P T tT -1 _7 THE U. OF M. DAILY. Athletic lAssociation can he induced --- - - - ~J(. of ~1fl. ~auit~. to regulate our field sports in accord-j~(1~f~ / 1 U1 ~ 'Y ~ -Lr~ ance with modern collcecenicthods.I unh z:i t11ia ecpe)drg 1)G EA T I nE L O uldehed holyT(Sunlistexcepaed)duginne, and if theret' WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS the Cuter e e, by are entries for each evecit it w ill take tiller flve tons of paper of all kinds to lbe sold bty the pound at regular 'HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION a verycImig time ito riiiihe t offi ill rates. Try our (rown Iiiperial Laineii at 25; ceiits pier pound. Blond Palier, 'thesis, aiid Ty pewsriter Piper at peiehilte ei, i le stain . broad IliimbI «vi1ti Great Ilargainis. tinvelopcs to matchi all papei.rs ta oaia ns- anlil ' 'asana e nws st an ea a / i iirl i atti idci ails rcd) t~'tll t 's1t11p j = iicd rais- C n) tt isnx if iiiic i ifiil tmi itt t'p a&tr0 0= tio'eiimmaI'i I. ittiin eto appeaduthe l )ily. iii, ss I lII at-i. t unn~i' in'( I iiitn~c.- 55 1 1to ti -tat ii, i Aataiittw.Ai la lit itiit'c toir 51 iciii i; s h' (ii, heai. iiiit t t ist i. i t iio c(')' t. it i. itic i i THEi. iof i. ILY, init it. I.. i. : 1:=s i. Atnst g i., '?(to . s ots a *, al'ii c lleges 'i'ii jui s , it i tle i%,}n iit sho licilnae benlurivedli evill s. r tl sing pninthtth it Ifcelent1 large toitllifc iii tnt te ridlers in the I i. of, \l. and it is one if the prt I ' c, ac estoiiwitniess. The ii tw itle mace is tused alt the inatioinal jinter--cof ci at' imeetig. BUSINESS LOCALS. j u -77 =-STTW= CC=l_ ,Z CZA= L Iti" selci i o r Farr Dlinter sBu- fotic extcl cr antt hlato rfrtI lt lie tcr ti 1 ,