s-~~-F i ~l7'M ~F)TT-2, TIME TAS7LF. I'clw t i ll W a(t I N l X it . , 3 1 I1 1 ) F~. F. CLA(RK, Manager 1 I, 1 III.11' IIA'I"'ANiI 111 fll 1AN15, (3101:. 5. 1 0,1.55 . i:,, ~ 10,i.50, p.in 10*2 11ich1111s1.s1 1W . lti 1t' sint1los it I ' 1119.5 and 1.22511rains 111 111111115 Neill 1stop The lAsisby Special'" Ashby," "Oxford," l"Harvard.' TOILET --SUPS \pf~ tuci fwilwwurotwfsheT >111121111i'. 1 I .I 111 1tLE. 11' { Thie .mollle >Soap1.Is it ( 111'11115 HOS l IJ JI.ULLJIL 1A I0 E- 1 1111 liet 5e11 f1i1 l '115.11121551 1 Cals 21111111der 1I~l 'l we 115111 11ll' elil l rl Ir lgist ;. Boardand Roms U to :14 p W4l - IZZIO~l AMOKj ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. Teachers Co-Operative Associa'dol CIA . Established in 5884. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Teaches". 320 arec ambitious for advancement rather than those withot ositi5ons.~l~ Is, -11'.s~i, sa 1>122 ls-11" 0'2 Ilets i -, aio X ec,111el t esss1 t 21ha5les2an11l II 25ltis n1T1oI s e11 in51512a1d 41 'SX iTA 21111 ST 1"vE T tat"ilI-A N S. Ovrc(is 511Nn setsllc'1m 1211 e5 1 11(1111 No. 2 E. Washsngton St, near Main. G. H. WILD. i HIGH CbAS$ CORRECT ::STYLES GREATEST VARI1ETY LOWEST PRICES 0 ;I I 5 EII EE IN IIE551CI TY. S111211PealWhsite Plates - - - - 313 ets. pser set 7i111211 .X allastile China Plates - - - 411ftc. 51ef set inch21 Semni-pcselains, Bootes Plates - - 15 e ts. per si-t Pearl Wsite ldlsI Teas - - - - :"S cts.- p1ffset adaanstine- I [sliM Teas - - - - 0 cs. 5pef set Bocetes Semii-poscelains 11 dl 11 Teass - - - 75 ets. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & Co. Spring Suitings Overcoatings. New 19 SUUTF ANN .>.Rlll, GO I11.52I'll J' I A Full and (11221st "21it 1't;](' Blase BllMskst Pltes, Ileximg{ tll Glove3si-nclI Cilbs, Dumb ll. d Ciiatsh1sfAlMtt s,4 lltil yosi have s JAMES CAlfI 172I all Ifor Catalog[ Mackintshles. ICE CREAM Ah -SN--THE CAMPUS. Silk Vestings, lProf1. Kelsey' fl.tur1121111on Saui- Colorings Alion won 1 fr1om21111 1121.1111Nol' IN 1111111onSaura, 1 6 to. Truerns Mr.sliali '1'IllS'9 l_ 1>3dc rc i 12711311 .1111 ,' 2 1 11res 1mantl - licl cla(s11w11l - - - lt 1. yellow ad 1th 11th 111112u. iS ' ,p y Co111.ge 11ames:X 111l21115a2, 1l.rt- O' 1DSL '1.1-1 atoni', has beencs'aled toth l> icl11 6(111erva1tory 'inl Californlia. 111e '1 1511I w11 i s aceptil. 1 122 12t51 1 ~~- ~ t~~theA. A. 11111211\Wednes7day evenin1g Complete Line eve1y :em.eIll e pesent.Y12121 t11 OFl Thesc 11lopomore Smedliclcslass 1115s 113anl~ts. Tenisi ('nall1ss Belts, Slice coliicg2 graduilates, givin~gtile degre icsves, Bosdy Prsotee' s, Scosre Bosoks, 1511e 1me15 2 percenxtage of eighteens. is Bls, Calls, Iidiain 0loscock, tse pitciherf Still ls, I'itef3; :Jerseys,' 'Is'. etc.iDon't buy hBrown' Un ilversity511n2, swlichl till s211 our fassortment. hU.of XI. 511223s51n5its eastern1 trill, II 8 JOLLY swill join thse Boston league 12251 15AT11, ST., rws tiss ummerS~. WA ERiINEJ League ganses oss Satuirday: Cin- 00k, Metss. cinnsati 8, hBoston -; Pittsburgh 14, .u anl see sampsles of Philadelphia 51 Chicago ii, lBrook- XD) SODIA tAT'El. lyn g; Cleveland s, New York, 4. 1112 .gassiz societly o im 21 Arborll has presen5ted1 till tniversity'wtllsa pictur o1f2 lDr. W>Xllelll, and11 1111 liulng it 151 the 1professor's 111 1221112 I'. V I I. to l'7. 111,I11, onlbase 'lis Il . 1151 ,l5 120,1122 caNl1loI 's'peaks 1 Isilectuss' ill u (51srted wcallssI 51 1111a v121a illa, ar sI s5'ill llfs511 n Ieet isng1. ksca11 eran urday111117t hI twoimynIlutMIligathe('as1 innizg, wih twosrisclled21 n play 1ba11. LItcHaIvar, Yl, Col- umbliia and111h1112 he111rIfientlal andI effete istituiostremsble, 11of the great 5wcsternll Sineis gosinlg totreat thes sss13it treated Corn~el1.-Rcgis- ter. TheIse ter-State (Oratorical Asso1- ciation 112is llS.leti e oines 0o5May 7. Thcre swere orators froms Illinoss, Indianla, Oio, Minnesota, Iossa,' Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas sod _Missouri. Prank Fester, of Indiana State University won first price and Guy E. Maxwell, of Minnesota, sec- onsd prize. 3-USIiTLSS PIL ECIOLY. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, :4; NlAINtiSTRIEET. SpIec'ial atnion pa5 id eairing11051155atcl17S N. W. BLAKE, PICTrURES, FRAMES, A N D ART GOODS. 111 s-s les-lHurenSt FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manu11factures-5rllof5111nd15dealer i SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor.F ll rll and111 I- s .lS 1 J. HALLER 0. M.15ARTIN, 5)1 51.1 55IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AN)NNII 21C1OF111INS. J. A. POLHEMUS, -IF TVWELE&37 - AI,1S()'BI"S H1.A1T:I N Is 11.11,; (I II I NcaIll tii 211111131 . RINSEY & SEABOLT, Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, IAII S' mIsI 1 1I1s iI(jS Wit silthis-re'turn 5of ille-1111321Bal1 Sealsonl, NVe shll be preprared1'lsltso fur- nishl sll thatilis Sile- and(1 sesisabsle 5in 'NIftOlIS 1FOR51a11113 111 ,11aivil 't'e-iss, (Cricet, 1.15 1'flssi., >ll2-Itlsl 15111 foll'all Ou~tinlgusxes-. OurlS'hakers .seater for squality andsis rabislflhity 1123 no1 equal11. OulS'lisle 111 Base Blil SssP- Letsors, (hatchlers' Mitts, 1h~iss1 '1ellis slupplie-s, f-Ic., etc., 113 il1 formessr 5sea 511s ssill sdefy' colptition~, Ave ace julstly Iproudshof our1' lasge iosle-ge fol- lowting, duisw113 re2 alre 151f, to tse superiorl quali111ty 'of 11u1r'good~s. Tis esteemlIwe21ailln1to strengthen f rils, seasosn to seaisson, ill thi prlfosemleli of ossr goossswhere it is possible. Col' resplondlene desiresd ssithb Iliasgefs (of all college clubs. SelIl fs~orou Nesw Caltaloglue of Slommer Sports asid tU- fsorms, A. & 13. free to anyS address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CICAGO: PHSILADELPHIA: 108 Madisen St-eet. 15t5Cihestnut Street- NEW 1YORK:7 241:and 2111 Broasdway.