Ijc U. of Al. WaiIp. VOL. I--N O. 146. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, SATURDAY. MAY 2, 1lf)1. Pics.,, TimiEE CiENTS. As CS GORM1bEY \V1NS. THE U. OF M. ORATOR TAKES' FIRST HONORS. J. P. Adams, of Northwestern University, Earns Second Place.-- Four Good Orations. A "Rattle of tse Orators" lastj night's contest may lbe very appro-j priately termsed. Fosur of United States' leading educational institu- tions have niarshialled their oratori- cal forces; their leaders have suet upon a fair and opens field, and the UT. of "M. has addesd another laurel to her wreath of famie. Thle only lamentahle feature wsas the small at- tendlance, which, considlering the fact that the LT. of M1. had the grvat distinction to he favored with lthe first contest, cannot he toou severely censured. After the rendering of a selection hy the Cliespi oegons, Presideut of the League, G.I..I :Morton, of the tniv-ersitvysit 'isos i,iinstsroducesd Itie first speakil-v, Austini C.(iorso- ley, of the t liiivrsity ofil i ugaii. After bsingi is raisfvlly sto the deles- onstration of Ihis fvilow- students lie entered upuissthyeidisciussiiio1oIis subject, 'Quo ls iauto, 'in ian easy msansner. Wsithi clear accensts ansI stirrinig lasngusage liesiepicted thle evil infiluence of the mionsey plower, ands sought by h ishat authosr- ity'Manimon rules.'' The Armericani pesople svere urged nout to follows thseir Napsoleons, money posver, io s their waterloo, hut to assert their1 plowier of "qsuoaswarranto."' The production seas clearly orignsal anid bhlinsl the niere selivery couldl he tiea a masterpiece of thought ansi composition, ss-hichs sell mieritesd the applause wi-ilswhlich it wvas re- ceiedi. Tise sext stieaker ivas Thseodlore hXronslsage, sof the Uniiversity ofI WIisconsins. l i- as greeted witihj hearty applause wis-lheshsossesd that the audience si-re inmpartial its their denmonstrationss, anid swhatever favor- itisms oight lhave hven ini their hearts, it sias not applarent to the speakers. is suhject, ''Luther ait worms,'' sas ahly handled. lHe has a strikinig scarn sgasni a character- evick, Detrosit, lI i stiieliv'erv, fisllsifsdramic oc.DtroitassilPIc lie Ihias a sciuserfil poweIoI d-jApletlvon, is.s scriliivssandilseemsedl toi-asrry Iis coiiiloiition. anilience Nsi-lhIiiismha s li id ly - Ilis class-suits scribesd the sceine at th ito hir ilviiOiistI Wosvrmss. It sias replete withl leaiuti-islivin it wias aisii fill figures sandl iiesply insteresting; Ishonor isas ian~ thirisuglssit. aiid sias ciitisusiasticalls- iey,1)1 thy .' appllaudeid. hoiior wis is a s The Clsejuausuegisssiiissen 'uislercdi Adaso ansother selectioss, after ishis Is thy vomsillete sco~re psresislent istroslucedil e h r- fiounin iithy fll Suer, of Oherliss College.I lusty a- slelegations of Isis class-iatessi o-cupied the easterni lortions of the hall andi assisted in givin's ituass enthusiastic wielcomue. Somse cons- - - jecture was had as to how lie would treat Isis subiject, ''K-ng Phllisp in Anerica.'' It sias soon fosindi to he -_ a discussions of the livquor irohlem, wi-hichisias perhiapsiass usfsrassate suhject for an occasion of the kind.il lHe has a tall ands stasisy hsar- inig wicim nmedliately clialletisevl I the attetntiosn of the auience.si-vIv has a miagnificent voices hc i hs issdser perfect cositrol. Altlioug'h Isis susliecctisas ivell wris h sad scsi srgumencits to producesvvandv the issterest of Iis hearers ibegan to awaskensiniithe subject usti lveladl their cisisest attenitions. 'ilshisses- ing- siosds lie esalleid 5515n5 citizevns, statesmiens snsdlChiristiasstoi risv u andilput the rmisspiowier loss. Is t sias a miasterly- effsort andilgreetedlI~ switli prolonigedl applause.5 - - Tie last spessker sias IJsilis1I1. Adlaums, of Nortlhwiestvr nvr sity. Ilec assumtiedla vrygravvful - "' piositioni andi havd the hearing of a sns et csltsireilelocistiossist. His svoice_ sias clear asid iell usodulatved sil lthahssd jsdevoisd of harsh soundvs, sihsmsadv Nortlherni Orator it onse pleasinug to listensto0 Inisa fesois forcihle worsds lie tolsd of -'s'svtersdvtiss-a lt IDefessce of the Constitution.s iIso Iis delegates sw speech-I sias wiell arranagesd ands siseyopeing of the n sesignsevdto uset sitils popuslar Iai or lth isinitatios Is sias rendelrevd ini ssdmirashlv andvlAnmherst asdivl' graceful smannser asndlrvecviivs1 withlsIaucs-rc great fasvor. isst isake asisaat IThe stecisioss of the ; ai s iias affair, or pireferr asiaited ith-Issuspiense, thyesaudievncv veague. I osa-si Ion.i Alfreid Russsell, if. (G. I1. Gallagher, on thotught andi es c~ousldlsot restraiss -ationis of iaiiproval1 oiuncedi that the first levI to A. C. Coris- if M. The secosivl irvlesliitolsosn II3. oirtliwiestern. - The of pinits si-ill he1 los-usa table: 'si'sINII the expserienice of College Mesliiihokissw sinud apipreiaite thy' csrefl scsrustissi- of Colleg-e Stus- lat iiis~- srge c-orps of skilled I Designuers andi Jeelrs-i. specially tsisl1tra h or slage sassiothesr jewelledh isrk simport15ing, is Nsee doi iirectly fromsiParis, Londioin snsilAmssterdams isis iamnsansii thveris pieciosis Sissies si-cr-si-i' aiposiionto vspro- Isisce the fitest plta itiandjeweolledl Socsit1y- salgssiof sill kinsw iuhsire ssssanusfacsiurs- iiithis evountsry. Wright, Kayi & Co. I-'IORtf'IS, .1 11W ELEIIS AND MANCI~PACTITIING AJEWELERS. Detrot, Mohwan. E :r ----_--- Chas. Speller & . Sistirck.University -Outfitter, 201 SOTHsitSTATSi. listsAlfired ______ (-- tmas isussmidshAthlt~cic Goods. f Rev.R.A.____ AIlissfivi. in I t's-si..iii Toalou ii pssiblei use- Avus-ageoniii i-isi s tuin adTissossit. Grand sAve-rage. ng of the N, 0. L. ess meietisng of the ri-al League yester- acommnittee on i-re- sossteul. The Ober- re siot piresenlt at the mseetinug. IReplies lti issuesd to Cornelil, susceusiss tioltsinthe i. They either slid ice iniserest iii the red to jsoinsass eastern 'uuiversisi- andshIKnox GENTLEMEN'S FURNl~ISHIING 1PAC~ G --7 v; ATAI00 QI -s Sole agesits itn Anni Arhor. q1jA$. $PCLLC1R & qO. ==ISI ''EA ____aia', ET 01Tzz- PEOIOO-E.AFIIEE. TOMLINSON, At-- +236 WOODWARD AVENUE,+ ! WILL5G1Vsits - yi- $PCgIAL IRATE$. its the smeantimse heisng vntvertauined College sent dlegates swith apuhiica- biy the orchestra. TIhe judsh swi-rc- tionss for smembhership. The cuss- R -ev. IH. A. Cles-elands, hushinapi1s, sidheraution of the msore impjortsant Iush., t'rof. Anuizi Atwiatvr, 131oo111-hbsinuess sias piostpionedh till this iuuguos, 1usd., andshProf. Johnsts 1 uissirli Giriffithis, of InudianapuolisIsis1 out- shelisvery, anud Mrs. Htorati-vitscIs Game called nt 2:30. TiRY HIMS.