c jc . of n. W1aijj. Vol'. I.-10x. 1327. LIVEI ISITY OF AMICIIIGiA , FIDAY, MAY 1,-, l 1. PICEo, Tintisi.CENi.i~ Minstrels at V psi, Th hipirogranimue for tithei..of ii milnstriels it'i isilaxiti tix-iorross iiht is xasifollows: Rushi ii like:Ce ie. C. IT.iii xxxilr: rigt xgiardsih:. iDxrrci-. Eari Peters; left garii II. A1. lob-, II. It. Sxiitii: lis; leit tickles, tit. II. Aiixrexrs. . AIV. ,Moirrisoii; riglixieiiilA. D.)Rth-li isiidRlurlFarrandiSiiilhut;letx til~ixleiOrir ii. (I lilxliii dIInsiii :d song "FiniifridiofiTutes"..i.i Dhrinikig sxoig .......II1 .ioy FCnu sonig, ' i ibeen, sold"....... .Dreaiis ................... Darrowt 12Iaylie they still in teals".... ...... . ............. mlithi and Park finale, 'Go, the only idancing giraffe. The Freshnien Win. Tihe frxeshmnii1)1yed ithe junioiiir vucstcrdaaf tcrnoonixon theo camiius axixi defeatcxdthemixbyto1ixruns tx) 10. E rrors xxere niumieroxus on lhxthlidexsc. It Vaii I i-i a I ad ic-cu ivircahct- ter csupotth xcoe xoulxl havc xwl c(l-.Th coefOIxlO xS: I 115l as .i ..4 : Dellcy tcx, 1 '1 . -i--i4 0 Goodci,:) _i -- --4 1 U x 1 Doec's, ci ------ 4 0 1 0 x 1 1 AB. ItiB-i1. B. N.U A. x iBiowen, b t Johnoe , c----- :3 1 0 o 5i 1 . The Delta Gamma's Conviention. Thie.ccstlinthxnationial coiixentxon j o tlie Delcta C iixnia 1Fraternity is assembxledixlat:innx Arlbo~r this wee.'k. IiiuiinessseionsiOixare heiiig hldill I the ii cclxxten xxx church mxcidsiill clos tisafe ion. Soxiictliiix cxci ixifty' xlegate us arelxresent. Thc yoursx- iaixics wierc tendeircxd I receptixxixWedlnesdaxlitcxxxiii lax I'rx Ir" a c eaix lonoxxraxx iiif xi cxiaipter. ILaterinxh Thuxirxday anxicexixoratei.recep~ltion wxilxe 'ivcii at Nixckei' haillxfoi b c"i G thue expereienices xf College Mcli whlieknxoxxald Iappreciaite ltie caiiefli ci xtiix xofi (Coxlexge Stn- xlidiits.ichavixg a large corlps oiskiled Desigtners aiixlJexxeilers xsxecialliy trainexd fior hadgxe andiothierjexxelled woxiikI implortingaswedodrcetly froxx aii s Lx xiilxxiiiaind \iiAmstxrdam xxxi iamiiixinxs iiixl oxthxr xrecixusi "txoiisx xcc -re ini a posiitinto pro- xliii th flixnxtest ltai indjiexxelied liixiixxxlxiciillxitic xxxxirx. Wright, Kay & Co. xichi thrccelhiiidrcxd anidififty iixxi- "'''' ' r':L-,' x x. I n ' xx ', . tations ihaveheeinicxue. CTe cx- DQ tt 1 M CZhi 3n . ercises of tiic conventionllxiiclose }Friday cevcninxg witht a hbaxnquet. Chap. Speller & . The visitinig delegatcs are rccceiin g UnertyOhte hiospitahlc cntcrtaxnmcnt fronlhe ilnitiOufites laies of inin arhor andc arcei. 2S orlSrr -- d-lighted swith tixe toxxnIxandcIpeopl. IE IS B SFI BNL Oveirtiire................liiiulJones 05101 x -1 5 i0 iiaii-=.AZ,7i a c 5 This (lolls, JohninylcandxIMxly.. S'4 . Pak 11 I4 Ci The e-nca h otiiAttci -_l~iii tlx tici ioc 5111110()niliifieis . t dayliAthletiiisiG..innxx ii x xan1d\Athiaixin xiiidla . "at---------,----o--fg'°.eat ts' a 1111 iliacelxi. ,xDxixduleixx atxlii Ypsiiaiti, xwiii xe xs folixs: x()scie ThreLbaeE]'S. FUENISHIonierun Musical Specixaiiy -oxxr.M.. lici lxi rOgi 1111. Struck coii, lxby liin ixhiinxrced-yardl dashxa220-yardil clii :I ?rINrr I xx d olis lak a. 7: hlv Ilyxitt, 0. Vu xi ullix 440yardrun,1IN yrdihrdlcrace The al.(xxi s hs-il x Xxii iuxxie ni . I . sd -arIrxi ian arl I'- 'hle Ixnkllxxlxixt 'eani.llii hhxxiwii ixxlls, - ixxalixi 4 Jo.hxistoni, 1. onie-haltf mie runxonelii e wak Itixy lxxrrxiixii..DIouxlxe flay, T'ownsiendx ixixilxxx cii I -, hltxailiiixili Sernaixi ....i .... . . . I ;xisecii illsi, lxx IM att :i. I Hit lxx litti li ; sitccii oundlsixI i r . ...Ixrreti herris'- i i tcl hlxi:ii iii Iwi ipih. lii xcxfxi x'tccn-poundxxia ixtixun andli-IE T E PACE,' laxlw 1li b ihiii' -eixIhroadi 1ii1ix1x, 1txxnuiup rodsr~1, T CTAO Ths xxr iiil xiii xiii thle iirieiliii. The 101t1r Will 1 1Rllluna.xi-' I S2 -tormyl 'N ighxi'hby the cxxlixiys xxrextl ic -l it-swcigrhi t le, I (?~ ~ \ itroucinig ixirxniland Mowei illlArrageicnts liace cieen i xii.deI skiit dxance iandi ''er-lxiclixe. whii.reclxxthe miotoi nwi l ru n ltwo xxeighit xxrestle. All evets o0 _ '1 riix ltx'cI 11 duhructed accordinxf to A. A1U1rues Everyody Go. 1Dietodmecciwrddtoec --I and Ypsilan~ti sext Satuird-yxto ac-x1iciol Ii-a xacii x ah Sole agelntscn lllin1Arbior. Theileie-anil iianjo Cixibs'ive conmnodate those who xxish to a-lttendlwila n.Eiesycdltceleitraic fc A$. PELE 7 their last concert tiscyear ini- ilthec first hperformlance of tliii. My10.Fitycetsenraccie versity hal this evening, conlmnl.- cx)-sity instrels.'CTe trains xiii proh eacih ccvent. address cntries to P. ==IS ing piromtptly at 8Soclock. TIxc ahiy lcave, one at four and tehI. 011 1 xcxxiii 'IYpsilanti. The hU. of plrogramIIfs as followss: ' eI at six o'clock. M1 should he largcit reipresentedl at TitY A PARxe1. The Northxwestern a'dliii . of jtisnueetin". SixYllanRie----------lelub1liii em ae enlicIalix i I We congratulate our '2arsity nine E - I ;"cannibaxl Idy -----------------01leeClxix prohabxy attend in a hbudhx Ietl1 ontile iamte withl Corinell last Fri- di Oe Ml~xlet --------- . Waler aduxixT0 11,PH 1 i xi o1'g iu i iIi ii. Ile a ere x i i 5"lHosemanx's Olix>----- xxx--- xcajoClxiii cxerybds g ndhlpsndteday. PEOTOJRAPreeIIEAn AT 1 ea at.Sasca eseue b rordsraeadhnemoete l" Axige'sserenxade-_-- GuitxiscandO'Cello telephioniitg to tile AmercialtIn E -T evFrfo e------------Ge lbarce'"otir iboys." '' 'C(lidic otwinli 3", Serenaude . 'll----Nr. SpalidingR axxiiClii ub res Comnyu's oha-ceYpiluanui. altdI iobocdy thtotigiht they- xxould. 4. hcxxeandl iet----------- = 0 0-- -- t _-_ __- ---'lMer.ixxxmesn and xJoy c U-of M. vs. Northwestern. The leant hacsimptrotedhtastly inuts 1O 4 I S N 5. Lanidex atlcaxrxiixm-O--- lee Clxii geineral play since Ain Arhor gav 6. U. xf m.,rMarch-------3iiuxx clib 't'he 1U. of M.wiih hla)- Northxx ct-I uhashai 'oactiao I PATDris ra-----------lianico Club emn University at thie fair grounds to- one xveek ago. On June 13 wehen +3 ODADAEU, )ithiein, ' --- leexClxb nmorroxw afternoon; gonm. callcd at k1ln Arhor plays oti our honue +26WOW VNE ~Paradise Last-..le. Alexandier and Cixui 2:30 o'clock. The htomi. team wilhgruns it wxillhltave a chance forWLaIEIO 4 liat Drill--------Mi' 'Pters and Club ghens, - AhhVEYO AatnArbar--------------Glee Club ol, ; JRo 1soJ vRceigeanuce, dramatic jutilce, poetic 4.w0-h- ; .Kelly, a h; Pearson, 3 hlrerihution. The opportunity is too VPCWAL RATC$. '92 lit will play the 'Varsities on Spitzer, a a; Wilkinson, 1 f; Booth, rcious to he neglected. Shall we the canmpus this afternoon. c f; Codd, r f. he ready for it?-Oberlin Review n TRY HIM.