THE U. 01 Messrs. YOUMA/V'8, K/VON q and SILL'ERMA/'8 THE - L-COAT o 0 See it at FM. DAILY Oft Olu. of M.osl ld ~lhavye a University of Mfichigan Guitap. ies lowest,(Quaity l1 lest.OaateleeyinhoteIal. Violin ana1 l otar XStrings, l10 ret. 1al; tanjo1a1d Man1dolin Strings, cts. Ic:erytli j11 0 1101 Itio)) L.I. Sl N1TTNflF OTT f1tls f 4. 'eot LLHEDIG TIW.JU.NO ~L ORGNC. BROWN'S DRUG STORE CON Ell MAIN AND JIURON STRIEETS. LAJZOtEsT clSOCK 01" TOILET GooPs AND FINE ('10005, Toll .ccos AND CIGARIETITES IN T'lE CITY. WII = TWO(Ds A Iv s - I,. BLITZ I AlRR ArMP or m j~LlilltY, VOORHES&ODETAS, FERGUSON & SLATING, BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, G k F rijishers ai" d $afters COR CALLED FOR and IDELIVERED. FRT LSSWRK 'Iry 11)1 ' ine hASrA , , T\'ElItIIEI. I.YS MOl)'1.11. 11 o'eTUENTS'''. tU-IJEIIW All. Ehtc. TIhe latest sty les 11111 a111enitire nisostork to select 110111. Ofie 3South Fourth Ave, BALL R NLJDE E US SS 71SO'I3T S T T. -7 s7 ':5tN 1 "Ro 'lsal1t)')iiio \tlCtIlS i il I111tcs 11N I )IC .ii .0, 5' 1 sl 0 'Aft0 1 "" t No CNN n'S-a OUR cm L ifH p .11 .. Isow L~ ' Ei:AIIIN I3}OItE5011 N,'T111E('Ct'TY . . - ALO 5-7 Iiy 7~0L2 FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. [ ri ,. otii'clses tgih' ho~ 11') 00 'iiN'r I tino ith lloanS' to I> Ilic'lss' av.nti - INlaw depart moont l o' syn c llc'- Mdcsical Clf )'jtl 0vt)t' 'C lukeIalsot G Iilog Oct. 13 will lbc as foliowsc: Iprolmoil a t lp tr ill Ihe rccl i ts A litlill, Prof.tlI liii1})c) 1 n's- s li he collteslal t. Ift Ihis c0111100- C L TlI ay, .Prof. Wells; Wednesday, be stopped, the nmber ofstutdents GOT OF ALL KINDSIAT Thomlpston; Friday, Plof. illwl 13100.)11ge0Br 11 ilecture to nIeed not b slarge a nprevious' JI. T. JACOBS & CO.'S) senliors and gradluates on Mlonday, years. 1 Wedneodlas, an11)1id'nay at 3:25 Let the i'reslllln lall iss select 27 AN'+D 29 mAI-N sT. p. 10. twenty-fi'e JunIitorsandt the Sopils " L. ORUNER. MISCELLANEOUS. tlie samnelnuiber' of Seniiors to o S ~EI D . II=S CHIORAL zUNIO, -Prof. Stanlley 5'l lelill ll 11iglll' 1y lepa' No.5 satl Maislreet. ~ outsiders, andl (le great rusli will ---- ___iring5~one Neatlyand11Promlptly. will beinoilRIoolo 24, 't 1 .1 --- --Tuestday evn~ling (tIo xaixleap- take5plato wihas little danger to lc E0'OrYiody is inivitedto (go to0plicanits for IadmIission,; also from hotly 1and)limlb as5 heretofore. the sktl1eI~ktolg~,t rt 2 to 5in llMusic 1R0o)m, AWcenes- .1lirs~l*isatngrnktongh, owi- a atenon TereulrH(J1_--r, flso the0 exibiitionl illlighitninig iearsals Ilave bhon dt h ldle list Engineering Society. inery and Olletioll. of active lmemboers will 00011 he I Panig. Books sold at aucton. d.The first lmeeting of tI ll 1 0- -------'2. veer~oing Society was 11011 last Save Time and Money commu icai o Io Saturday eioleiig in Doom A and 1i1'. IdT'ct<°.--ln yu su fwas lattended bI y 1alarge an~d ap- lly1115'll~yllrOct. .8 you enlcourage tile attemlpt preciiltiv'e crowd. Prof. Davis4 Y sm to discontinue (lie moot ilmpressive gave a talk on "Engineers anod_ iiiiii ~ and ill manyl respects tile Imost re- howr thlay are made",Ile shlowed ~~av UU~ arabe een i or holeg necessary the enlginleer is to , N xnarabl evnt n or c lleg otdern timeis, and ill tilecourse r course.I refer to tile Freshlman- of is remlarks said tihat U. of MI. O~~WIEW AEHR.Sopilomore rush. Without re- graduates have played n0 small F x peating tile numerous arguments part in thie Engineering world.- cJq] ahanr in favor of tile mail-tile class Ile broughtito1( especial promi- spirit it arouses, (lie hearty good of tie tile too great predominance ~LIM TE~, felig i prmots, tc- wi h e ory over practice in most of U ofM. feeingit roote, ec.I wsho' engineering scilools and espe- 4 M'Nonroe St 110 S. State St., to say a few words regarding the cially in* the U. of M. After his SYT1 ! ' ~~number that take part in the rush, interesting lecture a business I IE Chiicago. Ann .Arbor. It hlas been customary for the meeting was hld. aCnsaCly )HOES. d Art Goods. JlW YORE & SON Malnufturliers of 13a1d and Orchestra Band lnd Orchestra 'S n11 faor Oalllapicu. ailel kWee. "RAND lRAPIDS, MLICIIIOAN. DAILY, A WEEK, $2.50 sYsar.