777-C7-L kO. tee a s : TOIL ET --SOAPS NE1''lIil{, I1.1 I i, 'II" 1 a ,11:1}t.S ao i aa' l sa i' sal I I,('-:NG :IS,:.I' SSpira Stre{(_ I. l 'l'a N N i1 i.'.1 . .'H, from a 7, lfm , i The Acaacat al l ts i',. tall It 13. F. eLftRK, M n Ieillit Nih t the fal kan's.asI ('a' Manll,'l il '~ aiger i~ IS . O n.I. as;2 iIZIOa GoAdy OLr' s on. AP 00. 501111-Atilt O'aal'oIM, from CourtiI1ous , at and all lea 'a.l5' l'lorl IL. OGCQDEPT17L ' i0TKI Pas liI al ili -ReiI'l i1-11 1,Il Bo~ard and Roms Uto 14 psrW4 " ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. The llAshliy Special,'"A;by," Oxford "GHa~vard.V II 1 "11 l' I lea f tIm 1 lease I I Ill a l d i I~ealeIs ill 1loolastii 71ol. et'c.,l ea hers Co-Operativu Ass a on AG*' E h hed in 1584. Positions filled, 2310 SeaksT"a ., are a.mbitious tar advancement rather than thaoss walhoat Pa 111110 G. H. WILD, I } t s c~ h e ] r ,e a liS h o k o. ,I ' 1i' \ ia} 1 1 Ic h w l l 1 ill w 1 1 ( "k . Ovrotil 'i~ ssci ~ ala'uN. 2 E. Washington St. near Main. G. H. WILD 4-1 S AI"' ll Ei'l'7 .. (; Solt "I'Ii MAIN T. 17IJH CJLASS CORRECT ::STYLES -IN- Spring Suitings A ) r Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings (Trouserings. Noa'altlsNiln Fan1 V \a51sti s Evey- th inaNeaw'Stylishandlc IS SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBIOR, - - - MICHI. 6PRTIJ G ATHLETIC GOOED S. .A Full (and Complete Linle 'l1eii''t Sh iltna, 15lss Pants, Tiiiiis Ihickets, lRacket 11aides, lase Balls, Base Ball Mlasks, (CaiivasBelts', Slier Plates,1Boxiing G(1)ves, Boldy tPriit- tin's, Suspenriis , Si'oie Books, Base Ball Gloves's, Tenths Ialls, Capls, Iniianli ('bs, IDuiiili Bells, Sweaters; Jerseys, C'attciers Mitts, 'et'. ete.IDoiit ftny Illtil 5(you llS)harhee 1111' assortmienit. B1UR1LEIGII & JOLLY '15SrSAES. r'O5Ir=lN s I'O JAMES VWBRIN-lE, CAMBIDGEoi, MASS. eT"Caltsr Catalogue iind ice samples or Mackintoshes. ICE CREAM ANti SODA WATER. GREATEST VARIETY V, LOWEST PRICES oN' CROCitKERY IN' TIHE CIY. 711 hicPeal 1Whiite' Pllates - - - - :i:> 'Is. pei set 7 ichliadaiiantine Chinlatellls - - - 41) cts. per set. 7 inchlSeni-porcelaiii, Iliiate's ilates - - >8 scts. pet set Perct White ilil11dd'lias - - - ' aS cts. per set Aaimintine li'dlil 'lieas - ' - - 50 )cts. pei' set B3oelc Semi-porcelain lild1d Tleas - - - 7.i cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & GO. ,H 3JSITESS PLLCIOR10 THE CAMPUS. M~rs. BeiaI n singaat 111e\\'olslt Society II)-illlt 'Te 9 aras 111110 lc deaeaed '9 I lit, liithe cll pus yel~lste alrdlay,. I to L A ctrgo h I~iI cc' 11111) will behld to-ightll i t 5 Ill1o1 11u 11l l l 1110 11111 is1desired~~. Asook bi lay metila allfIthe'iR1pub-) licrluwllarIi (119hseld1huray~ night in thel Kla lla oosllo. ti)i ot>11 Masonlitlaw'cglassft his wek or he a C riyalng ailltosst 11r011f110so I )t Or ill beSlbsentii ciomlo llgeho-miorrow.Ile111 it tilo01o11111elstnirlay cassitogde-I lie.h sa rdaigades ('1h100sec~o ontst dbate bes l- fay'ette is. 1.lllgll, 9qIto 5; U. of I'., 7, A.. S . A., 6; .Swiarhmollre, 211, "'est (Chester, (' ordell, 25, S1e- venls, a. A chiange las been nmadeo 11 111 Cisil Engineetinlg IDepartmenit fot the secrotal senser. Phoatogtaphy will be addeid illconnectlion withItile field work. Campus notes and notices farthtie DIuLY shoauld be put in the baxes, oni Saturdasy evening11, 1b0fore6 o'cilock, for 1pub)iliaion in llM1on- (lay's isue. Stepnia sinhrond11911 ~~i~s if 0111e1ric(llegs.ONW\'o predictIthat ho wil no1alt b1e swanted't111e551cond( Clionr assWl,'go11110la, adilassI pr~iloptispracticinglaw at hl llajI IlIest lawyrsillthesateirdatinde1r 111i name b f .1011raliin lf.11sa Asareut fategtycors Ionsence, oans', IlS andO Bajofli Ca~lrllub ivsureathingetron, 10111 ouseofat turday igall andlajs,lie a'oncrt. Atll. o solol ie oisto thlreyga shot, wih boelebrate1by0tt ning rbrte 1one Cthlolicalnveito'satr laingt(lo swil satreoftsUnliesitraeHrlol- Tsay eeig ofdsrotesfausa Scetyof tieley.uoflM, son t-e ganjeedwi'lls Utheoloingficers: Preidenmt,.nBeWick;ve-puglrs wh. Lb theMonroernGeyshiowrhs WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, #i MAIN STRlEETI' Speialiattent~ion aild ill repairintg Watce3c adJewe'lry M. W. BLAKE, PICTIURE S, FRAMES, AN14 ART GOODS. 1ilwt ron iS' FERDON LUMBER YARD, SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER (Cor.laourh aniilDipotiiSt d J. HALLER 0. M. MARTIN, IlI ALEil IN Cloth Caskets, MV.etallic ANhItliNIMO hI IN'S J. A. POLHEMU , ALSO11'Iii's 1hAl 10ANDi ii.1iGiAGE7liNt RINSEY & SEABOLT, Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, Maker111 tine I.ADIIOS' alitl(dE:iN'S'~ k W911ithie retuin rof tIelie ast) 1al1 Siasoni, Aie shall IieIipieprared'cl Illfur' I;-Il"OlMS FOllBlase Ball, Iai iIi 'eniiis, CicI'ki't, L~a tirose, Yacliith a111 fio' all Oiitiiiglse:a. (Oilt'Shaker Swe'ateir for quialty' aniidurablltl ia noi equlial.011'u111lineofBlase 1a11 Sll)' plies, Bats, Balls, Maska, Bodiy' proI tectorts, Caltchiers' AMills, ,a«-1 Telli suppli's, etc., etc., as ini lltrmertseas ons1 swill idefy' compe~itition~, We are justly liroudlof lilt Iargecocillege fl lossiiig, duIcNe art e r' 111 le lito th esteem e a Iilltollstrenlgthen Irall sealsonltollseasonl, illt te itiIovCmet of our gooids -whlere it is possil.t Cor- responldenlce desiredl withi maiageta eof all college cliibs. Senid for our tN Catalogue Of Summer Sports anit1Vt'f' forms, A. & B. free to any addres. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICAGlO: PHILADaELPHIA: 108 MadisoSteet. 5I= 1Chestnut S'tret-l NEIV Yoauel 2.41 sod l24a Bradwayt.