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May 04, 1891 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-04

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TIMhE TABLE. 7Iit tttlf( tt llfotsiI ii 4 t t oftihesin )ti'tin with h
105>15 N, Nt It' 1tit~i. [t . 5 t1 II1lt 5 t 0 , 1, U I a l~
, 15 10.N5, .tt at i I Sot505. ~ s Asil si~.5 t(tttii i .'i . tL II / ~
tot.10, ,t.:111, '1 .,111.5 1.5,5 I . . sisan l t IfA , Is tit( s t i rl l it Its I~
10;0Z WO iti Vabastt Ate . i ~lu l est Stat site foI liIttiils t..515 tt tt orit t it H l ist eet
B~. F. CLftRK, Ma age tS~t ISI :NO 'Ia t .:5, 6.0,t, 5 ., 5 i11i iti oS Of all huts5.--
or ANc1N Attt t, tfr oCt House, tait 111 all l eadi ngdr tggists. Bor an Rom + "'
Srii i .ieiti o etit n tloo IZIOlIALESQOP 0,ELIOT& SHUTTS, Proprietors
lot Agsf it Aovi l(- AtttVIIntn].te esst tr'oh> sit0l'I MliIA. ILL.
Ettl s Isis ct i th t teen l torotigitli triedill i n AttArlor aid
The ''Ashby Speczial," 'Ashby,"O xfbt's," "Harvard'
Co-operaiv As In7
are amititous for advancement rather than those withotpstisO"'
ill l 1irt I'ltttis sil i 7tso Ihaill liiils. G. H. W ILDi,
77 I5solystst t (ieLm-ryest lilo sito 1 tullItsesosSut sls ii t t i t t 1stkc
Dit s i titbooks, Stt ioneretc. ltelattest sasldes ttial ti ti es itt 'roIt itttst andtts
4~ l XC ''I :l1. 6 5 L'1I I \1 . ()ercoin~tsg'. Fisse \'ssts catn le liti(1sit
No. 2 E. Washington St , near Main. G. H. W10'
J, 1F J7 F04.-r- a DT IIA DICTV sfl1 I s T nnirr' ffSITNESS PILLECIORB.
Spring Suitings Sl Vsins
Overcoatings. .
New Colorings
( Trouserings.
1'o> Stic s i tl c S
UflCAL1IL 1 VAML IIT dLU TI C 1 1n tllr
ON(SN 5.1 iE tINN tIiE CTY.
7itch Pearl White Plates -
7 1 sets Adamsatttinse(Chtintta ltes -
7 ith sSemti-posrtclatins, Bote's Plates
Peatrl Wh'lite IlshltI Teas - -- -
Xslttststtitse IlshI l ets
i~ottsBensi-porcelaitn IIllitiTeas
cts p7ro. er set
40 - 51ri. ier set
58 iests. ster set
'I c 5tsn, per set
0 si . ioper set
;75 ct.spet net
pEAN & co.
Thei majority of stiulets at Vsale
comtte froms the west.
H arry Ml. I iiiritig, 'a 'i91tlaw,
Ihis Iteeti sriosly rill for taloew clays
risoil 5 Itir ite( t 11.'thiIs is
tho stiltscril ioiiiof 'slt sr Uhi.
1orte wi ct tomtintirailuitoilfromt
theto I 'it rsii i of'7sNOtwVittrkI Ltt
tural College.
23 iii .
won~i frosts Iansing,I
tO SOU TH MAtN ST.,. loo 0
71 is. liltiivt'toi suits t lsh it1 o
at till', 5tiSil(Allii'enlltitti('stitorl.
s a: itcher tlil sisotinwas calle1 oilinkts
' lfSundayfn " rui,;Iti vlia lole grout ati-
the sloth ofllIsi tile
GOODS. sitr
J . .lollarid, 'sitmetiec, iwto xas
B3 -7 &fnY sable I to ccriiiittsy the(lice ("iet)
P ECi*ED tM ott its tistrliecasate of illnsess, is againt
A Full and Complete Line (A. o ii ftios ('oliege, tire s isilisi
Al,. M . I ltsri es, of the tists opaiiiiis
ChItsviol Sluirs ('ittit toPrits, Tetlillissdepiartmient.
Ractrils. ll~t'ls-t II tisits, 1Lse Batlls, otl laditbaose-itoli iractice
Basse Blli Ma~sks, ICanvass ls,'1Shoei
ltes, Blinsg i otis, Bdy IsPtitsc- egistiabotl Xril s at Ants.arboir
tors, Suspensorses, Scosrseciuoko sBsosandil tther easternsuiversities.-
C'lubhs, Dumb Betllis, Swtrs;rs'seysot C riel, LUnilt'.f 'Minntesota.
(atchsers Mills, stc.e. Don'it Ibuty 'lseloinversity of 'Micisigass is
unttil yost (ass sects oiur assortmsen.st aid to resemibie tie otnirersities of
i ILI:LIGIT & JOILY I Etglansd atndGermany osore tuan
:.tb S. STATE ST.,
.Z5. r mom 7~ any oter intshle Untitedl States.-
C.AsttssIDEt, MSSThe Normsal School defeated Al-I
g7V.Calsi fStr (Cataloe andsst see samples ofbo College at Ypsilanti on Satur-
Msla itstise. b i
ICE CREAM AND SO0A ATER. day, i9 to i; and Michigan Agricttl-
lTe freshmtianiteamistwentl tso(Or-
chardl Iale son Satuirdaysvandilwon
frost the coilets. Tlse score ttvt 2-1.
ts 3. lINaills phinsg wssvtrt
Alt the ruciii XI-Massachuissetits I ssi-
Il ite Iirst and seonspsizesl ex-
i'll thie tile valilt ntoreNvtt ii by
IHariard most
'luT nyPashtor wtilllie iiatitney'n
Opera Ihouse, ant "The Patroil,"
isiw neo-dsrama by IrScottlMrbl1
wtill lie aitite Iyceutims'T'heater text
Saturdtay eening.
IHarvardi is ttiing iii lresent-
itng anthler (Greek tlt', sot groat
iras the isnterest aswakedi by the clis-
sic Iproduictions ottthe O esdiptus'ly-
rannus ntstomsetears ago
'There bhas bess itsexistenre it
Corinell for a tiumiber of years ait
organsizatsitin kson tsisthe "Coirneli
Ciongress."s it is tisiteleil alter the
L'sitedt States (Coingress, n a sis ~sts
ipresideint anid cabitiosfficers several
at the tprofessors.
(if the 345s'islegns ands unvcrsi-
ties reliortinig to the Nationial tin
reau of Eduication at Washsington,
204 Ire co-eductational. Thse sante
thsinig say bse said of 58 out of 4S
sclsools of scictnce ensdowxed by
natiotnal lansd grant. lVonsen at
Iresent constitute 55 per cent. of
the undergraduates in this reentry.
;5;1MINtnISITRT. Lt~e
Sijicisi t cteni opist to repairinlg ttee
a ever.M.W . BLAKE,
AR~T GOOD-. t0 West Ililto
Masufsituerisas' t eassiler tcsn5
('or Fouthsandi ~tie s.i
44 soti MANiST.
H Ii :, a(SrS it pttttit ts'.
0. M. -MARTIN,
l)fit It IN ~
Cloth Caskets, Metallic
555 C iit tN (t'UtI'N'.
ASt.Sti'USIlto NI ) BA(.xs t~t;(iH~ it
Groceries, ProvisionsFlou rand Feed
I.AI)II.S' tirll G=INqS
Wtith thse rehsirts oh the Batse ]3411
sesntit sha'slbeisrpt'ratrteiIto ftsr-
nIsall (Ishastsis lewti1s(1desirale f15
Tlenntis, (Ctisket1 t, a rsse,Ylarhitit
atid fist'all Ouiting tss.n()Ill' Sla_
Sweaiter totritsality anddrabfilitl"' sl
its equial. Orli of si t ItssIBall 5 z1P
lilies. BallsIBills. 71 ustloy lr j
Iseltrs, Ca'cets' Mt.L aws ets l
Suppiliess, ec. , etc., ts itltormlerse.
si dItsefy SollltetItsstI We tjr
justly piroudi of osir latrge csllege
lowxitng, slise its wi ire axxvare, to tile
supheriosr qtaitiy of ousr goesds. frhis
esteem ste aimtto istretgthennflan"
seatonitto seasoin itthe tisr).Oe (iO
oif ousr goossWh~ere illis poissibile.'"r'
respotiseneesisredl swith lt jlagers
all college elttbs. Sentd for oure
Ctlhogute of Stmmer Sports attd I011'
forms, A. &.B. free to anty address-
CCAsin: Pt1tLADJEtS1tA-
let MadisonOSreeLt. ti=tChestnuat Street
241 and 2431 Broadway.
J I l 7 "" ' . a.va"ay w as aaG 11 ..41

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