k-4T7 VT ' L V F)AI YT TIME TAtBLF1, N1.1 xVO~~itl. v: .I 5 11I111 11 . B. F. CLAtRK, M anagei' PLetIA1x Ss i l ~II : It, 4.:,5.6.1)5, 7.4,1,.2it - 111 111 A711);1EV aclol k '4W i ngtn ltlr allf s.iand1.2 r ansrj on 011Sund1ay i ll o 2,lilltia ilot lii lvvii i D1troit'. i I I i I~ttyxacg.ctsthathave Illil toli s iltrxi edi _Il xi, TIL-ET - SOAPS i U 1l 7i'f.ttt,1:11 55 Aill h - ).() h o~i ti 1111)r)TT Nfl 11 TL .A(P V jit .ill (?lelllllltliS;I tlli illI s LJ1 D 1 T i3. Teachoear's, oOptive Alyss~~n'~c Established inI1884. Positions filled. 2300. Seeks Teoaihes vs are ambi tious f0r advancement rather than tihose without posons . Thti "Ashby Special,'" Ashby;" "Oxibizd," 1,Hartvard.' ulL n c 115 l 'ctn11111 1 1 Il a 1"'11 , ls sho.li)theti ll ,- li t oc1 of5hill Il lila iii i111lmr s l1101rare 1 111 iLII.I lllit lsS.No. 2 E. Washington St- near Main. G. H. WYILD) 3. x. szr7o1D HIGH CJLAS$ CORRECT -:STYLES GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES IN CROCERYIti iN Thu C'15 7 inirh Pearl White Plates - - - - c1 ts. per set 7 iiichi Alallantilie China laltes - - - 411 cts. per set 7incli Semi-polrrelain, Booltes Plates - - 5,1ieta. per set Peartl Whiite l 'Il'd 'Tea - - - - .") eta. per set Adalmaitine I'ld '.Teas - - - - 511 eta. per set Iloote's Seii-portelain 1111111 T'leas - -75cta. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & CO' THE CAMPUS. Spring Su itings} Overcoatings. New Silk Vestings, Ilie Varsit y- tefeated '1)2 lit onl the campuslliyesterdayiiaftleinooni 3 Colorings 1N Trouserings. No veltics in Fancy Vixtiot I liery- thin Neow-StylIsh a111 S .15111 11110at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBIOR,-- - MICH. SFORTING ""' AHLETIC GOOEDS. BIR!AI,31HIIL &OLIIY A Full and Complete Line C hexvlot shirtsI 'Canvass 1Pa1t1, Telnis Raockets, Eatckert 1II 1llsa lse Balls, BasseBall Masks. (,'aliass hBrlts,,Slier Plates, Bloxiog loves, Body Proiteci- tolts, Suispenfsories, Score Bioks, Base B~all (loves, 'IennIis Balls, Cab1s, lIdianh ('llbs,DumblBells, Swveaters; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, etr. etc. Illnt 1101' 11171 Sil khaveseen001o1110assortment. 1}1'1ILFIG II &JOLLY 26 S. 5STAreL ST., A a771=3 FOG J.AME S W. ERIINE, ~0Cal121orlCatalogeliand111ee8 samplies 10 Mackientoshes. ICE CREAM A.NDi S0D. WATER. '1110t%. Iof 21. A. A. 11i11 211e a it.m isfater, 1. A.101 011112 ofOd 111 I. FTic two d1inesl, NollvtiOOsterl a111 t'. ofiMl. , will atedt he 111"1. of Mt A street paradeti vll tic giveirlby the UniIversity l io-trcls Oin the 20th or 21 atthe wxeathicr permiittinlg. l.ea-'ov Tallies yesterday: lBostoii 6, Cincinnati 3 1 Piltadelphia .1, Pittsburgh r; Chticago 12, lrooklyii i i; Clland S1,1 1Ne fork ;. Thunrewit llbeianiectting of thle M11athiematitcat Clu1b)11o1(1m0r'rxci even iR 1,73. Papsers xill tbe reoad17 .1.'. Grl~or 0111111. :itanni.E A fultl115ressirehtisatlIll the ItIll- versity Miiistrets xwill be tposted is the oear futlure fo~r the edifwtitons of the cotlege press aitd the A. .. directors. The htinttig Idepartmen-lt of the UnIiversity Mlinstrels is represented by the folloxving: R. FI. Farraod, Manager; Geo. 1L. Nye, Advertis- ing; Jas. E. IDuffy, 'Treasurer. j The Engineering Society wilt hold a meeting to-morroxw evening in Room A. Engineering Trip, by W'. 11. D~orranc; Air Btrakes, by 15. Il. (ttcevcr; Pittsbuorg2'Water Works, lby J . P. Keyes. MaIe athc trewx-the 1111 i mr111er 9 1 fect yesterdlay. 11 ili 11e11111dlGiimi 1110 stholldbe seot to New foS rk, for each Iis 1sure1o(f1a place. Thinlter- Collegialte recordtfor tice llliilver is f9 t. 6Gii. 11121 111,4111oolclefeatedithe'92 lit 70e111 111 thielair grotundls yester- 11ay afterniooniinii a110five inig 21110 by) a scolreofIll2toi.I.Thei resh 11en1 111d1not tpltthir re'utlor te0a11 Inl the fietl. erly of DI) xli taxhsI 10returnedl from a twvo) xeeks' stayiyn11Detroit, wxhere lie took chiarge of a 1111ysiin's practice, wxhile lie xas at the Amtri- ca11 Medical Associatio eetin g IThe followving genltlenien have lieeii elected 10tonmpete inl the ttiiril contest debtate btwxxeen ttoe laxv lit- cra111soclieties: Ftroiiithe 'Wecbster, J. . Freeman1, WY. It. O'Neill and It. A. lorrigton; froiii tie Jeffer- so10,1',I. C.. Gilbert, A. J . IDavis C. I0. ltley. 'The Adlephit xiil rendter the fol- lowing 1programiithis eventing: SMusic; reading, Miss Ives; essay, Miss Rice: music1. 1Debate: Resolved, Thtat partisanoship in politics is detri- mental to national welfare; off., F. J. -Mtosely, neg., C. R. Atkinoson. General debate; nmusic. Game called 2.30 p. m. 3118110133 PILECIOLI WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, :I; MAIN STRE-T, Special ttent11111ionaidi to repalirinlg watches0 and .1-wllrr5 M. W . BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMIES, A NPt ART GOODS. 10 west Hurn10t FERDON LUMBER YARD, SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor. Folrt~ h llDeoriSts. ____. .HALLER Reai l'inlCa Sperialty. 0. M. IARTIN. IlAI, Il IN1 Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND5111 ION (115 1111INS. J. A. POLHEMUS A.iSO 'I" I C1.510AN11I)lSIIOAGE 10 1- RINSEY & SEABOLT, Rlakrs and111leirs inl Groceries, Provisions.Flour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, With thie retuirn of thll'Base 11l1 Season, MO shall hbe' lrepliarel to) fur- lush all that ihillsw11111 desiralelOill UNI10011MS FOR11 tsi' BaIl, 7La1;' Tenisi, Cricket, La G'rosse, Yachitilhit 151111 foall IOutihng use1s. (hur Shaker Sxxeater forar l~lit11lit dduaility hta 111 0e1u11.(Ocr tine of BosehBatt Step' Fl111sIBats, Balts, Masks, 110117 Prl tectors, (atchiers' AMitts, Lawin Tenncis Sup~plies, 11c.. etc., as ill formhier seas- 1111 wxittll ey con~ipetitionh, le a1e justly lproudilof our 1la1ge ocltlege f11i! lloxxiig,11110as Nve 0re110are11, to 7111 sup~erio~r qua11lit 0111urgoodls. This esteehm «lvelili tol strenigtlhn troll1 season11 toIseaisonin Ithe iniproemnelit of our golodls Nvhere it is possible. Car- respondehnce desiredl with hmanhagers ef all college clubs. Sehil for ourNe' C'atalogiue1sf Slimmer Sports ahndl-771- farms, A. & 13. tree to aihy iddress. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., S I llAGII PL~hADELHSIA: hob MadixsnStreet. I1000Chestnu1 Stee- N -w-YOhRK: h 1and 140 Broadway-.