THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTIG ORNEG IGEESHIPT8.Of Old U. of M. should have a You Univer ity o Michtigan Guitar. Xuare n11 oultitro ntheaoeln, ~nIa 5 io ties lowest,0(dualty highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Volin tid GuidtrStrinigs, 10 eta.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, mlade tle i pei a l s0til ud , wishi you wouldl call and see what11it 00 5 ts. Everytltitg in proportion. L. II. nft e e lave. 'te 1011w wee cain please you and sire you nonev on tll. 8S. Man .A.LLMLIPIGERPIANIO & OL G.ANTCO. THE TWO M~ 7L11 'i'Z. - 1 , American + Ramblers, NAt I1SOUTH '1 I I N .'' ItE lulMir~onlVOORHEIS & DIETAS., -IDON W0-0DOW1TNF aY\OW1ITx- BEST WORK IN THE IT SATYT:ALOS FOR FOOTE . CORKCALLEPaFOR andCDELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. ? 514OES for J3OT$ LIAPIES aqck GENTLEMEN. (0ffice, - 23 South Fourth Ave. -1~I3L L 0< u 0 >oI 22 SOUTH STATE ST. L.EMM4+ON & BO0WDISH. I U " U 0IG r t 1011 '1ineeritl11 de VI~ nS 04mK l N O N k irk,''Prof . 11.11. 1101100; ''Shade, 1pecial disoun11 can1111 1 LO' t OKS, MEI C lAL 1lOOKS. D NLN'' .lisl)IS. inll 0111. e1 '1}Look0 u1e11inl 1111' S. Ielio. lcd';e ('1 1 IIv s sel cri 111 toIl ..,,__ -1 -' i f ' " ~ - r-r , ' 'i1. Y - IN- .The MemcrieaI Sex CLOTH I I G 0K 1011 sel f~r1)~ll.t 111'idc 111 iii \l.'' t OF ALL KNDS AT J_ T. JACOBS C&LCO.'S, 11an, after tilt 01 0i Ire 27 A N111 a MAIN ' '. hr \.f 1 11 antI 1 a (CIGARETTES.11Professor 1larr11-toll I Ciar'te III' 0111 1 wlo111 firt r ave I Ile 0 lotr i ll",gatesvl l fid IN TH01 S'lo1BRAND u11o1 t mN1te1teacer w1 'alt 111thers. '101011('11 \I'll lbl 111rh (.t 1 11( 101111 lb' :ire made from the11' i' 010da SCl'tlt h ( W- I 11111111 11flat.o1e11 wool highest cost }o 0 i (" 1It ' (s ti t 1niall l th l I'rI S o '. 11u as v It i nlBado nill Cut (111' 111 A rbI Vl h-ighortbyIsa in he Bc a nk<. h s4ldC~Sa d h s S1 '1c'110.,o~lnl f ~ Th IL t ;1\I'll 10. IU -O (fteAmricaRGUS~~ccl.'-. 11 0000 1 , ~l gerlallfrersll, ';1(1).1110door th~oinestve. cics, eaoSi. Iuron BsopFsssL E1 (acth:Infonstle wwtsla lihcitiey:of)+.the lha sltop loss, fam .Ph i C'ttc +t atc, repor t s ad thecixts , t o ixr '05 latid o iiOs sitil sell i p lvred (le ifth llc tureV ~E.RANALL xtt leyr% san Guild sie l --TEAGSanuel ll h sbec as"h rviu . Th11 pc~d cr l sed l l tr 111 1110 1 C~r'sit1 ''Ifall, ' 01- 0 Ic t 1 II 1 0 «i ; ~c~:1 1'.'' 111.0 1 I 10 0 11t111.0I11 sect 1110 011 M 100n T'isi s. \'011 1 (11 1',- IloraiL'nior snfI 1 1110000 ~ft to hrist I~ cd dcli ~ ~ 0 11111111 1 l 1 0 Ttllmi os~ l . I. T-affects 1.00 e 1110 101.1. A rii vco s11.11 an cdllcatc 0r 1s 111111 111000, 1ni ll. N iollChrist Ntvre fa1r(more''( th i.lier-,vasth C 1 01100010' Sciey I1. dc im Capentr'',I eoIdhos ftheR Ic wa Jeu 1 larcetoHaiory Prof(211. S0''L ndc 11re 11 11001 <; stet 1110.11will 1 1 11 to11 , 111100s tet jYOU jSEEN THOSE NEW .DERBYS ? $2,00 r"2.50 $8.00 S DONT'T MISS THEMR 131 her . GOODSPEEDS 30 Eatst Ituess St. A_ _ _ _ _ 1 , . z ,, l IT r at iS