THE U. OF M. DAILY. CLOTHING HOUSE,,15 odwr .D. Vl BLiJJlI IS T1Fi FTID., It is the Latest anid 01nly. den' UI i~~o I INvIIi.Notlinn Jul-n' itsP i . ( hSee NOB SLE'SWndwDisplay. ~3' oizmt Nvo bs -\?LJ Nn ~Black ShirtsBlack Underwear, Black Neckwear, Black NEW BOK SORESHandkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Suspenders,Black Hosiery, NEW BOK STRES, Black Elastics, Black Studfs, Black Buttons, T A T" F-BLAC'-K GCRAZE. UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S' 0~ Medical Books, Law Baoks, Eth.NicIOOKiS, ALL KEN-, Al11l Iook s used in ('By Schools. Students, Note Blooks and Pads, LieoDraft-Gos.i - ntumns Large Stock of Foutitain Penis. Al Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for,$1.50). G. H. WILD, Is shiowin the L'argest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades andl novelties in T.Irousering~smoid ()vercoatigs. Finie Nests can he had of No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. JAMES M. STAFFORD, CTAJLOR -IMP6REB# The hest place to get a MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 10 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - MICH.) APROBL~Mil Where and how to huy Ladies' anid Gents' Furnishings at the Lowcest .Prices. tWBIy huy iiio I<> E.F, MILLS3 009, T5HE POPULAR DRY GOODS AND CARi- PE0 SOTORE. IZ SHORTH AN1D 'AK A--TE AR GU," lauding. 20 SoJth3State Streee. 11' wC MLt PAY YOU. Shorthand School, New AT LOWV PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY V, LOWEST PR ICES Ott LAMPS, int this city. :You will save mottey hy buying of us. Our "RED STS Rl" OIL has no equal, hurns withtout odor, or chiarritng of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cents per gallon, delivered to anty part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEA.N & CO. ANN AJ0R SAMIN ANXI WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 36 MAIN STRET. S ecibat ttentiont paid to repairing Watehes M. W . LAKE, VICTUR ES, FR AME.S, A N D ART GOODS. 550'Vest Huron St. FERDON LUMBER YARD, tianutac-trer sitand dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor. Fourth andttepot Sts. THE CAMPUS. Twro fair co-eds itt the lo' de- partmettntow, Miss Emtmra 1R. Lee, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Miss Julia It. Jenitey, of Sytracuse, N. Y., bot in tin. juntior class. The cliarg e aaittst J. S. .Dud. iey, the pinitcipal participattt its the iaW disturbattce, for carrying cottecaled weapons, is "ott docket" it titeIllintois club court. Titroughs an accident in tite Ett- gineeritig Laboratory titis morning J. B'utgan, '194 Lit., hnad thte little finger of itis left btattd torts off' by titepianea. Ile was retinoved to tite lReguliar bospitttl. J. B. Wood, Lit. '911, will tnt tetuttrt to Annl Arbor liHe tas gonie to New YXot'k to attetndtlie Conlnumbia Law School. Librariant.Davis will lecturce this Tile Detroit High Scihool Alumt- tni hlave decided to found a scisol- ar'sipinthteir ala tttater. Tbe J. HALLER scholarshlip will cotnsist of a col- lege coturse inthtie Utnivelrsity of tiepairin- i eesinltr.____ Michsiganl, ai'n ill be given eacih 0. Mt MARTIN. year to the stuldent of the best Cloth Caskets, Metallic statnding inth ie gr-aduating class. .------ AND COMMON INISPtNS. Tile U. of M. Glee Club bas RINSEY & SEABOLT, Btakers and deaters in kindly offered to aid the Altutni Groceries, Provision s,Flour and Feed, itt their ttost praiseworthty enter- 0 anai S E. Svashiigton St. JOHN WOTZKE, prise, and will sing at the meetitng Maker oc fine - 1.LADJIS'and GENTS' SHSOES. of the Altumni Associattiotn itt De- Repairing neatly done. 4315. Staiii St. troit next January.GRNES Thte Albion teatm, as tihey played ACADM OF ANIG Satutrday, average 1654 pounlds. ~ DNYO A~N, The onclv foiot-hall out ns that opposite J~aw Buildig. have beett definitely agreed upoti by the U. of Al. elevesi are: Oct. 1s, l). A. C., Detroit; Oct. 25, Notre Dkatne, SouthBendut, Nov. 1., iNotre IDaci, AnitlAs-ber; Nov. 15., Corniell, platce nlot set- eveniitg its Roomo A ontt Book s _ted._ of Commonst Reference'. The The Fresllsllttl 'sprettd' will be lectute will be of great practical givets text Sattirday evetnitng at value to hFreslhtmetn, ts it will itt- Nickel's hail. struct thtem htow to use the library Mr. Winkler was called hotne catalogues. last night by tite serious illness of Thsere will be a tteeting of tbe itis brotber. Consequently be will Oratorical Association aext Fri- not meet Iis classes for the next day at 7:30 p. to. in Room 24. few days. l'ntils willst1>eeeisedlat anismoe(luring the seasn. Through Vestibuled and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- tand Oregon. Thle IWiscosiit Central asid Northiertn Pacific littes ruinsthirousghPullmatn Ves- tititedh tntd(Colonsist Sleeplers betweesi (hicago itoh Tacomia, Wash., atid Portland, Oregoss. 1Te traits knowgi as the "Patcific Bxpsres' leaves the (Gtand Central Piassetnger Station, at the corner of Fifths Avetiue attd Harrison Street, at 15:45 P. M. daily. For tickets, hberthis its Pillmatn qCol- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gao. K. TaoieesoN, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand Central Passenger Station, corner Fifth Avenue and It arrison Street, Chicago Ill.