THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'J(. of 1za. xd . the o'tlleue y Bai, THE U. GE M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION .=ie aas tlci - .t t oot IIie s tan ltp : to M ', ,I stlll tor iha.l-o h ediors. c'l kt.N.fTH ii'. of cH toDAaILYi hetu Ann Arbor, SMith. EDITORS. ( I.. C t °t o ''._ s it lla t ,, 0 lt.. C. W. tw iP -s '4 l ss.ltaiis iuit 1 . lI i, ': .It t It 1~, tihe formner knocked tout one homeo run, a three-b~aggter, fottr dottitis, anti several sintales from Wtootitoctk'1 letan at iita dTrnt. thr last' It tt tI Iffi . ea h nit utetli 121 -('S(Is '(0 1 01 a 'I 1. 1Cii l e Iaa cl l t t a tiosttlass oI ac I oi~~ )t has w(,tt',1, ttI had Ort bat Dli itrstf h _llv riy 2r tt1-%$ n XJI1nY 25 021V7 U ° TENNIS + RACK I ETSI Iv)IW44 d-4. " - .N_."" r ra ; arrsong rraa' a'na rxaaaaaaa. r a aY ga / _ - ' - '. ;i ., , '/ . ~Ti~~TI>T U 0 STlTE-0tB i T. ..: .._ The Adonis, M inerva ~ ~ 1-O'/~/and Helios ___ ~jiqe ; Shirts, 0L LCG c. COLLARS AND CUFFS. 13U r ile 't tI }C'i, I's that it Pas,, It o atlittt sl"'to W t1tY1V t ttals t 001 0 cI I~l t l I tore t'ili c II atn a ceast fiftee t t pc v i Chiclagoat (1tlc pc toale thte Astooc a oiseli O fromttht art. All1110 alnn e, sti dtionad ttt i hee rcno tc thte stdets cant ett to thineill tdofull tist1icc reuttiothat titoslttrec1e1ed tr kiownstfIi the st ottcrt WIre matnslot t ; 'tb 11 the r lts ii1 my tIlt h pitcilers are assigntedi. Iale i .Aso;- O'SINEStS LOC~ALS.5 - ;\ i ic" ', ti;:t t 't i tl i t ' t t t t ;t t ittlol o +, tt te tiit tt 0 S~t3t llaittiittlit. c fa t ot t cl l'p~ot t W ttrtte It11Ort a otn111sc lt lel Ottels it l 0 11 i 'e w lltgve tvlt a et o . AheeCi bsinssirgi. 'Ceour toitot 0 et or piJce. egurate ri obt- ? LIP lJGL A: 773si M CO,.,\ jgY)___I TERCEI3SfIREINTRLACE OSCOl VCEy N070 i~t~t~tS S Chsc G,'p GrAndHOERARaITOUE atra EseMTO SH OOL-. BALBRIGGAN %%-'L. FU .GT OL]", R 12 o. 'AlP : 'I ANN 0AI Ilttt Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. 'teTable going Into effect, Mondtay, tolb-, a niste I251 AAE" p)'adM d..... ,II I' , Mt. blei ngtllooslng lll.... reno.... ted . t.t P e-fnlS ll xpeds.... We......IlId°5 beI plasted toi see....all..old...patrons p Io Mfl. P1M n. No ln,1: C1 OPr opre b~rotwntiepentds alnmost entirely u1pon1111mutfuwit e furnilidolei requelttst itor 1 - ( it pthenonmenal ieft-handied pitchler, (ommen-emlenlt Invittions.(Class-Day CLaFIOC Li ,LT A. Programnmes, Iraternlity Istationlery, Woodcock, whio it is taid, has re- MenutIand111G(est Cartds for Bianquets 113ttltttelaig supotr to Robtert itoning) ceived offers fronotile Boston leagule antiCilb DinnlersPollce Programomes, an1111otier kintis of eollege work. ]NlTHAT' nmanagement. Ohur boys have a firsi- Ou~r stationery io always notable for class record as Ihitters, and they its handsome engrtaving, corract form, = =__%'T ,Y atnd moderate prices. may surprise Brown. That Wood- "THEAT R. cc isntivnilissonb A.C c L R &(,C ,TEthe recent Yale-Brown game, when CHICAGO. Furthur Announcement Later.