AL of AT. Wai Vol'. I.-ti o. li ). UN\IVEI;SITY OIL MICIIIGAN, TL ESD A, \AY 1,,, 18911. DENNISON NOT AVENGED. The Prosecuting Attorney will not Prosecute. dlhberation or twitht criminal intent. 6. Untier such circunmstanices a Convictiont if any onie of the (deer-j The Seniors' [lie freshmen litsv by the senior lits ye: Prosecutings toriv littinononthsitrrr oureisas coiicicteid it wciuld behriste tosottefi y'esiertlas-esnteredl a n)1, l' i sor asIt o .' like lyto lie soiie ine who w scrsas1to . the case againist Sheilon I.ICraiimersisle -a la-ernsisissh Aslopit lain sI Ikit iisimpily lresesitas the iptrty uwlii AdophCltzlFre C Fot Ailstrissk the fatal iblowc. tr us 1 thtec-scere tnt timlely-. liamit nduterIFred Paisosts lls bea hoesl risetiiiio ter0 eanei lysonise runIt wiortlh'I hostsisanis IEdtsatrii loici iitli n i lcsscte rros tat critical son, chargedIissiswith stiirdler 01fiiosno sine swhot ldeeism s 'agnrlIm. Thle gatme sca4 Irving 8. IDlnnison.IIis reaisons ecodtkn h arc gicen i ~ii iiprosecutioni iiofi 1all li i penedltoi cocltaie h fr ie en is the fol loswiiigipaiperlie ioutoin the right sit Novemeriiiirof the liandis of thep fldwhen lie askedlecare t;)S cuter 5ii~u advcisable. ktnoss the iois, relit the ni/I' r .u lti .I nosfaheto sr th ~ ue 'Varsit eatrus In hiscase sesie ts isbss twhiat beneficial result costlil fillowicath yeilittg ands strut the followisng amnoithser reasosns further prsiseciutiont inithismsttelr ITle scoire isas: for lease to enter a isi//c rs's iiiit andi I can see that it iiit sl o stucshr sis this cause. harm It nust be apparcnt toisall I. Whlile there is sosme cosslict inihtteitrssoforctznin ron ,is _ . the testimony, I tiisk the fair tie- thaeti sitresisufturrthaseasisisiCoitusd, s s---5 1i0 duction fros thse esidesnce is that hep__.___4. siore or Iris tdepestresnt tipontheii Wikinsonite..__..., a 5 nseitiser the miilitary sor the stis- stsraiTtareusslfrctll cAslr , r.5 5 5_ dents were solely In blanse or est- latiosts shsossid be csultiivatedl by all. listn3)----- tirely fcce front blasesicnssthe msatter, S.aIdytile I ant-is-lust.Intli1 S. While I am5t- perecly wligt Win. were dlefeatedl stertlay after- rounds. Tue [lie freshssmen (i f lilts bit The sessiosi lie '94's smak- pinsts (if the .s a nisysisse, pliters. V/il- iaiie batismans Stuccussbeidltoi Ckout oice. tt. i 3 i l I is. 1 l 1 l ., } q I 0 U P.O. 1 .r 0 4 t .y 4 l! . A. u .> .> u i U 0 0 U y tissue clear that thisutnsscalledl for afsray wioulsd sot tave occusrresiex- celpt for the reasosn thast somsie feel- isng existeil at the timeitelitwseet the{ execuivie olficercs of the ci itisi the studesnts. As tio iho wsatits fauti for tse exisitnce of sucs feelisg. it is snitmsitu its- snsr sicsire tisdeiel ands it is snitmstetiril ini setermins- in ht ip siinshosldsitihle fmadei of this cisc. 2.So fatr-is I 1knot, thirc is aso- lurely e vdes-snice teislisi to Mun- tify the iiersnswhiisstrusck.Irvilig J.- Dlenis oss. IlIc stin liiier beent struck isy aimny tre01futceparties charged its this cisc, astd it stin lint-cbeess souse sonewssoe stasis1 lint not beets mtentionetd at all. 3. The esislensce at the iuse!- whlichs stas exhsaustive, sismply slhos that the lparties defendasntswere act- isng withs Co. A, onthtim sighit the lamnstcnable affair occisrredl, ands all subseqluent istvestigations sevelopsed1 notlhistg addsitioisal.- 4. It is een liritbhi that the piarty whlo struck thte unsfortusnate blow dties riot knsow'thte fact sits- pirosecute this rate if the other offi- cccs if this court hare opsinios whiicisdoInttcoisncidsest-itsits-ns atnd tinisk that this is a caseto tibu lbrousgistin the attesitions of the jury. ist) thteis-Isse I liste decidled, if the icisrt still granst ss lease, tis cnter a in!!,c US' nlo/Iscreisn. :11. - Pri IA, ~ost.ity. Dr. Picks Lecture. Tlie smuchistalkediof D1. iclik 'gaie Is first lectisre last ci-enint'ill tiickel's Ihasll. Thie apiiicsationof Isis psristcipiles to remtesmberssng te gendlers of Fresncht soissstofi- self tehlstorthi the cost sif admssissions. Te stissesit is totinsstrusctedllt cc- smenmber sosmetiisg else, the sys- test is vecry natural assi sampile. Recollectioss dependis s upnistresngth of inmpressionss asid the aidis if this ace ( s)cosicenstsratiosn Onl a fewt thought s at a timest(z) compsiarimons ptrecesdisigfromsthe knownrsiita ibasis. Tise exceptionts to -t ransuatical rusle arc learstedfosrt extatmplie y sisik- isng of tthenisds it paisitis llet- fisit, fishiveec rof. IDewtey j35 >113 i N B.1 Wens- th situ - 55 U5 I it n l :3h-- .t U I S iel s ,-f- -- - - L ICs, Tsss 5 CENTSe. J5 AVN~i\Tthe expeiencdtofdol elege Mess st wto knoiirtndsiapprteciatte th f caesreftil scistists- sofCellegStu i- dlensts.haisiing sisirge icrs o1 skilled DesigntersstsdsIJesselets sptecially trasinsedifsicbatdg~e athsoler jest-lied scent. impoisrting ss «eodiectly froisi Ptaris, Ludonls and ttsl trdtam siur IDiamodsusii fitil sither preius Stosses,.Nice is-cia sipositionstoteplic- suctte usfissestilinisanit jewelled Sscie tisittiesiofsill kinstitwhiichs sit- manusiifatrdintshuissictr. Wright, Kay & Co. IMPORII, I .ii.X I 1 MAN hiiACI'hiI N 1 ELEiI-, Detroit, Mioh'in. Chap. Speller & . Uiversity Outfitters, .'Ql SiT-iSrTATE Si-. ODKPJS, B7ISE I3JiLui (l mnitit tsst ush nd th hlethi-cIGoods. j ENTLEMEN'S FUPRNISHING INi -.T IN THCIlTY55. ,EETHE PACE Suoie agensts it Annm.Arbor. q53A$. $PCLLCIR & O. XWill Teanhs iMtethodIof AndiaiirutastingXcqurnment of Issiots isnive se 5stsins. ti it, I'.( . A. 1 l 1 tE ;> } 4 :3 t ti 1 Cj 7 '' 1 U y j t 5 2-1 15 Esarnedilruins, us1, 1.lTeobase iti Shtiel. Thsre bass hitI'rench. Sitrksuit hue hiclis, 5isay1s tit hi Coddu, I.lBasie silt batlhsitbyIll is 5 Iy ihi,2. Hi lIiticd baillEmBtown, hacr. (Vilsi hitch, Iytsit.IIastii besih, XVikinsons, 4. 1Ltitiire e 'tIsil - S. L. A. Election. Thse Students'Lecrture ssoesa- ti un at Itseir nseelssu- Saturshay monsinsg, amuenssed the costittion so thsat I!!ssusents of tse U. of Xi - wh s ptoIurchase seasosn tickentlshrby becomse muenmbers of thet kssocition. They Iprovided alss Ins thereiectiont of three dlirectors at largesthso are to be smessbiers of uhc exscutive - -11, _ _11 i1_._ _1___.__ a.l.__a. I , , , r : ( llrtt rtl lf"fnat 7) AV Pl'1CC -Ir c roof- otl I -s-it, as ass the testiny shoess thuat siatesd if ansyone couldsigiuveussefulhcenmttees v.e ct . -itons ws it c the lparties terre engaged in a gen- hinists sin msemuorizing lDr. Puck is tile presidentr C. W. Sossilworiu, vic- NI K= -j = eral affray, isnwhichs niny blotssmnan. liI has taught the subject Ipresitdent, C. W'. Ricketts, corn. -oN were struck on botis sides; andtihunt for twro anud onse-ihalf years iss Amter- spioiding secretary; IX. H. Dellen Y . neither teas able to rccognize time ira asnd tihirhy years in England. bark, treasurer; J. I. Robertsi, l. T g y f9 assailant or assailed. ----f--.+.---- assistant treasurer; I-I. N. Goddard, AT 7:r cede S. 1 am satisfied that thueblowt Trainer Murpuhy will be on thue recording secretary; II. D. Jewell, Ton be continued Thsursdays and was struck under the excitenuent in- fair grounds this afternoon at 4 E. II. Gower, and C. C. Spencer, Mondays following. cident to the occasion and not wills o'clock. directors at large. FEE FOR THE COURSE $2.50.