THE U. OF M. DAILY 011 ING R NE LIGE SHITS.Of Old tT. of N1i. should have a OUTIG O NEG IGE 8HIT8. Uni'versity of Michigjan Guitar. cIionareit o l)ttltinteresteil in the taiove line, anil as «-e have Yi lws, <) it i gest.. m.., te eey -h - fierod miade thiemii spc~ tilcistud-, wishi youi woiulidcall and seo what -ito acts. FLceru~tlitne xx proportion. j ? ( ( leave. we ltmvc vto cani pliease Yuin sa510veit iou monv ionthiotti. . Ban tlt, LLLITE YDIITG-LKRIAITO LGAIT 00 V . THE TWO Si .-. - ,-.+.-.+ g , .K ' ra n --+'" - a - Y y.. Q t '-. <-- American + Ramblers, LRE[IiT .S PEU3 STONE, NOIx t()iiTII MAiN- (xt"i.xL Ai NDus ANDi C'iNIi osI nS E. i ARRl Arbor Stu fiLalI1ry, VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY!t STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEPEOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. C2-PC_ AE OSUET. Offi- 23 Sooth Fouthj$Ave. ELA LL ANL] SEE LS. speia tisollltonLI 081iONl il A l ( U I it B NTI 011 jo0 l'Ii rit . ;tllt IIalh l I sat lwes t ritJ. l t I t l l Tx -S7 -- T; Jeffersonian and Webster- Joint L:1il + - . L JDebtate. I N -I Thesecnd i iiil tiiii dielbate bciete G tctieefesoiiia il ViWlbster Soul- CLOTH ILT etics took place last eveinig ini the I x Iectiure roiion. OF ALL KINDS AT M . iii 1, I'Tliiixipsoti lresicleil J. T. JACOBS &; CO.'S1 Iwitli grace toil dix it}. ?_I lie quiestion "Resolc-ed, ibat the 27 AND 29 MAIN ST. --- - riu nxtxil termiiof ofiice shouldl le R,'QhtE1Ond Straight utendedl litocieiiexntueaiiandthe iio. I CIGARETTES.xcils ial I~iimt eee t .i.iiii Xi tiiiii iwaiiably supil rtd o iii te ? o a , i inget< l0ya iii I i rt of tieu affirmiiiIrlii Me ssrs. l~aoiif- h iii/ c c lr.IlihIaid la ii ct, if the Voie ii ii ii i l i -i illl tanh ) l S IS l~ iil~r 1ii 'elf ix i i c iu ii it i ii thiic i rtni riina Ira11 o!;Ill rt tl tigar 4ie Eohxis jdcis hi:cixxihatie iadis S1( i sharl )l av ing akll II lc iiiti Iiixc 1c xiI xi thiii-litiandihaiiipiepared their Onin xxi l~r. x -xii p ix., ef crsiiiiaii uxcicl icix of,.tht).ii ixixiiclosesanii iiiad ikn lib r avigs Bank 'liii. cup ftersointhis iixie b i eac AnrlArI~r Nicil ('a itll st ckii~tUU ' sl L' t Ixil t l ie s lers I , i'1i5 1 of this stlux.dieseeoiiesdebate to, eaelisxac- fet I>JhllgJotlpicia iiso thIt ignwhicanniucedsitate s calneii Intlsae. 1I oit ll d t ES. prper ie asa o unicedet "rnl . h ~ officer that there ixoxilcl1li J . lauxIsIIIMMxaiiclers ll kinds i~ley" on flunig axci lslx.itig otf citr therefil enansIltrlleatXe. frgraos, fEceRGS, -tcreen, doorsebser 15.5 gaoln soes0 tc,13 C lxro. Coet wichUnieresityands Ichngein I T haefrsie vLOW Ibrar. f th2e1Ilnsut e ttn tmae rbicefthe e -iilsiincngrofixirtr tiitl teet: woulcd be litrE .tHarines.haIdls asllckindsi facltyof onellanersit ofr Ofloohun itin afishingbitfitr- Tseiolbeawthrclass tebin gasolinestovesetc.,c28E. Ills. Conbin lIngversolltondIthacaso ~DOC 0 GODOWIT ITOWITI+ FOR FOOTWEAR. 1 9H1OiES for J30T14 LAJDIES avid GENTL"EMEM. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BO)WDISH. suutxxlix. iat IIt-axii l teixirs. Avte ;Miiow. in sl~~rt. e 't l'y I i..) ,sc I In tliit 71 Fort Sc.. West, - Detroit, Mich. e i xxx i n td el i I t c li c c ll c xxx i ii a jtxd r iissxx xxI a xixix.1 li ii c xxxix ix 1rxxt Ixli cxlx llit i is iii iti.iixi Ri xiixj~th iisiiii:4i ix' e Ixr iiii ni E1itAui7nI esIt ri is xi as, th ill(aoi n( o fur AxeIclrJ (~i1t :n17(t~tl, lw I artiand x ii txiiix,;Ic -. BAt-xs 1il sgxilsoth ise a ix l h avexl iiteapgroatl ofscyer. '' Sent a ni c:n 13lf I1 et greia st l itp O~erfix xx Ii r tixsit- T OS injus Iiiblxcs aixterfugefor necro-HA VE fessor to) xsig as th lrea onic r the Y O U faclty' cin ooe InDERsoll isanx advcate no agratlawer" SEI, plci. L et th e la y er d e er i ne N E wheth r in rsisia lawyer orean adoae Let thLCleg thei eDRBS detsfl~t ixx he ala,'lU ). lhx , 0r50 X .0 rxislr 'a Cstp e ar i tIi metaadrsfra lsso N-ml GOODMISEEDM th l ai n trt i ths cai7 bxux1 P ten Clonli ,sl hi1 sta h I lxx sxngesol xxixrwa. l;[ii these ei lcyae knownxvitliithe woirld axalreknonis schlalxrs ansien ctists, not is iniiudels. Ix- igersoill is ialiorsx of aiiothier color. I le is a grea txnd successful lawyer- ior axdivocate;his hiersontai character is stainless;lieenjoy s the esteem of thie great andileIarned,.uhitle is "1101ob thie:Infixdel." If Cornell, careful of its statiditig amuong relig- ious people, lturns stich a tian awvay fromti its idocir, there is no neexd to nmake apologies or halting excuses. The simplhe truth is enotugh.-Chi- I cago Post. FIN PWOT6GRAFHS- Mill Iineyand Art Gtoods. 30ii East HiiriinSi. FINE JOB PRINTING. It is u axi t o ixplease.Stiationsix uOaraiiteedx REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.