THE U. OF M. DAILY. P TI t r11' f ' 'l ~f1 tites, ece ls 1)0th in track athletics, ,- tindthait Princetin is a verv iclose 'urih b aits' 1 instsys ('xepitd) turing foot-baill. litIn ise-till there are a HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iutirtitil cs hich arc oti a ___parii th iiIt Its tot 1(nd'IVale. Itrown Dsd aie ial'nole i lt ':iccii *. iiryule at1 'clotk, noon. Sub siptiins ol} b Lt ,I iist ,) lcnls"l'n A li h hei oficeiili i (i i ):1 , )I15 1 i eI l wk at' tit"r. lll c ttI oI cs lit'itdiefeat C1RCAT $TATLOPC1pY $AE~. WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS Oftter fice tois si papier of all kinds to tie soldl1)i- the poitnd at regular il1 rates. 'Ir' our CrownitImnperitalLitieni at 27 cetnts pec poitnid. BoildlPaper, Thesis, anid Typ Iewriter Palter it (Great Bargains. Eniveloptes to mchiall halters at greatly reiduced rates. S~AIT & OO, 171,7 7, STT-7 Y CO -====R. it ii's 1 i.'it. i t tiisii' I ti't, next (li v 1 res Ill 'ater icniedI ii i eI ts lc- is's' t usit i'i. sm lll1 e o tlt u i THE 'U. of M. fDAtLY, Attn Arbort, Mich. ED ITO RS. it t "iti S ss, t sisisti" Ina - :iic J. (' . VS, t,Bst.,~ies 1' tassi, r H . ). t t t Ii t.ititti ~ t ,'1 ot 1,in e (n th la t rb i 1 C - cl l t o lione tanihw)I1111 Vae' 11( c v sn til etoil set- pl UrfssiNEaS, tLOCAolS. n -v UIflc~ ~OLLCCC TI cT ETOLTo The Adonis, M ierva and Helios Neg igC~e shirts, COLLARS AND CUFFS. _________________________ itt ttttt "t'mtitt'. 5 f b 'i~py i; I I: l I :' r)C it tit't t'I ttt t'.ttttt11lit t'I itt ,tic I t,'kI" ; I 11 " ,(. bu t ret e Iarar daites Nvths'i'I~ cl na Vile agai,l atVl status ittftteatfi charate r occtu'ris t I 'ill tI t' I'l It Ctrt ( IlIfar lti vl( in frst-l tillon lititttt 'IN ')v t e rmls htother i n rll arehatpCo lym ana at l hkid fC O. S~ or. LI E T Y COtpeasettosecall old prioll f