at of.. L.-N. o. 15 O. UMVIYUSITY OF -MICIIIG,,N, TiltiS IDAY, SMLA Y 7, 111. i'iICr, 'illi *: CrT-S. Base-Ball Minstrels. Mrl . .T.Iarind1111w1as calledll Upon00to-da y andilg"tve some valiia- ble inf ormioninit gadtothe c1om11g Rise-Ba ll Ministrls. I I e replorts, that constaiit pratietl haIs been going111oil It the lorcheistra IlllI that thedi ners ( cobati.mlise-i Tlie 11a11111 i Ic l Ie te i- rection o (f Po.I a hsbe some v ersv fine playing'' mayi be ex- pected fromiii . 1 e otituies for the skirt 11an11ers ar e vreleI- gait, and theseasinfat lltie cotumtiies, are tile lproplerty of tile tompany, aiiulare mladle fromil rrigi- Ial tdesignis. TDress rehtearsals will beginInexIt week. I Te aftet ec i aburlesqule and~ as it is gottenl up by a writer of con~sidlerabile repuita- tion, wi11li e enitirely nesw andl very fine. M\r. Farrantd wislies ill state that wehile the programl is fiuli of wit [rm b eginnling lto Cend, 1personll-ii lusions are enitirelyv left olet, aiid tihat11no ne neel feel afraiiiI if be- tag "(-groundli."The Faculttehare graiitedI pemiin to the manag er to take the ti llllpe ott of the rite. They appeair it \ siati, Satiiriai, Slas io, it .1111 511111 1Tutrsdais- -\iay"21,11and it iDetrIoilttiider the auspiles loi the1) A C io Aas 23. 1'Tere theys 51iili e assistedi lit The Glee Club at Deetralt. As weas announclliedl illtile iiampust lotes of yesterday's, tile Gliee aind Banjlo Clubs trill appear ill tile Detroit Opera IIlouse, Satter clay evenlinigtext. 'Tatnager Riam~- ley swas called up1on1 anid hals gireli somle additionail particitlars. 'Site outr Cllluus for aeBll Clb is victorious IColrnell il ilfindiithat Ire can riot 1115lyilaull hut canl tehte totlt-hr ilb otir le e lIliiltito tile erIthe make a ploinit tio 11ea11tiheillM.. "The American at the Fotore." 11'heii Rt. Kev . jJ. . xaiie, Rev- tor of tile Cathlolic Uniiversity of Amiericla, at Washlinglton,1. . paid a visit rif inlspectionlitoitile Ui- versity iii Micigan, last fail, the Foley Guild seas fiirtunate enloughi to secure a promise frot inl~i to de- liver a lecture tuder its auspices. InI accordance switht thaitlironmise, thte eioqutent and Ischollarli hlop swill speak illUiviersity Ihall, on F'riuiav etenlilg next, at 8 p1. mI. Last year lie siioke liefore tile stul- rleiits at Illtrrard st-ho swere fairly carriedilaly hylis m~asterly address Iisis leetulre 011"'Tihe Atietieaui of tile Futulre,"' 'wh-ichl lie still 'ire here, lie has alreaiivdliveredlinl Nei rk 11 Chica twere it 'vvikeit the llighest bhe a i a111 oratorl andi,,115 proinllencle atsIll educiatoir, thinker1 and1s1cholar in chrchirl Ic ies togethier wt hhis thoiroulgly sSterlral spiret 'ill "ire promoise thatihe trill treatIlilsesubi- ject ill a mlannier storthi so 11111)a The Foley (Guilr is1 to he 1c011grat- The tCarnell Game- RAVNI (lihe experienice of College The followsing is fron thtie Detrioit Ji -i-Setriiho11know111111l appreclite ITrilittle i e crvefl iscruitinly of Collegie St- hents, haingll"a lige corps of skilled I'lere 1isIto prettier or miore Ielllreni-ltelr ~l~ll lorahie si''htl iniathleticvcirclies thiIlan 'tleIb i~'' 111itie erie a crowdsofiollegills an~d their faiir tandfrbdeadohrjwle lads friends, atirledi in liii ersllsti 1k111111" ittailiie- cololrsand stilly i vtieriii" Ihe.r fa-If1111P1isI LndinlanlilliAlsterdaml vorite baIv se-bal ou ot-hall team1oi 1our ia illtils and,1-othirr leiouls to 'Sons r lii1"aliaare ll 5 vill Ia jpositionllto pro- Societyr Rlo~luls of aii ll kils whichliare csts d iaso ileoflaillgs scoreilsloti-eMIaInfac Lur ll tisG JEWEl FIS. etv eentsin Derottratd iMe ehln fis hag foe tiekllany arlohors.ake Corlilaasil ahelciif' etheI. eA. j rih , C.& o cianprobbilitysthilaieti"lertelst Chap. " Ell er £- (2' ermU. of M. h eaet,(hill 7coer 6 andi Cornell 2 to I. ILast Satur- Uiviersity Outfitters, day' tile 'Varsities heat Oberlill 25 to iQ' 01 III 51 5 II.Si. a. So Corniell trill hlave to he a___ pre tty strong teami to outot~li the -DOSE 8)ILj- hoys in Saturdiays'5gamle. tpijlrju , The statemnt abolti'T'aylor is an I (QOT=-.A .I-Th error. We tare a first biase-mantas 15(4i nllsilllll atd Athletic (r'oods. gooil as thte average professionlal. Cornell's first biase-m~anl is nlamledlGENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 'Taylor, slit rhethier hue is the iirii FIN 51 IN.r1111 CI1Y. fessionall or hnot, steilo hot know-. How to Inmprove the Melmary. x r 1 z"ti Ird IPick 1illcue Thurdati izgAay 1iiat ei lit o'loke,1in tihe roomis o1 the Pli'ioi- sopiclal Soiiety ilanld OlderitIs atuspiees iupol 'ni"-emlory andiltlii Rationlal Mietoids oh Imiprosvill It. Th~e N ationllslys5 thalt Dr.ic1k is Ite greatest authlorlity owhitvtill" lilt tile suhiecel.ITle follotsing let- ters of introdution showsito n 1whIat K THE PAC G) Sole lagrents 11 1' llI Arbor. qA5A$. SPELLER & Q. PDETP.OiIzz - uliatedin l secuirinlg so able a lectutrer I esteem hDr. Pick is hldhilbyriw to speak unider its aulspices. No ad- great Am~erican educators: miussioui still lie iharged. I I'it )E111 lit II iI Pittsburgh Alomni Association. hiltstwill introdluce to yout Dr. I[Tick, wh'lo it visitinli sereral if tile SAmlericaneIUniversitliess and11 Olii ttro losser bioxes have'Cbeellsecet I A m5ulove has ibeenladeiaiCtossard- - - b'I f( y atnagerAbbjott, for tile team.I .tile organatlialloilaiif lu51m11ni As il Ushts1111lert1i rta ii P-OT 3~ fP 'Phis is tile 20ltcotncert givenl tis tociatioti of thue University of ilicil-reebr Ilhaladmce-YerbthClbanalwoa-igntPtsur.Ameigfr rec nEgadadhrad tendl uay be sutre if ihearihng sohme- tihat purpose trill lie heldinilltile Ibleei otyo l of thung s-ry'fitne. STe programutstill parlors of th~e DuqIueshne H otel, di 1. Ai 510,TO M LINSON Probably bhr giventiniiFriuday's hmll. .Pittsburghl, Pa., ohn May j5. Ptl' P~ resident Cornell Uiviersity.I Alantaer Ranmsey says ltIatno e- cardls annoucing tile maeeting" late IPick Y1t nrdcn r iii tohr. C. I__ sriction trill be lilaced on "it-lag beent senti to graduates of tile U. of L.. Noridt the . o -I ellandsugeststha i\ . ho ae rsidnts f Pttsu3g WOOD WARD AVENUE, ttUofi.yelan tgcttta M.sloaersdts f Piibr If I were a young man, I swould' [lie Detroit Opera [Houtse will lie tile and vicinity, urging them to attend. - ve this systenm,prsneb Dr. Place to celebrate victory or dross-tiThte tovemuenit is in charge of a g ic1a erycarfultril. t Yent defeat in the apptroved college committee of which AMr. John A.~ to be swell worth the te required. $PCIAL RATC~ style,I is rentarkably fortunate Murphy is chairmtan antd Mr. II. C. ANDREsW- I. WHITE, tbat tbe Cornell [cant are to hear King, secretary. Ex-President Cornell University. TRY HIM.