, Wpo- *--w. wow. ror.. . No. 14. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1890, PnICI, 3 C]",T.8 TWENTY I FfV7E HUNDRED. Schedule of Yale Foot-Ball Games. D)A1LY for three or four days past au- W i ht, t K4 ay & Co. _____noalllilll "auil illlloraulnet-h~of 01the ( lf OUR ALMA. MATER VWILL CARE Oct. 11 , Lehigh a1t New- Haveln. laghlr Assiatio" for 10:81) this RO THAT NUMVIBER THIS YEAR. Oct. 15, Trilnil tyat Hatfold. Illllg li~ llrseli ot ta~Y al, t repairedl to tlt 100111 (IolI te The Oct. 18, Oranlge Athletics lat intnot111c, 11111foun~d the mleetilg a / GnCo a, or ,,a a O0 TeAttondance to Date over Three Es" 1100N 711 BC5Ci/ it atC~rVa t c ar s, Maufacturers of il Hundred More than Ot.22'" Thel I 'Icnlroedilgsof the eurig will F nestS c'.t SaBdesr.de ir LastYearlOc.22 W lins tNe un~dobtedly e 10o11nd1ill you news ca8 q/ amplta nt upn pr -- avn.columns ot to-day. Alt of the officers Below we give a1 compa~rtive Oct. 25 Allllret at Alllllert. of tile asociatonl were abset, a111 per 'eegcu statement of 1110elnumb~er of stn- Oct. 29, University Vermlont it the du~ty of presidinlg devolved 111101 dents inI 00011 lepalIrl oil 1 Oct.NHvl. the captainl of te team, Mr. Malley, Dwln'oil pwl'o. litiic sY , Ne ae.w~hose enthulsiasmlland hicoscintios5 13 1111,ad at tilse daOOlte Nov. 1, Wesleyan atl New work for the 'Varsity foot-all interests last year. Haven. 1s ertainly very praiseworthy. Tie 14 WOOlOWAIID AVE., After this dalte a year ago 244 Nov. 4, Crescents at Brooklyn. husness of tie meetinlgwas tranlsacted in1 a perfuncltory anld spiritless inanler, more students canme in, so thlat, Nov. 5, Amhlerst at New Hlaven. and adjorment followed after aIea- DB fl~t,- - NA oh 3(1 conting 1a11equa111numl~ber yet to Nov. a, lRutgers at New Halven. stoll of less thlan fifteell.Omiultes durw-_______________________ entel. this oe, 01u1 lttelndan~ce Nov. 15, Uiversity 1>101155-1 aton. Now, thills 1d(elorable'. It is totn-emYlHavro rne (dirolagig o 111o1e. fewU . of M. o0l ehmYllrrtrho 'ile Wilb bu ,0,exceedin l~l via nia1 t NOw 11av01. atriotho 10have trainedsho faithfuhlly toll cO put illtilefil, it ca111ieCattn- cXPOetatiohll Nov 1rvr tSprilng- undelrr C apain lMll ys liretionI forloled to the fact 1t1at1 1110WesternI It1889. 1Sl)i. field. hle pIst tot 1 weeks. FEvery 101111 1(1d youn 1111a1 1as0not the corge, Lieralry....-. s 51COh-1,o tortlat1011r)riiohrsitrmngt, and10sill o hte EsternI Medcal............l40o 52", Nov. 27, Princretonl t Easternl illtlhe \ariti, whether "lit, lhow,' younlg 111111. (2110asslirit 1an11rivalry "(Wr1C 71 3 ,trS3 e2i'o lhh lli 10111tk tcnl le dpenldedl upioto rilng10111tie elt. . .11 -111011s pariotic interest ill our athletic stnd~h- Avery heas ingofferssOe.o htouieojoatjn... 11.. 7 7 A Smile on a Plate. 111. The mlere annhlonclemlent of a~ot 10riii ffl~l.Oedl --__ ___ _- foot-hall mleetlig 00olliiring togetierlar per year is mloerate and(1reasohn- T1otal....... 1,9438 2"461 It isreol)rted1 ogodatoiy ve50enhssicsuetsllny le. At Yale Iand Harvard Ille - tha a bwitohingfresmau c-edof tle lrgeriversities of the East. assessmet to $5, and tie individual James L High, LL. .heetielretlivrtyllie who refuses to subsrihe is looked uIpon obeing told tiat acertainllnan- Iltye ingesltry uielrseity tile oot- 0O10 of tielnewprofessors 111- bcuty aty2 ersn h ot si aao fmans.Ltacipitdbher of plates wrerequired illa b ll thusiasmni,nubroths mieeftrebeapnedyte atter 1atieeigt0W lvra lce, an ovte stucorihmball0111ng. l~r f inco iterofatleeu hoeaoinembetil spointedcbyutho oaletrd s of helenestnohtthsmeigas lthn iv nrtrnatce Candd~ts . f LII'S(l~great distress tile otier day. beell calledlto cosiderwoays ald Iellns that will adml~it ]aimo to every game cadd tefor Mustero ase "I've been all over town," she to arouse the interest of or 2,300stn- Plyed at homie, a11( also gie 111111 gree, is Jalles L. IHigh,(f (hC si,'IldtieoIls s~l hidents ill this great Amiericall college mlembershipinillthelasociition.If "ago, l. i. r. Hlih is a Iaye 1 id "ndte01mstbesoegam~le, anld to devise plns to pla1cCtie $2,01), or $15111 or eeli$1,10 ere of m'~ instakce. Tiley' have't thirenhl0 ass lociationl(I I011( llll~llbss suscribed iltthis waty, it would go far ofli~hltlfnailettion.Ilie gr t tile crockery stores." As 11o )1l11n0011sladopted, kidl erilit towards lleeilig exeses. Tie lro- dluated fron~ltiheLawv departmlentl "Haven't wat ?" (demandlled 1110sp10Ce t11shggst thlefollowillg, fessors cld hhdle solicited hby a '011- of t1he 13of 111, in 86 111In1P87 t i d fgathleredIlPrll fouhr yea1r'college ix- lnitI Clat large," so to spea1k. tile ar d (egree (f Doctor of "I vl'tpteriene Las: I submliit thell 11111florlht it is Haenttil heltes 5011 saidl1 h-ist,1t~hrlhinutionl of 1111iute-l-Csp northrlll, 111trust that it lt lest a11111ofrrda u ri Law 0115co~fl-rd 110111111wby0wrlilst 111100ill drawsig," sil oo11t-1ball league.tSecodI,theICraisiig srIe ha rgrondl-ae sork 1111 lllilIto this Un1iesity.Ilie is tihe author 11gwelefsveta-.fund fr11m11111 1$-1 slht~criltihnrirhl 1111btuil oInlhthislglbette. answe-rted l lt b'tllelil 1111 tl tylC of ai stanldard 0w'ork(1oilnjlue- teleryllstud~etof hes, tIs it satnd XI "cry id.thrul1y,1) r.. -'21haw5. rano". met001h)1 'lo Vl- OMUIAIO. Iod empl~loyedl at eve~ry college of ~ ~ - l0IltO~~~ cnsliderale sizei 11he1-Ea1t, tnd 1111 Mr. High was ill Enropo at tile Some Suggestions on tihe Foot- invariably proed suIccssfult.I have At the e11( of 1110 seaso0115wovrk 1100 of lis appoitmenO~t but has Ball Situation, already cnsulted witil severall mlenl- lat IHarard last Juneo, T. N. Per- reet reued, adtirough a hers Of lmy onclass ('92 las), ad11110 1,ws-lctdcatino letter jubst received by tile Lawov L~ Ei/h/s Sr rs-Will yon kinldly have plans o0n foot to organise a class '1, ectdajau- 'aoultgrant a "new student" at little space 11n team. Let every oter class ill every tile university cew, and D._ S. e ity lie accepts the appoint- your valuablepaefrtieeresoltlrdprmetdoheaetin Dean, '91,was chosen captain of lent n ildlie oreo of a few opinions o the subject of and play a series of gamaes foe tile the nine. 13011 have been mete- tres upon "4Injunctions andfothiatteUofMchminipadifa artyem hers of their respective teams for .O1e8~during the year. A notice has been printed in the is not developed in a short time equal the past two years.