-IE [t lQ M. D)AILY TII-7 - 7 T7-1j 2 _ i IN o I T ilzt i t, l . M LOLE IZICIZI7 I IOIO TOILEI -=SOAPS B. . L f;1'\, R} ,( Ot, n g r ii ac1 'II 'y"lA 1 it l, ii, al11,~ i lliili~o' ftl 7'rolloml l'lai.14 iih(ltenls.i1al':311 1i ill. NI& ads Leaii' NN (\ilttit, froi-a ourt Iiilo, at lTheall ra tlii lii i t '( l ltll ilA'i"IN15 II.5 PIIRTANI)i-otand 1.10, :..50, > t.s p. a il~ ligisii. '55..5, I ii loi in m tfasiit e betfil(aly h al C~i" TG7]{ti httsI.A aI# > lu1 i a. i IClT ffcSrcarCOe f00.01 00.,t F. C Li'ARKIi'av,,i1I A F tTl iesso l id.1.M n g r 1;1 - 'SoldtatlGtodPerA, BIow.N OGCIDEP T7 L -+"i172T1f ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors, .. 0 --t L~Acl W3NV hat hl CJI)CC- Tthor(- T .o-Onerativ BA ;iir i ea C~ <" 1 i n ~ctfcCt atsfa~t()n 1Established in 1884. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks 'Teacs '- are ambitious for advancement rather tloan thonse wthouat piions. Th e Ashby Specia, ti Asi by " 1Oxford " Harvard.' _____________________________ 111 1 Ziofeni s an bas1Bal tincls. GCTL H. TIJ1JD - f2C1 1: Ish1ow iin (l heielargest tock ii)f1Full Ili ss Siiitiiigs in thleimarkt.l Dlle sil I i oii Iii i t S ii ii Ier et., All tlie latmst shades ainil insellirs ini Troein s andig Hl 41 SATEsI-tl: 1'. i 811 'I'l il Al o. E. Ov-erenatiliga. 'iie Vests cn e i haled(llof No .Washington St, near Main. G. H. W__....- I. f.SIFFIW ~s TOOCI on, Br. TSITLS PILEOIO5 HfIGH CJLAS CORRECT :-: STYLES -IN- Spring Suitings5 ANi1) Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings STrouserings. Noveltliies Iiil Fan'y \Vesting s-I'very- Il~ingNe'-Sty lishi and Seasonabiiileliatl 9 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN Aft1lf0ft, - - - MICHI. SPORTING AMHLETJ6 GOO0 DS. BIRLEII&JOLL1Y) A Full and Complete Line ('lilot Shirts,(Canivasse lits 'leiiiis Itackets, IRacket II oidles, lass Balls, Blase IBall Sltisiss, fiiilss Belts, Shite Platis, Boinig (Gloes, Ilody 'rotec' tors, Suspenenlies. Sc'ore Booiks, B11se 1B111( 1 G l 'vs,'Trim is IBalls, (irips, llaiiiii ('libtl, II'tli Bele, Siteaters; J1eirseysa, BULk.IGH[CL JOLLY~'i °TilTE .S T. h, ,J M ES W, ,E IO IN C'AMBRIDGW R1D h ;2- AlwiCtlioie and se'amle. o IEE:I' iitiAht)D SOA 55i1'it. URlMU1Lt3i V Anl IIa LU n C3I1rflhItL 0-IN C KERY1 i Iit iN i Ii CIiT'. 7 ilthPeart White Plates -18- - e ts. 11er set 7 iichi adamniitiiie Chiiii Plite s - - - 4(1ets. per set 7iiich Semi-poircelainu, Boote's Plates - 58ets. per set Pearl White 1'114 Teas---- - ---8 tts. per set .aiiamantiiie 114d14 leais - - - - o50 cts. pter set Bonte's Semi-porcelain ihdld Te as - - -75 ets. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & Go. THE CAMPUS. Gagne e'alled at 2:30. IDr. ('lrisinitlier iboltedl his lecture ye-sterdlay for the first tintie this year. is1. A. Sotler, residlent gradutate svisitin1g; for ia fewlilays-in(1C(1111 It is rumottredl thatl a thirdl essasi wil Ie liequeir eil if the iRhetoric class-ee. Tihe Proihititin 'Cltb will have Ii Hieting thE Cl enl i, gat 7:00 li"1.1(aw The freshimeni ideetedl the I1~l School nlit the campusil, y'esterdlay afternoonl 5itol 5. IHalrrison, -M7eudic, was lilt illthe' C)ye yesterday' afternoonl, hy a swift erratic groundlier. tIs eye 15is tllm- tletely closed. IDr. I herihtian left y'esterdayivfoir hh'a-iiiitoii, 1). C'., to atteind the! meet.I'g ()f tile American M1edical Assorciatioai. take the wsesterns trill with (lie Iater- State ('totinerce Commnissionlie will lie ini gtood health in a shiort tinme. 'The fotliowinig irogram will he renideredt at (lie AdelpiL1iterary Sociiety, this esvening:t \iollii anti itaisdoiliti du~et,71 etieiiy Bhiraiers; talk, - -It. Salrv er; es-iay~, 'Miss Car- ter; violin atd tmanitn i duet, 7letheiiy hrothiers; IDebaste:t Re- solsedl, That tile Uiversity Liberars shiiiiuli ee n iiSundlay-.. Afler- ilittisi', C. A.Bowhsen; N egatire, J.- IE. Church;liosiiliin anth iiandini duiet, )ieliiemy Brothiers. All are icordtiallyiinsitedt. Nest :Mnday eveninsg, 'May 4, cmtes(itheiennyson eveining gisenl by) Uitly Clbiine tiarlors of tie tUnitariani tchirchi. The programiibe- ginis swithi apaper oni'leiiisonSbl Miss Grace 'Taylor, (earlier (If Eng- lists Literature i(ine IHigh School. Thils is fol lowe I oet i o1-tf 'Tien- WATCHMAKER AND J EWELER, 36 MSAIN STRIEET, toe3 M.W-.BLAKE, PICTUIRES, FRtAMES, A r ART GOODS. illesit iit5 FERDON LUMBER YARD. Mainifaeiiurer of andl ieaer i SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUMSE Coir._Fouthiiiain ept ts J. HALLER 0. M. -IA RTIN, 1111 (iItl IN Cloth Caskets, Metall' J. A. PULHEMUS, iSO1 'IlUS PlAIN ANI)Ii i.((.5d i.i North 'liin Stret RINSEY & SEABOLT, 13~esaddaesin Groceries, Provisions,Flou rand Feed. Ii iandi8 E.t1VaiintgitsnSt. _,.- JOHN WOTZKE, I.ADIE.S' and Gli'NT"vS' WtXithi tllsreturn of (lie Bti- i. ileasll alteishell bePrprredtofu 'NIFOI IS 1-011B11155Ball, D'1 TliliS, (rieket, 1La1 Crosse, Yaelltifn andt foir alt Outiingilses. (Oulr'hS11,e lilies>, Bats, Balls, SMaskssho1301t teetors. Catehiers' Mitts, Lati il"'t suippalies, etc., ftc., a11informer sea1' tills tilt (1ffy' compiionl, ill' justly IProudlof ouri large college t11 loinlg, 11110as 111' tre asr'are, to tl sulperiorl' quatlity of 11111'giods.'1110 es'teem Weo S1111il tisriglallitf-r' of our gendtlee'it is possil' 111lllege eilibs. Senid for 0111rlii Catalogue oif Suimmer Sports <'1111III forms, t. &-,hi. free to aity address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS,f 1is Miadlisonutre et. itin Llhestnut Ste1 iNii'YOiK: 241 Indt243Iii 1St ill. tis evening iIat -7:30n itROOD, 17 sills Sshort tpoems,5 ilsunor ihitis- tatters ssillibe reail hy It. I.. Rice tratedh in tabileauiT 'hen a series of auth M1. I,. tPorter.scenles5wiiili e giv-en frioni (wo of the 'The comitmttee on a cia-is hat for Idl s of tie IKing, 1 alilcelot and (lie Seniar Literary-cliass, decI'idedtIMaie"'telld Itinilesvere."- 'Onmly yesterday (ttoaoptbliack bishoptI10 tickets ire toa le issuted, as oly rails. hte seniours are requsestedl it (lth Iilhiat nube io ersonis cain he coiti- tease ihieir ordlers at tine'('se Samis, fortabiy seatedh in tie chunrchl lar- bef ore W\ednoesdlay,Mamy 6. liarssoiaill sswho ssisih Ioattenil are iiilgr Cooley- has arrivedin ll'Al,,actse~d itohiurchase as early as ins- Arhor fromtt Wasingtonl. I ehe s nhle.ITicet5stwill tae 0n sale Samor- hieeli tabligedl ho taike a rest on ac (-ay- mornilin at Watr's ansdShtee- coun~t of faiilig health. Ir. han's. Admtission, 25 cents. V' anghlai thinks that if tie dues nt (Game called at 2:30.