THE U. OF M. DAILY. P~ TI ublisetDaIisly (Sundays excepted)I during the College yeat, by HE U. OF MW INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Wt.- arceillurrl tht tthe Athi- letic As'socainhsrferredl the quetion f bcyceIrcesin h spri spNttote .. f1. tics ce Clu.iIt t t 'I 1) -will ensu e e -j tries, tieAtlti sscationlswill offer meal1 ad c l l herices ini the ofcl lstof ivns.'T'here are' somusi ivcs nte t'nIi- versity (11111 theican 5iilamoe inl)Oils hut thiemiselvs csifthey hte noi chansc to)1c11mpete o i eliera. 'Dit-m.'.iresbtisftour ure sclassess to take adva ntag1e if iMr. 'cuirtilir tdicse in athletic traiinl. Thle spsring sporis isitliecuir next Satsur- (li ek.-cIc Tie prosp~ects are that they iwitis e thefis t gameiss user Iheliltcit tse t'. if Nt. 'T'sere are a Ifereel bekes ic e Issver- stv ainal wc 1151 expect ou r tDlisl recocrdls to e eteed r. lur- be p1i-esritl i- Ice cr- s~ v 'Ila g ln rc nl miale scm urs to t c sideicis in Isis secto fAlacc (osii- tutionsal Itistun iof lie 1lend wcisshi wie thtink siioul prdutie goodslcftecuts if stronll- It phs iizecilli iotlerI iietmhers if tiefcuiilty. iI is re- niarks li eloirid the lac k if force aud interest iianifesteid lit'the sill- lunts in the reatiing it their esters and e C5sciatlls theseir ihatbit oferaid readiing;, th l ilel it t Iics c f o weordls, anther iisg f -dito- ghether so tatth cbares isare t roiibledl toi uiclcitn oitwa they arc. T llwhIt havecci serve the reaig ) sas ntet o Mt.,swe t i k i rt i cm cvi - heir Jssi s tmyseit adi iti. ''cge ttotae a cpresseilyPof I I~tgli ei tio lie ill tics list tshit t.o . ileicis lestpis e srii-lus 1 bae1 all tingcis c-Ise, andci avesis ie(ic imatters tol the iothisr extremtce. NI e presumeitishact the latter ecfits-lhccs ri-- slteit becauise the preofessors are sltoti criticise thesefects of thieir tudeints, but st-u thiniikthat stelI- mieant criticism ties-er ciimes eliist, actdsian)-times ities ca teal of grind. 'Iiirt anncouncemient that the teost- ecunting attorneys of the counity oif Wstttenat s tidiecitedtto idrop the D eninisiin ease aniil make no further attemtitilto detecttie tmuitderers,; i wrill tic re(ieitwith great indigna- tioni liythe stiiients unitlit-all ithtiers swhoi swishtioicsee justice (tone anud thcs cut-viindicatei.Th-'~e reaisons giseni iy tht eirseictinhg attorncey for enctering a C isc//i/15 isi are seeys sweaikan insficlienst. lTce saifets ccof the sticdents aniithec' treservaioni it irdler- iiitice ctyilietiididthet the gulii erson1 oricerstic-etc { lie lirucghIt ito diuse.-theeatse si--s nciii aiittiscclitsir conitlic ateid tusde cmbsineidtiwitshirdiniary-aility wtocluli aciiccteu thcs'timiriderer cmig eor hi.Thecacestes docikeieilflicea ris ccc the Matci srisc ctitcias tpssttponesilto the list iof tiecerm an ino iitisitfialdis c ifnuead i N airsss dieb ciii cais tioilml) C tteucrsecitcisl attoresy -"sreson~s. ITieticeknsess if Isis ar-icu-ut is reails seen frocmi this sampitle. "I lemsc atv selbeeii struck he ainyocne if thes cittics -scargodin lthis s ie, aid it tIs y have- ei i by simne swhoicse namec thcere s a prc P ilits thcaci 'lie tics pices chrrd.ihniti h tlsccctl caiio ticts utco ifti thiink thccit tcs cclinin ctihe-cit-icr ccc bocthi side s wouicldc aet elmr etfctua liy eradlicated if tics troit ecuitingc cttorey hatrci ed thlie icisc ui itteithierisacittiltoic onicltionl rescilteit.-Ascit is, thle fcetincithls cecnilnutensitiedt. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ourcci-ade oin iti ct Nmusstsstiii hai -s---l-tisexee ci lls 'tWe iais siililth1cct(dust Iille ttgiodsill iithis i-itsy- 'Now i i tcii tll(, ticd lc e ic- i si- suit cu~v-cuie stiltlit ciigiveouacetnitit. Thereic-is hlsinicincc thIis. tes ur i olir ic (c triiss i-llici t ioctnyinitthe-citIs ac ccc i tYl~ icc- . _._- i-o. cicu ttiAvns -ue 'GREAT $TATioflcRY ALE. i WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS (Offer flee tons of tpatier of alt kinits to tie solit by the pcound at regutar Mitt ratcs. 'PT-yotir CeoneInmterial Linen at 2.5 cencts tier pundi.- Boncthatter, Tthesis, and 'Typesweiter tPatier at Great Btargalins. Envelotpes to mnatchI all titers at greatly rettuceit rates. S~~~IA6zT;&C0, JTI TZRW'TY BC=s. ZEWN A~S' T- _ OLLCCC, 0ti t~tI UF CFM. BUTTON., The Adonis, Minerva and Helios Negligee Shirts, COLLARS AND CUFFS. BALBRIGGAN LNZER JE/'J it c s. tO c., .etc \ iuilt. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going into effect, 'Monday-, Fbi., 20 Mct. iPleasacntiPascengcer - a..... ti-..5 t1.1 tci-i--ti C OI - - - ittc p. tO Mt Plas n Ex--s it... .... .II :?.a a. 1n.i QK 1jOU~ i NliEiI. -iEW itt N t' Tit i, Is tengtugUorotugtcts-renovsated atid re-nttislhed.A\e shltd he tileaseiltic sees alt otit patronts of Al.A .Nowlin, Proprietor- A. C. /cCurg{ Co. _NtWIIO _ CHIO.A12IV.,P- R- __ST._ 3~~? - S-- Grand Opera fboupe 71 -L'GLA ELS 'hrsd1ay Eve., -May, 21 st. Spe itlictigiticit iesigncs with 1sti _ ('icitiret'ttut'tut Iniittatiits. C lctc-tav lt's - P'roigrattmtet 's t rt ettity Sitistieta - Aleti atndl(utistUCtards fiit Ihttinits adCu inrD nePo ramms= atni silt llithersittis tftcollege workc. Outt ststtititers is sttwasrInoitetab e 'riToSENT'sEI'IVlINEIt ST.I Its htatnusornte engtrtavingcirectt fiittm, .3:3ttefottters atttdiant o tichetaoftVtiusicin a d m d rt prcs50A . C. M cC L U R G & CO,, i t'sRii CHICAGO. 'E5'AT ST ELRS