mliss lHamiilton, the class poetess, unique and delightful iii its wsay. was unavoidably abscnt, so that Thle loral room, canopliicini soft the class pioemiwas isot read: apple-green drapieries, c ontains Presidenti's Addres--------- J .L, m nyc oie eieila ts. po (Ciass oratia ion------ ni--tosty-choie-lisiteuA.plJstSsapr Prophey --------------- Nss asun. litsion of los-ely cut flois i a-it Cit tserisrgtNie.sosse a'gnificent sorchiuss Tshe Oo>ss it Grr - ~ eriman riooim contains msany -of the T. O ----Sit-u k1 atn- art liroditcts iof i that natin h ",U iveriy, tiredoii i de. sud n s still hlin t rt edi n a col Ousr -;io'Ne i c b~ui."il siit "A 'li-ri-i sii-ssi"yeu--iii' notes, cntuysnldi (ertmanilink takcin Assl i'f i' llv I sinesis. fromitsthye cllait toot- of a5imoina-tters t'ui-risit t ]l it a(.. tI11S1 thu' enai 5in ii ~ n 4. 'ile irlof'3I.------------- . .13'm ti l cola ct i o f il apsilt 5 o rli Iv tie , ldy 4itl ampshalistrd' stude tics ittid ltseruo.'T sh uell 'Ii tie rea i stortyats foifllthte -sliaIndi A obetye rgos rea tred- ihse colctiinsavai-is ' H e rc i a luo o n n - rc-- i--" , tpI o t it s s l af g io t e i re cIi i itususi o fn sigti'slrs N Boystasi'cy1-i-is-an as----juities thy sit at "f C otae nodmr nI aCd Irse lol 1r st y uelaitsiYty hi 6.an N. N I Pettei e uit its lirac Striss. arare colotkecisoisa ofrelist general wean co foissstc csssscd"o ofirac ot.tshicessCaolnilrom 'in'.gelts. A. J ''Sitnle, sict ttsricaniuitristheastirt gl-a A. Rleatg s. . CTroubsist . and-Mr. W H.I'ctee an t stbatusrnomittattra taclecirnsofsic Mathiesons.ILetcivcry one ivssit thy Nit ILsai. Responuses to the toast si-recovisits N ;oodleitecrtaistmtcnt is "ivesi every-j pletec t a 2o'cloik assithncisthy es-eit"ganid I asisterfers Ibicst iscI dancisng begasnasndwsatesithisiastic-icrcamssis served atfterard ally isidulged in till 5 o'clock this - - - nioriin, several stumtbsers heist" The Minstrel Troupe Feasted. dtancedt hy caswnsandid ialighit. Aftcr the lpcriormsansccITihursiday 'The programnmies swre the sickest evesniii NIr. slisttcrlythe 'trilps- anidtprettiest we Isave seesn this sear. etor ii tlic (Opira Iosebarliieric A descriptioni soulcd take toosistch shp, itsvitcd .all th c embcisslcosfi spiace.The mnsograns on thc frotisthesitsnsitreli troupcittu Iis r ots ini oldl-golcd, browst andi creami, the aisi compitelled theis to partake;sifj tatter twvo beisig class colors, isas a ice-creamstanid cigars. After their 1 v-ery artistic andsnctsiue lesigns.-wrmiswsork of thcee-sssg, the boys 'fThe hall statscecoratedl sati lease heartily appireciattedt li r. Shietterty-'s tthe aesthectic sature, zandih tresentsedhkinidness. Prof. Stanley's Entertainament.! Ih carete'scshe slofreclegeoislsif-iIc lcof Ihi e se si seisiss si Cule rStu- htasulc a55m5ot nisyablecceccrt tests.Ihaving" aslarcrpcts of -skilled sras "i-tive t teArt Loans last evcii Desigisecs -snitlIJeweler- seialty iii. Th uicncesscmsorc tisantillci trisnessd los Iige nid sthtesjew~elted thc Isallitioli ti ii itto titthe lnist wortiiipotsing, asiwedsl it rectliy ishicilconlyii sauid licgcudging thcfroism1iiPar siiisL snanuit 'sishdana 5Itt~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~011 1D1 c s i t i lcs ioi iam tsssonsandsl sthcr5ptreeeous smal sacetakn u bythescafol- tons'wte asin sitposistionito lice' tug arisissd the windiiowis.I lic pr0o shducethin est Ill's suitdjewrellecd gram opesicwicihi"ThIic itasrines,"'SoicietysBds-s of' stall kiiis sishiss tiasi eiicctivelyi ienderedicil l uiss \cllic iisiufactnriil l this coiiili Gooiinii i sw l ith Mesrs.i. 11 'Spa l --. - i17 ad I. -1.Pese. Th jW right, Kay (&Xcoo Atis hioii C 1ltbthisni saiig "S tprinsg- a tinu" n " 'iler's Wechilisi.' 1Mh t'fEhl. IEAND ~ l Thec lattct was participated ilby ii ANI'FCTL'tING J.1EXVLEhlS. M\iss Goodiinisisiho lisswteet Dmrt M hln symptatlhcticisssccnot lackisig ill ___________M____-________. puower, asnshssedh iiths sudshecsarminsg simpsllicity as conmpletely iwisi the Chap~. Speller & . audusuc 'ici - S hift an" University Outfitters, theu snisvcrsallytiotiular Schubiert's 0t0hSOUTcitStATEci '"Serenade." Shiv sas folloswevs1yP- the Wsttminster Quartette, corni- Er fJn iQL'1u rr 1poscd1oo thec four tpersosts alreadhy j ~ i /EiIWUL sameisci ei cr selectiotn, the "l- :C0 1= !_ hatyos Lf, as cspuecially api- ~~0~isA~l' eIod lauded.ch ITlivfifths stitmber ssas xmainadAtlicGos ''IThue Spuilutiusc'stuuig hut 'iss Itodwo -as oihiugeit to GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING~ rethsoidto aiueciure. It is at1]"1,thu t't "5 5'HEusus u. jcomupluietttou sausthat shiv nuulhis tu (:11u1) now ipearhediolticter a nt ttuge itn "ue Nh-siat-untitsisthyirt KE 'THE PACE irt rseuleti").tor.oSpeausis this STAllGU -\r pudn)flowdwt h Sumuumer N ht tuunuschu(thugits F hardly ensouu"hI) hs a eahuycbisns hsy sttid oh thiss"essthemtasn's iune voice. 'Tue eighth snuimber conusis tysdoi Nuti ittt~e '1'si'(testuushes, - Suole agensltitsAiins.Arbore. lii thus Nutiitions, also IBarcarolle, a chsoice "'ens.IThe tensuolots, 14Alt A$.$PCLCR & O. Souh' Day" aund"Mace,'' iere giveni bty -'Itr. ease is i u aaner O especially' tieasi"g.'Thse'tifollowsed Wilt Teacih IliiiMethodh of thu c hocetstnumbettr uof thue ro'grats, ''Io hiretty Rsme,''byMiss Gosh- IMPROVING si-it andsh'Mr. Spuinug; of cituirse it wvas ecorced.l Ihue last selectioni, "GodhNiughtBeloves,'' was rest- T cervilhi y th(uairtette.- (aeit I -VtuiIrsd sutsacilita sstsetinug Acquuietment oh iersp enjoy abules vsuugs, wishlle'thus h21oiivhcuti1'Fiuue lesseuti. lieauttifuul andins struictiv-e cde'art- -I ntuslof thus.Nit Loant shuouldsh re- d"ICKT IT ceiv muaunsandsilisngtlsy sisits. -- Thec resuit sif the U. of \M-Irani- '' ~ >~-'4 iltous 'taue 'vsl1 he receivedclbhithyeXiT Is:si vs LOvK Its~ an bu it1tllestinuedhat itts0offic ou ToIsbesconutiueduTc Ihusday s itt Mit sts, aund at Sheller's onusState M~ondcays following. street. FEE FOR THE COURS E $2.0-0.