THE U. OF MC. DAILY OU1TING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8.Unvp YOUnlt(('0 nIdonhi i(II~l'0l(')el i thie above00 inc.and 2ao we haveo 1000 e51(1«f' V'ilin1111(1l 1,1vc. W e iii)' wo01'i'Otplc , a ll( I 01)1 11 ' (otI1 111110 'i lt1Ii1. .M inf. )f Old 1U. of AM. 'hould have a Sity of Michigan Guitar. t.(1aiyhighest. ( Itlaltteed every inlch of the r'o:d1 Guitar1 O rlrrg, 10) ('l.;IBanjo a1111 .\IalItdcltr il ohs. X, t i l gi l l p .(E t i o n . I I i L G I O THE TWO SMSE M$. 7J L~. 13~et~1 A merican + Ramblers, -No I 1 S)1 iIIMAIN. (;A IA t10(1IT}.11 ;A t) lo()I I'(Ii 10 'iti'. " - I I All ArOP SRonffi b~lll . VOORHEIS & DIETAS, BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLIDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. -%1OES for 13 Off ice. 23 Sooth Fourth Ave. -j LL 10NLJuLEE U8 22 SOUTH STATE ST. CGo DOWIT rrOWLT& FOR FOOTWEAR. We c11ry k. i:.. I:,t. e t)r 11 ' It0 !inl thet' E 11 111 0)t) t iesiv 700) 1,ik Io s 11t)lowet rl aoln xtya'sh aa '1(0o o r i)))i)'5 hIal i11 ~itoll s1 ( i' I t LEIADINGl 1B)OK iORElIN T' I' ~(TY'. T 7__-^,;___-,y Afete_-nel -i- -1Ae.1 Ionn):'IA.A tO loll. r the Col.- . 111101 I - I~ aam> i d > l. c Ia1 C tli t}!oi t tv OF ALL KINDS AT J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27r-'312 pUXSI.11-,IhmonG{ Straight Qct. No.I CIGARETTES. a'reocilln o 011)yttle) I(t-t ha)g t he c price 01 1 1)11Cigaretes,'ill) ind It 111N t 01 ~lerort a llIoter.0) Anu rbo SaichmnStBaigk ilL o ' r t t l , ae 1)1))trol w.t rIg - All go n'in.055 101(1).ThsiteOl 01d a Ill-ll i ld l otllu-ingthe)111110,w'%-) Igeratr o irton'es, adoh cnhdoors, giaslitn'e ashe s til.,vry201 ii e. lr . Th LAxe,1'f& r lI laBlanch'11yl~ 2 AEn.rbr JaingsLIBatk Sitrl(1ss'iwcll, ills. Si t11e)1eatet.T tnPatowilt' a l)trp1f ingrsan ancers 0)i11 be tO'ot t.theOerlouse,010and1111tile 1,1000011. The ib) o1)1ofte students1 110 Scott M1a101)10 isso011inti 10.1V000 unqin the1110111e10))icaineti. It caeo illina1ie Snctol, whihhtlt- sc)re1 'it lto 11a)11a00sh )or t n o . t Oct11)pIlac atrl Suit wit th patol 00 )1111e00A1while asilo'ltiitd an'ditthetewoelorses1101 i lina "11r'a1111"al I ll 11 tisele oc al Nt) 'l eIII15.t'heyllvinarketrit ll relercaatrStepparatsofficedfrom set tolay5(ilke Squre.nfo tl ttoilas511 ccso 'fP.e oo-ball gaImAe, Teate tit1 I to l 1wtt' I(,(. e 111) m. ) yIto le managing 10)1editotrt. The Foot-Ball Championship. 11all ii0ast It n t prat iced1) t t ) l tt l It t a1. It -c 0c t 1 t t l te ' sItht Itls a1 'o.1 Compe tton Ad~noptedby tle onnerl Suln. cooche l )11 t;it lot' o 11)1)1Iito the eliail 1110 01111diltxill 10e talcien lifrom te saoga ss oiicsegad itsefi h epsito eadne studlent hody as thte otlher1co1- lege dailies, acnd althtough to a few it nmay seem thlat anl injutlilce is Tie- ing donte tile classes1 those who u10' (derstand tile effect thlat class politics htas IhadI011tile Sun oill readily per- ceive that it is for tile interest of HAVE YOU SEEN jTHOSE rNEW DERBYS ? $X2.00 $2.$50 $3.00 DON'T MISS THEM Potent FINE P tH GR I H Millinery and Art Uoods. M5) East HuoneSt.