THE U. OF M. DAILY. CLOTHING HOUSE, 171, 73, 15 Woodw adAvenue CtIt is the Iatest ml n l y. + le "5 CLOT 111CINGld" l MVi' I SII( ,tit' k 10P f ee NOBLE'S Wind.owDisplay. ~Y L4I~h No t La H~ V4 10Black Shirts, Black Uniderwear, Bi k Neccl wear, Bick NEWT BOOK SORE Handkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Susop~ei> ,BI lk 'Black Mastics; Black Studs, Black Buttons. THE B1LACK CRAE UNIVERSIT'Y nsx'r-nulOKS, S T O -G.H.-ILD 111 3< l nei11 {it. Lc h B s oh Is sliotiig tI lie Largest Stock o' Fall lDress Suil ill the mari et1(. AlJlosne 1 i Stnl~l5 ldellts, Note looks and fads.,iDraft-' All the latest shades and1noeltisiii Il Ionseriligs ad Conipl(,te L"ine of Sporting Goods. ing lustrnIents. Ovsercoatiiigs. Fine Vests ean lie lhalof La rge StoIck of Fountlailens. A Warranited Fo'iilltlaill Peui (Gold) for $1.50. No. 2 B. Washington St, near Main. G.H WILD. GH.JMS SAFR, FINE JOB PRINTNG. T -THE AROUS,- FJ3 -IITL2 PILCiO07 . JM SMSAFOR, Iti s our aim Io pleas. 5515 tiaton itaned I Ii7JO l F RI N I REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. AT LOW PRICES. AN A0 SVNG At mALR ''IIO TR HE LARGEST STOCK,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~AILR ~GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICESt WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, O LiITS.iMANTtIIte best place to get a iiLAP, ill this city. Yoll will save money by bu~yinlg of no. Ouir S >ecial attentlion pild to repa~iig Watches t iREl) STi'll "OtL tils-n10 equal0, bulrns without odor, or ctiarrilig of wick and11 gives a clear white tight. M .BAE ro T-m,15sIIXCTUR'a.ES, FRA/MIS, A -_jD fIRZ + iItJ-kAj }. Sold8111at 10 cenits telrgallonl, delivered to any tact of tile eity.ARGOD. PwIlrl i 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAPN & cO.- ____ MADE TO ORDER _________ FERDON LUMBER YARD, THE CMPUS. foot-ba~ll calptainl will be olected, i AGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Pr11111nddefinite aIcr eenls will be Cor. 501i111 an11Dleot Sts. LATEST STYLES Prf uildsoll, after tiring t( ___ __ cul 1 110 11 o tc ~iIOW nlide fo~r -the lireshlnlail-Sophlo- -I" I-ALLER * I ~~ Inlore rash. ~.- of.. N. A. Phillips, Law-, "(11. reSi- IReeoirin-s _I ollecrialty. -_ ollouWho have oe,11 11inlenice 0. M .MARTIN, MODERATE PRICES.'5w111 this ilog, Ip~lse take ihintcdealt of Webster Society, Was IDEALEE IN Ol~~t'. calledI to his 110111 at Nkewcalstle, Cloth Caskets, Metallic 19 OUH MINST, Tio sI~lO~loe el~) 1 binPa by telegratlI, Satnurday, andlci Alt COMMON COIFFINS. 1I- 0)10 b 10afx ol RINSEY & SEABOLT, can~vassed1 to see whlat oinonB111 wllbegon afeIwelakers and Seaters in ANN ARBORI, - - - MICII. r av"tis 10to tl diaiiyo Next Fidcay evenling, at u o'clck Groceries, Provision sFour and Feed, previls he dvisbilty o iland S E. WaoIhiIluon S.51 having a1 rushl. D. B.) (hoover, 31, xiii tell -- JOHN WOTZKE, thle LEnlrlaeeris hw Al Si MnMler oflfine At 111st Ce Cings examI~inlationbw''hn11 I.ADXIES' and GIENTtvS'SHOES. for te Gle Clu, txolltx Ic rAlbor Electr ic IRailwaty Was Conl- IRepaliring neatly donle. 431S. Main St. for he lleir voCes Stlmiare students hd hi ocstested. t Uce~. RANGER'S 10oever. 110 definite choice cottld 111)1 Otis C. Jolins5on returnied _' ACADEMY OF DANCING,-+- Wteellit10 otil ais boeImadel. A bus1iness5lieetiII~r of fromll I urope Saturday. O1'. sitJIaN -Building. K31( (1110 thestIgo 11 clnb wats held lafter the " L ilch1,')"?, is lit llrsenlt l0t 1111, lowestexam~lination, 1111d1 William Rl Assistanit City 1Ilgilleer of 1Yala- IIl 0ill 1 N I be r iceived at any it l I I Pries R111s13, 90 lW ll)(lj1:1 ila'.oo. Ile will returcnito college'il " ;clenNlSelco 0 after Thi-lriksgixmng. Throuh Vestibuled an~d Colonist £1415 - aseete 2aI 1 SeprsBtee hcaoad1 agcyof the (lice Cluib. t illirst oilfolItilllll Tor ,Ws.anEnt LMII~ J 1)del x- ll e ldoill the i ptI Tie 1isa nJaild(Cel i u 111Noiar II. N. P1101 011W ftl u-lhls~1 tlolgI ' llaleo las o '921 istakinlg 11businless Lll-g 11 lcllWs. n F 1 CT T lre ' te Poille1sle Illisi- It is lrluiored 11111 11 11w Illedl- oti l',clnld'>1 CI.ei TI le l'ti1 t Iil k iln EcoLVILars00~ e a heI s ei -cl lw llwill 5s)o)11be 110talePaciic .Ilprss; lI~ves thle HesCollege. CI faec~~ trtd uld Central 1'asoellgcr Stationl, at TU'IE POPULARI DRixCoons ANDICAll- PET STOIE. 20 ASOUTH XMAPIN. At 11001 to-daly, 2,261 students have been enr-olled. It seemns that tile IFreshmenO are determnined to have a rush. A meeting lhts been announced for next Saturday afternoon, when a J . Kx. Freitag, x1ho at present tile corner of Fifmtl Avenuel 1 l Htarrisonl Street, at t10:4.5 P. M. (laity. is witih a promline~nt civil enineer For tickets, berths inl Poulanl or Co~l- beonist Sleepers, etc., apllpy to GEO. iK. in Chicago, expects soon to beTuromsost, City Passeniger anld Ticket identified withlthtie archlitectural Agenlt, 2015 Clark Street, or to IF. J. engagedEDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand comas to be 011ge o work for Central Passenger Station, corner Fifth tile' W rdsFi"Bidns Avenue and Hlarrison Street, Chicago 'Worls Far" Bildigs. l.