TIME TABLE, 1012 Nt ' l I K aG li tn St. Il' iN=.1: 11' to , I 'W' 2 1 B.F. CLARK, Manager I 0111111t1p , 15 1,12'',' 17111 r 3117''v iolsi. 1ltIl. aeA R O ,fo ' m 11 Hose, at1. HATNL m,, TA ND 0;(i 1.,0:)10, .5, : I5 1. --t PUI he Iarsn11. Wsh e il," AsIc 1he 9.." "Ox112frdn"on"unarvailrdl' TOILET -_SOAPS 11]1AN A.' l l12 1.: .12 : OGG*EPT [ Th-- Y T1 111' A111 lk, i p. 1h5l I ol it2. - 1() t v j tI Sli"/J + - 1i1 P1 20'so 111.',111 . ftea lI1drE lrcw~ TeacersCo-peraiveAss ti7;'C'l 71 Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New IN STrouserings. GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES 7 inichi Pearl 5Wite PlSates - - - - 33 ('t2. per set 7 11nch Adanine Ch~l ina 11 Pa151tes - - - 4102 11.21'rset 7 11n11 12emi-polrcelain, Ilolte's Plates - - 45Sets. 111112set 1P211121White 114554 'Teas----- - - ----8cts. per set AdamantIIIinef115II '11112eas - - 'N5) e1s. per set Bloote's Semi-porcelain11 1145'1211s2- - -75 c12. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & Co. THE CAMPUS, Ya1l11will 1P 'la rown on011Ma15 3o. 22o'.1lt 111s11 A s-Ev'e"y and11 to-dSay Sr Sr ( llristo1iher1 hsr 12 122 II 1 ,11 fis5 o o a tt II . h ic s . 11 I l tt The :M nsres il, r'la r'ive a-ain in 1A 1 A 11 11 1221f11i. 1211111~i 1c 1111,l 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN\ AR, B0i~, - - - MS1cII. SPuRTJNG " A HLEJ17J GOODS. 11m r .22IInd 21 11121 111 11 5 1111 A Full and Complete lne 1112c kt. ktS h12 nde1112 s1,5112sie ll', tBase Ball21211 lsk.2,ans s e111s, 111121 Slt l 111 22' ' ("1lovsill I Protec 1. 1 -, 11 11'-''II J 111'S21 221 R11 21121211 1). Il. ltal o tl i iti 1 111111 The 111A lm Arbor4I711010 22nf11 tr1111 tlly Ill'd11it w1 i c 111112, 111201112 ttlatter121sAto1111)112 to1)e1taken11b11112Manage2.r'SkilI, il 12 111 ill accoilt 11fltheI 11111112 711211 Tr1inity defea1ted Yalon 0M(onday 1 to 7 1Figt 1r1n1s102er2e2m1011off 221 111111 llthe''Yal022i112he11212 1h1 112on 11n11212C11112w11212h111112 1112nd1si1111121s11121111ad 111e 1) te o.'r(-, 12121,Saturday'orml"I"2.11 Thirough1th(1212211rosill22ty 11rof tll11"4' 11222 2111 12 ore1)i1211,1th0 lbsay1o0112 el11 5 14 21101122111 '1112ns of41a'rl1 11talilitture larg- buIild'a2gymnas22m212111. sp1i2. 1112 11212ing1wil1l contain'1a0121g1 swimmng tnk, nd wll open t1 'all st2222111.2 122 2111 1112'h College of 1111 1,111 20d Su1g1on 1111111be1n21or 10a11y12acce1p111111y1C1l- un11a' trustees a111s2,1a11part2 of thelS ui vest sys2111111 11 tem. 111112,Ex 1. 1 ic 'n01111m11si 21112 111112, WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ,MSIIN2'TREE'I, Special1 a112e1111on11212 1to2repairing12Watches and1 .Jewlry12'. _ N. W. BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMWES, A N 0 ART GOODS. 111 WestIHuron St. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufacturer1222of21and1d1ealer 1n SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER J. HALLER 0. M. IARTIN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic J. A.PULHEMUS, RINSEY & SEAEOLT, 11111,11 11and dealers 22inI Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, n.ADIV-S.i' and I;:\i Nn',s,I3(lI2S' S2111111, N112 stll1be preprared 11211to 1211" 111211 111l11hat1is 1112' a1111desirable111'ill 1'NSI111S'-FOR11 11,4 1111. 1,0001 111122.i111112.c111112.a7C1o1s, ytitl' l) ps, BatseBs,111122'71t, sk, Body 1121111 1tec111s, 1111'c12ers' -Mits, 11a1wn11',111 s 122pp2111,112c.111e1e.,1asil~llormer110111 olls111111w'ill efy competiti111112,11111('are 11111112, d2 3', s1 \'11 e 11 I\\.are1t11 1.2 A.periorSalyNof &u Roa s.,''li estem e li1toStrn1il ra cal 12111)ol fuIdc, 11121tI2.x12 1 14 ad toh, sparring 13 120and111 a a11111n11112 ov 210 000. 1 ,111110211i ih1 1 0.ccken1'2.