TIME T BLF, 11 t ttalr t' rmtrot of(adth' IVti Sllrlti IavcANN S1it it, f() ' 1i't lii c>, at Ti e aIaliide n sit oa. l4n Iiaa'd '3P 5TT t:..50,p51.41O o~cIDE T IL +.1OT1Eb ft~tt ittedtta' an tender tt'eienTt't s Boar and Room 8to 14 er - ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietor', I.. A..W2~~~ Teachers Go-Operative Ass ipdf~~ 1>ttiRacjaz~t tlil iat 1)cnthcroi~llttr'~t it :il .ll )r lttl Estabti shad in 1834. Positions filad, 2300. Sn>'s Ttachers w'+ 1-1%elloerfct ati ft tl(11.ara ambitttous for advancertent rathar tttan those 'Attsaat IO'or 1i r Iit 0 t1:Itti ti U j'1 Itt> i i C, , dlv' 4-1 5x'':TE 'j-ST' IdE. II O Sot-I'll MAIN S'I' 5 ~. 153IX7fO"')P CORRECT:-:STYLES -IN- Spring Suitings AN It Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings N~ew ' IN (Trouserings. v li~i ii Nl 'a'i 'sitn ti] ~} SU1in i'at tt'IiU 'it inJ SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN All OR, - - - MICHl. SFORTJNG ATKIHLETIC GOODS. itAVEit.t t' T i;Eltit )i St titi A Full and Complete Line C'heviot:shitsi, I('tintassatitis TelIisi Rtaketis, Banet II alit's R Base Ball', Base Ball Mttsks. ('atisass lblts, Shoe Plates, 1iiitiG (lov's, Ilttdvrotnet' iots, Sspet'isti'ies, STarie'Books, IBaste ('Tils, IDuitait ells, Sitetters; Jerset' ('atcrlts l ills, 'et'. itc. aol'tibty utul ynou ia'eSeeni outr assnrtment. Iit'RLEI T 1 &JOLLY 2i6.S. STATE ST., .NA.Gy 10 FO J AME S UW.ERIN-E, CAMBIDGEa, MASS. g7~"Catliifor Catuiogue anti tee sampst of Mackintshtes. ICE CREAM ANI) SODA WPATRIV. GREATEST VARIETY 7itch h'earl Whit laI tes - 7 iihh Semi Iit''titCinaIltate P''eiar Xlite II'ill ii hias - Adtaiitineiui (liiiii Ieas - 44 SOUTH MAINST THE CAMPUS. 'I'lii'1Sesictai ii hI si'willitholdits itig at 7 o'c'loctk sliarip. Jlitilittst'tcti ts tok' 200battics I'tl pttt'tt o t, lawl Nva' t hea(mly ml ti lttttynttattt's thait guetssedi the 'correct stcire'tif Sit iti~i''s Detrotit at i,200. 'Saturday's leau at s ~i cag G, iii Cleel .1; B itn 4,'Xiii Ciii'cinnait7,1Pittsbuirgh' . Tlie. tiheateirs5wiii. aell ipatrottnie ill the e itihiit , te sttudetts bintg ato tlt' iid thecbeneafitcncet tof meict, andi Shafer, '91i, lit, nay tlhat lhey iwalkaed from AnitArboir to IDea troitttn Fridatyiiguit ini9 iottrs atti Xssociatitoniestimiates that ttdaa.oo clear jproftit s niadle ottSatuirday. 'Iltis still mtaterially aid iii setiditng the leant lait. 'The teaiti iughit to tare little trouble in defeating Oberlin, and they ought 1o gire the Aunn Arbor people all they can dlt to defeat them-Cornell Sun. G. H. WILD, No. 2 E. Wasthington St, near Main. G. H. WL ZIISIYLSS PILTEOIOS 1 1 t LOWEST PRICES WM.cLAEWEL ER IN 'ntI CTYr. WTHAE N E E~l 's -- - -- 4i) cts. per et a'I t t ii iN 5 S1 . itia 'lutea - - 581etsn. phatset Nattttttittiatittti -7 -.5 cts. per set M. W .BLAKE, p - ioc i. erset I ICTURES, JU~t~mES A ,etI- - , Its prsit ART (GOODS. I) tt i lii t" pEAN & Go' FERDON LUMBER YAR MNauitiat'turer of andtdeirin" NSuitetsfuil expeimenaits liat' been SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM 13E cotnducteud atCotrneill to ma keatis ________ FourI'tht'tdtItttit ts graoe byelectritcitlit. J.HALLER - Roehliiin 'stinof Illt ti rit a- T=7, 7- it77 0. M.:\iARTIN. ('ti-ccloittrs n iohrlaltfIU. Cloth Caskets, Metall C ('trtcl liti x aIri~i~u i Ii. k. - J. A. POLHEMUS l xc studtsil cd itotlcAo'BSiltWAN It it'ci1 Lyem ih rom.ve Xhi St 'i a il UMaNiintret.i ~ shotttulers aid cntereud a bott. .At RiNSEY & SEABOLT, lit> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3tkr rtnid'iiat t tU tta i s i>nd ed the oncusio ofthelit. neofGroceries, ProvisionsFlou ran c' te ciharactars 'atti uponthetitakisgnt'ai i t cainrtmttttst. wiitih a aroomit decoraltdisiwihyellowiJOHN WOTZK E. anid btlue, swtiihnas'greeatetd withit ADIES' .i..d CN' 50> tihe yeall anduliiwid 'liacriig. I( ine'atn at titudntt. . a .titan) Ci' Cla sDames To-Day. ~i~ 'This afternootnt, ',i>, liw lay s u r o s 9ga, last'ont the fair groundtis audtdhlila ith thie eititi It 'as , A Specal Bentit pies,.Bats, Blls, ;Masks, lyI S A SecalBenti letitrs, ('atehiers Mitts, bait i liul WX'ille itendeiiliredhl t titeutbi)ra ittSupptlii's, etc., etc., its iinuiiieiSue( thle Ilhiiiiiig Will ('ii. iritti iwir' billeud on still defy icomipletitionuAWit1 litre far Satuirday-i'eve. (Owsing lt the justly hproudlof tuu'large ctiet ~Ihe stiudeuin ttbsenes fiutia littn' this ttin- hltwitig, hue its wetae atu etito, pIn waN ts greediitii rihi a small hluise. super'iquiaility itftot' goodts.,.vii Manatger 'aswyer utuiersttsuiiugthe esteitti se tilo ii tostrenthe iiu~~ tunfor'Ituate lunsitiuuut It'enompanty ire seaisontito seasonilt lhte implt)ti cor' ini has kidtly voltunteeredth(le tuse ofotuur gnndsils iere hit 15possile. ofCr the oplerta house. Spiecial features iwill re'spondence (desiredh t w itmanagsN lie initrodhuced besides the usual liar- till college clubhs. Sendiforotr tic formtance, which durinig the psst year Cataloguie thSuimmetr Sports and has beeu giveut iii tll (lie prinicipatl forots, A. &'I.Ricre to atty address. cities of (lie h. S. Thie Detroit F'ree AG P DN RS 1'ress says it was5 iwrittenu to mtake onte A ,SADN RS laugh. Rleserved seats ntow on sale at CHIICAGO: Pill LApDELgra'ei. (lie Posh.Officee. Come and enjoy a 1S8 Madison Street. 15tz hestntSt good laugh anid at the samte time help NEW YORuK: a worthy organiztationi. 241 and ;.'4 Broalwtur-