'91.-IF V ('ilQ 4:,~ 9)111 TIME TABLE. l 1 0) x 5115, II .:- OH4 1111 .~l1 .4N N 411 tot11 .:;0 157 171') F. F. CLA~RK, Manage at 411111, 0, :.11 11154, 1 II c' l fAll' A 3(11(4' ,N D, 11411141 . 17:11 ;.l41114.5 5 1, 5' 11i~5 alilp.111 ,111 I 1B114 5.1 1iet's t11at1have1 1e1en1111-otgll.51114' 1 11 ' 1111w Arlm~r .amt (rivet)1 cr1771 55117,1511 Ion. Vim "Ashby Special,"' "Ashby,' '1oxlbrd," "Harvard.' :111.:\11I(, N .:1,1s 'lT1 (AUThT2i' cT. p(L Iilalf lts, 1111e st1 m-11: 1 1-'v1111 11. 11117I>7ll'l:: ~ .LIOLE .IOA~CO.,ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. Teachers Co-Operative Aswid-10ion, &4CA . Established in 1 884. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Teacher', .44, are ambitious for advancement rather than those withoult 1.105111)- 1''111 KIII«IDlii nlI cBllCoIS .H ID No. 2 E. Washington St 1 near Main. G. H. WILD. HIGH CJLAS$ CORRECT:-:STYLES GREATEST VARIETYc LOWEST PRICES 7 1inch1 Pearl White Plates - -51-3: cts. peft set 7 ich semi-p~orcelainl, Ileote's Pltes - 8tts. per' s71 1Pearl White II'III'II'leas - S- - e3 ts. per set AdamI~antine 111(11 T~i'es - -1)- 0ets. per set Boote'7s elii'porcelain cll (1 Teas -j-I- i75ets. per sf1. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & GO. Spring Suitings) AN )l Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. ( Colorings New 1 I N ~.Trouserings. think \ c1111i1)11 s11an 19 SOUTH (lIAIN ST.. AN ARd 1101, - - - NTsIIt. SPORTING 1AHLET7IC GOODS. A Full and Complete Line ('heviot Sh111ts, 1(14107all ans, "'7111117 Rac4Ikefs, 1h1icket Hanld~ls, B111sfeBalls, 111sfe111111Masks. Canvass Ilelts, Shoe Pla1t1's, 111151117(ilaves, Boldy Protec- lors, Suspensories17, Score Books, Base (Clubls,001111,Bells, Sweraters, Jtiseys, (atcher's Mitts, e'tc. etc. Dlont buy 1111il1 9151have seen1)1ourltassortmenf~t. 13 tUiILEIfGI & JOLLY 265. STAE ST5., .AG 7Tc7W8FOl1 J.AME S VWBRINEj CAMBRoioIDG, MA.'s OJVCall for Catalogse sa see samples of Mackintoshles. ICE CREAM1 AND SODA WAT'Et. THE CAMPUS. 1)11)sscv llc'"1 s70111a174'w41171this The I 111)111l oldits Iannul1 electo of175 offc11111' at 711). 1., lIl1(I1154141114'ndseve 11-t1 seat 11 t11 "ir'' 711 111417714'W777 sold ~ efor six 'ocklist 7471111:g. 1)1:7111.1thisS week '411(1n1771 111 Col11 lcge1, 941 1, D1ck111n 1, 9r (1171171 71 1 1',lo, Ielgl 9,5 timeSs a slay' d11ri1ng t ts 477k.. 11174 re1177 rmiedto7111 give:31 7a firstI clas1performancelI' 1n1 Thursday14'eve71 11ng. '1117sc7117in11t1117 141N177117 (or- 11711 3game7 47s57 11) 3 .a1the 711)1of (117 7111111 inni111. "14ve tuls 47777 sco'd 71y1Ciorniell 1in the 1nint11, RicIh making a 411777 bagger whlen 4117 bases 47777 full. Th~roughl 411 courtesy of Mr. Ch1arl1es T. Shetterly, thle prop~rietor of thle Opera House barber shlop, the nmem~bers of thle U. of As.L Min- strel troupse arc offered the use of 1114 rooms after thle performance. (On last Satu~rday afternosonl SMrs, W9. A. C'anmpbell andl SIrs. 1. N. Mri netie bu it .o 711. girls. M1rs. 'Triiebioord readl 11r dlramalstization o f Daniel IDrronlla 11:11'e1wirld's171air a141i.11 114,11 ('11174g11Plsts sa}-s:1117e1111111)14 14 senlt 41) \\llcsle\ fr siatre5 1.117 sa 117714i41e14711 bout41:111r11177hund~red asks 111a41t1117x7711111n1b111 lo71sed1 oil IThe c 11i1177 1114niarranlgementl s 11)7 1117 freshm~.4anlanquet ha1s 11771 s11ar7i1g 1401pain1s 1tolmakle 1117baln- 111171a1s5111775, aan en14cljoyale 111117i1s expec'ted. A'94. M11711se- 4171113 tickets 7ca14 purchlase 114711 roml any member1177of 4117 conmmittee. .911 freshmeln 41104111 701147and mIlake thlis 1117 m11041enjoyable occurrene17, socrially,111a411occurs 111171113thle college cour1se. 11.4744711 171f714711 9ale o1)er- whlmllingly i14 thsetdual contest i1n track ath~letics 014 Satnrday. liar- vard 47011S5311011115to a27 p0o1n15for Yale. She1r7711, Pale, 47140 was look- ed1 411)11 as a sore winner in tbe 100 yartds, weas defeated by tHawvkes, Harvard, by six inches. Finlay, of itarvard thlrew the hlammler soS feet 5 inches, beating the inter-collegiate record by 12 feet. 3-USIITES3 DPECI O3Y. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 141 MAIN STRIEET, Spca rteto aid 1to replairingf 44atsli I'dlwl 'ry'________________ M. W. BLAKE, vi'CTI'RSS, I"RAM1IJls, AN ART GOODS. 140Nest Huronlst FERDON LUMBER YARD, ManufIIacturesr Ill an1d1d1e11er in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER i'll.1Fo1urt111a111D1)1151St1. J.HALLER 0. N. MARTIN, DII4.IIIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic J. A. POLHEM US, .A1.S1) 'II'S 11411K.4A11 Il.41G1).411Iti I'sE RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bkran elesinl Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed1 JOHN WOTZKE, Dts cr 7 ti11 I.AD)IESi'