Pi TI THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,~( ~ e~ilan all. C1EAT $TATIOflC1RY SALE. Ie lire slitterian(Coiincil nieets abisniItil (enlas sspsi ts~~ t terot hs ec, itl he0 thaWE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS ine Colle easrisbtos0(lfer lire tons of papier of all kinds to be sol by tthe pound at regular Linof MMi llain tall is to lie iiiaule 'till rates. Try our Crown Iperial Linen at 25 cents pier HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION y apr ftepoedns e.( a1at 1ttere1 cigs es poutnd. Bonde Paper, lThesis, ansd Typeweriter Piaper at Sbeitin price $250 persseas. as unrit i yM.- Geilston w sas cal ledlttpoti yester- Great Ilargainas. Eitselopes tomth Isall tapers day and. gavenii thern Ot -i- t ts foli ng ts flaits._ at greadytledciliedlrates. aeun ttsls~oe ,'ti: ',i Si-ait Slittr NVe . p i-u iosoitiltuittin- Siag ees C. INV- liii i 'it t , i h i-i t.uils at 1I. 13. J "i i ait Iii It.f i tt>t:" i ':i -- I- i I).Ge.lisIc- iiret-inyiof tihe Iiiardl of gel1 il d lvr tn m n t d slite oe heCr'rit rud tin-i -ril eo cciithe chur h l-ilrea lungs; Ii 1 Aserveinttl iiti-lecture fe oit- willI b-respontdtedlto.- At aboti 1). Ill. the triltsiill lavefor Detroit. It is expictledt1t a 1most fi i enoahltime till lie- tail lyeall UCF M ETTLT The Adonis, Minerva and Helios ' ' 4 B3U OLLCGC, COLLA S NDCUFS II wht lii ie tlrcse lilted to ]tear file ac1- - ----- - ~~0~~ BALBR IGGAN 1 itl it Ii t e ' i l iiIst ittle itill teli ei h Ia1 iO11 le e-at C till Sth AIilic s ," it ii *-t. C:'n~c ttvor inis I Ii i ia The Iaranecastill< 1Iby lie col le-es ,sittliwtit hIthtle iiln pIltviti-Clire t latrge entit 1I li it il o er a h expensies. I lie 1Is l1 t t th Unliversity :MtistrelIs inithle(lperit H ottseliextI'T'hursda1 c nn.W hate a ies-ls ie n fte1 tif MI. i to imike animi prl~tensi lli llii the pclint hl e t'ralllen r si-c tilts oli abrlet itit thn II illetis Ofn early everyi ;tu iit xl ntth es 5vriy. 1h lero~la wie plylbe pItdti e d thes eil I i ll wasttlv h C hit f's lht It1 "i he'11111- evl al airc aletolattee. tlci Gamn Tn-Day. 1 t NisI)1 n iii i I a t int-tle-il I i l Ko T/ tcslvtandtil Iirsii- (1,1Y atc'r~i~w 1. tr ith ; to 0 :21(1 Ih lii- t i I tS 0 Wd11 1 ~ l i Ill ii ri- I h sl t 1111 II Must Iai. l h'l n llc t oil . Leets huh iletitlist I e (m th itimpus ti e r af rno to p cie BUSINESS LOCALS. Ii Nic ins ertediii inhiIs tolt-- aterte- Sf10cits teit line.it ei l t esi for AM . it timeItt n etai lisfilt il s leinh attt- i ts tite liii. nitAic.-~I tlittis iittt t. Souve i t-ipo n atIVIM-i AtltAN- A.L1 C.Mc lr Co (111E O ul. tradc ilmsicli*rlaids j tei(Xe~ldepectatCio.TeLav Ii. (itCliiiItiles. L NJZE N1/1/EA R2 1NIIsIliiI I II i. FUEG'dSOTP, 6'w TER C H ER3S ARE INTRtDUCED ,70.a IESRiSORN ST. Chlicage. No.I) .I V I TION S'1' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North (Michigan Railway. imaeTable goninto ala attiiiMondsay, Feli, 20- ManiseteitExpressiand Mil.i.t..... 40 a Sitti-easanht.Psegr ........5 07 p.im " iW.-H. At-it I I, LS. neat ilpel Grand Opera F ouse Thursdasy Ee., May, 21 st. QQKi Q j~ lThe freshmitensisill play the seniosi Slwit-s 1ortiginal udisignwit islltssi- - - maites siill lie- lti-ssvitl nitIretquest forTTTTTDQT~ sfthe series ini the class laue.tt-utgrainilies. l-rternity Staitioniery, - - - The nmanagers las-e not yet sdecicded aindlChilt Dinnesrs IDaitePrsgrtaimnis, + YI S IE , swhethier to lay on the camuis or and1 all othe~r kiiiis if citlege wo-rk.L ITS P E Our statitonery is alwtays notabule for nTSENDsOTHEi NINE EAST. the fair grountds. its handsonue enlgravinig, corract forii,o iistsaniastehliis12tusiss - 0aind moiderate prices. LC I efresada rhsr fL uiin Lovers of Htandlel aitd Schubert (7 lL =1 1,5 CZs are to have a rare treat at the Unity A. C. McCLURGA CO25eEXTORA.. Club to-night. CHICAGO. SEATS AT SPELLERS. is be-lug thoroughly renotsated andI re-furnIishled. We should be pleased to see all old patronts of thin house and alsonew onles. A. M.Nowlin, Proprietor.