THE U. OF M1. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS. Yoo are nI l lh o11intrt ed ll( the oalm,' o re 10 ,11 We VOliao madele 101 1 Slc altn110, Siv'o11 o ld cu tll and l - wa'' 00 we ~~5,0 Vi~ i''V 1'laO olliW \''l ' I 11. No~l1'1(' 1,1 Ci1 Old Ut. of ..Should have a University of Michigan Guitar. lPrices''o owetOO''. t .l Ii ,I I . St . o'aor o I i t i eac 1111101100IL " .lre cboot 0,11001 /11+, 'ol faler for a tlooanee 1im . 1T11,,0 ;wlo B~w n ad N1110.1 $l1arl;1it AnnT. Abo .SavnBn , 0T111 treasurer1of 'g110wi4l01e 0eally 00100+1depaotment01111'II. WaVker 00ll 100000 SW1to ecev111111lss ax 1o1ten 111 0010,0000+00010and iMiss0+100110.FITSfenfro mi+ i'medical,- __ _o _t tarTsEatMPtheW Se a('.10 otiiceYHII every1 Al'1of00cation. (Officers:0 NV. 1D. 00 0100+10+, bice P10 01+ CHAS, . .000+ K, a0 he0 --4T HE A RG US- i INz J013 £ IVNI N AT LOW P1RI1ES. J. E. IHarkins handlles all kinds of hunting antI fishiog outfits, re- frigerators, freezers, 00,re0n doos, gasoline stoves, etc.,+ 28 IE.lHuroo. 11he2 'arsity defeaed '9;yester- Hlarvard's c~ollectiono of meteorites is valuedl at $i ,5c,ooo.-LEi. Ediwardl Everett Hle suggests thlat thlere shlould be professors of America in our larger Uoiversities. Hlarvard defeated Univ. of Voer- Th11 1 aa L. :. Gi 1O alt. 10 f 011n1ia, mlorningani eig 1( lo1., .M1aI24t1h, in Unliversit ve11n0111. 0511Saturd~ay eveninlg, Ma1y 30111, 111eyooog 1pe01)1e of the 1110011 will give a social io tlhe church1 parlors. NoiZCFo: All men woho expect to try for next year's foot-ball team most hland in their names at once. Every candidate most be on the campu~s every afternoon to practice with the squad. IH. F.VanDeventer, manager. 11l1141) 1 IlU IUULU.II iU Millinery and Art Goods. FINE JOB PRINTING. It is our alsm o please. Samnifueion Guarateed REGISTER CFICE, CFFCSITE COOK IHOUS I have for sale a lasw libroary of 523 mont, last week, 10 to a. The U. 'volumes, reports andl texts, ollee fix- tures and business. I shall sell cheap, of 91. playsVemntescd Good opportunity. game. E. IRANDALL, Atty. Sandlwieh, Ills. Mfinstrels, to-night.