iii ac THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. -ofMcoldlea Univer5ity of Michigan Guitar. You are' icc doiiuib eoti itet ib 0liic, 1 it1 5 I~ ~' l - ( l wes ti Quel(iaity highest. It ica-aictevilever}' inchiof lthe roact. Violin ciicl t iiitaii stricige, li0etc.: Ihicijio 1 iml C i n t~iStnriits, de thi l aci scilii ttidewish voleiiwouldii l il Ilttil c hat we' cts I s'it li ig ilil propoirtioni. I~ ccc'c c', seec i-I.. 1ยง .IL'enienPI iTGL'IAIOJ2 OLGX-00. THE TWO SAMSM Amrcn+Raiiis f S DZ U .1 1 (.I NoI 27crt N AIN ,.(C I cit i-c A tii ii iPo cl 'I '7IiIt. All Arbor SRonIll b ylll ?. VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY t STATE ST. TAILORS, WTORK CALLEDFGR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Oftice, - 23 South Fourth Ave. Z LP~L ELS,1 FOR FOOTWEAR. S140E5 for J30TI4 LApI1ES an~d GENTL..EMEN. T c s i">1E Ili I I siiiii iiiii ' 2 SOUTH STATE ST. LEM.YMON & BOWDISH. WTIA ,S B00K S TO REDOW o s cI isN Stiitecit cwitt Save ii ii(5v Isv 1)tinkic5 t-iii iisits tiex ~ tit-H o s'1( 1sipptic- :1t f t t tccsrtes. c''e cc ios spcliti co iiiit 1 ,t ' W I U 11 c 'It 1)11'I( 11 1)1cc 1. )F1T: 'I ItiOf.IKS. i rt. cii isBoot t se cc in the C3_. *'T713Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mich. 17 triii c-- ;;-'1 }essT' A Fisitesir Crig l ice 't. Tl.CA M PUS. 1 aic itr. A l tic t s '5, 1,is ' t ci t ctis o I 2tue l]'c(tSitil >tnimii t )rcht estra co ch iii otfit tiecs ic 't Tiiti sttc OF ALL KINDOS AT he taee ewas one of theisltiest, J. T. JACOBS & CO.'Sitfciot the tiist that tie has eveor 27 A:ND 29 'XAIN. r itde idcinthis ciii ctre 1IleIcc ale P~l~ht'rtond Straight Qfltt the best seleeticnccituciciethat seas Noc. I poissiblec usets i th. clof lM . act- CI GA R ETTES. disice shoiedsi last vesar that it seas ' :ir e 'iligeo n.'ctcicciCi ittile igc aclts it c~~-et u A ~v - ore itn he trc the hightic ltass if cc i2 Ste. Ixt! BRAD :sperir toCradie Songs. Ciii cc ftic iiciiccccsiicci Striightii c esi iiiccti i i i d c1 M l icciccdnicci iiiti cst iiiIof the tsNitcccs''" eiltl tie c- God ii g nicc in ic irinic. Thics i l ciiiecc iiiiici cia Ban o t Sraigt IIc ci i - ts cc lfu th be ei ofN ' m-v and ccecci ttbciii c-li t tcy ill i iiti cr15 llwzr ot iuniim"an c ciii c t-i i ist ll clii tiecs 1'CtcIi o h fr1 ti liciN C clc ti ciiscn veii tkl iii cicc1 itttccicncii t i' cc icc ii