THE U. OF M. DAILY J[X.XX XJe X X X x.J[ X.X X X..Y. X X X.X. X XX.?' X X X X.aC.X X_..%=..C.) .X .X ',". ' OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Y ouan io out initerestedl in tihe above line, and as we Laxve made theni a special studY, wish you wonid cail and see what we L Ae. nwIv we van pjlease You and(1save You money on thei a. THE TWO DAM-b. AllAr~r ~o~I~iE~lllrY VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDEOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. DAtLL + Lu EE US3 (Of (ltd U. of M. shlould have ai University of Michigan Quitar. Vielin amd it anstrings, 10 ets.; Banijoi andMandoelin "Strings. 5 cts. Everythilig in proiportioni. 1..: .Main nti. A.LMEI RP._ ~ U1 O American + Ramblers, Ni71 T" viiix~ +DONoFI? aUo"DQ'iI MowIN. FOR, FOOTWEAR. We arr iiilh~ f 5140ES for 1301I4 LAPIES alqcl GEN'%TLEMEN.i 'r i i ii } ;'lii:i' ItI I)"1 2a SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMI ON & BOWDISH. I ervv Slmleni ililt saxe moneyivy i iiv lug iiii viti 'lvxt- leeks aiilaltlxii i Iltixt iiii'ic. Wv ,li,,xx seisvat dismiieit oniiLAW IBOOKS, MEC1AL BOOMiK . 5DEiNTlAlL Ii iUKS. ,:i;.i-t (very the'xii L >iel iy. 1 1 Iliizkilxis tlxnx ettIiii I T7 r Tr7 av-- -, The Coiiege Giri at Weilesley. jltiiia~ le alitlior --I N-doN (meoflie ,eas!roi ihe dviiael- , , 0 LUITH1 I N proort