THE LU012M. DAILYV zrz F~C 1WIO iiI sOIOLE KIZIO'xozo . TILT _ SOAPS TIME TABLE. 7lIttlf ittlriii r lipt li'he roo t l thihm i n i 0 tl i t" , i t iNFW ')itt{. ,' s , I 11-%iNIi [ 7., , K, a nd 0 M ~ ~ siio l ''e tit 1w. GCitton +.O,0' G 1 1/ 1 1 +- .-- lS.Ni~lI-S, 1:.U! S pitg i . to NN . O 1ifititt, I tx>ttotit a c, t 1 E I nile soap. ai: it(GtItitaills 11(1 ss to, ..t 9 1.,5) 1).m. Oiii, 0 a itiioi at lthe List Lti ant heatl- C C 3 tO 1(w) ti Wabai7 issh iC..57i p.As. t> iia efct iS re cue forpispj ies AxiiiiiH1ads for YIt iu' Reri shed,1fi 1, .5 .5 .20 liii tisitx if all kindts. l manaitottiilttt17 KiltIonaIgerI o11..'it.ii t Sld iat toottotars. lBroiwni & (' ' B.F L R ,M n g r t Oeav ANN thitlt,frtisChurt Houset, at andt att leadliig trogists. i - a ad oom: $ to 14 r e - Solli ts t M i. Steoro sttlofuss a id A am tstty, t PI COIIIi -iv A , s-ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. A! iTi i itot liri i Sr1 itX I ie g ive p riot Isaist] 7 a a~ers Co-Operafivt KLgc flalO AGO:t .. Established in184 Poion fitloed, 2300. SesToss 5,P5 wiz are ambitious for advancement rathor than those swithoutit siti.10j The ',Ashby Special," Ash by," "dx ford , Harvard.' ___________--__________________ r f . - l R - Is liossig lihe Isirgest Stoirk if loll Dress Sniti>as in thie matket. it alots illt lio - o W iiAlli t ttsi tih iles alu vll t tties it ilsT toueigs atnd 44 SiATE, S lsI I e 6SOTit itt I bN ST. Os c-soting-. Fidte Vests can tie tailof No. 2 E. Washington St_ near Main. G. H. WyILD- 0. 10. '3IL.F IP , CORRECT :-: STYLES Spring Suitings ND Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings Trouserings. Noveltijs iioit ny bistiog'!s--Elciv- Seasoitablicat 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBlOR,- - - MICIA. SF6RTJNG 1 HL1 I GOODS. Ilatrvard, Valethan 'iP ritetnOtflIttters, A Full and Complete Line C'hesitt'Stiltis,' Canvtas iats, 'lenniso Rtackets, tackt,fHanidleis,ltsteIBalls, Blaste Bal :fasks.,('ilnsass Blits, Shoe Plates, Botxintg ("loves, Boidy Protec- tors, Saispetsirits, Stctiie tiooks, Base Bll (Gtoves, '1Tnnioislls, ('tips, Indian Clubs, DumibttBells, Swe'taters, Jorseys, (Catchters Mitts, etc'. eic. Don't buy lnitil you have seen our assortmsent. lhl)REE IGIT &-,JOLLY 2611S. STATE. ST., .AG- NTS s 0I JAMES W, ERINE, CA NuIBitusnit, MASS. ".Call for Caitalsgue and tee samples of Makintoshes. ICE CREAM ANDI SODA WAT~il& GREATEST VAR IETY dLOWEST PRICES, 7itith Pearl White Plates - - - 3:35eto. pet set 7 itich Atdamantine China Plates - - - 401 ets. per set 7titc Semi-potrcelain, Ilitotes Plates- - 58 ets. per set Pearl White 1'tl1 l'les- - --- -------7cts. tier set Adtamantine IltiltI Teas - - - 50 cts. per set Ilite's Setmi-poircelaint l'dltt 'leais - - - 75 ets. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEALN & co. THECAMP-US. Theite'coseici tldi votedilS25 to' Newrberry Ihlll.j VThe 'Varsity wsill slay 'i92 lass'this Secretary J attis II. Waide has re-I ture rtom othits sisitheirntip. A .fotbllimtatnager, accorintoi tiie ciistittttilutmust tie clecd at Or. retisne IlL to, class if 'O, t sit practicnt0inlbattte Creek, sis- toitedte sital osterilto I1T1its- 'lito lttw-libirary still biso-tissd oil - ni ght, that tll stdets of that tic-l patrttmecnt 11a17aatenthetiooratorical' cotelst. Atienotyitbile litte is exticoteilat the freshtmatn social at theo Presbys- tcrianut ltrcht, Satuurdlayv einitg. Al l lroot.Lev i T.(Griffin, of Dectritt tas beenutselectedl by the sentior las lt tdoliver ltefatrces-ll addtress to thtetm this yeur. A potrtiotn of the class in dlissec- ltionlha-c fitishea their storb. Thte remndetilr of thte class swill fittisht by titoen otttf this stock. Mrt. Murphly trill ise-onthettocam1- tpus atboutt10:30 Satttrday a. mn., to trai to n ittnitstartitng for Ite runts, also for othter tieltd iay esents. H arvard Itas beent presentedt ssith a noetdornmitory-, by Mr. J. IH. 11. McNamtee, whirls is to cost $22,000, exclutive of land. It swill be located opp~osite lBeck IHall. Ih Itonttitteers swhlo sentt ontthlt trti loittilsbturghtdltrittg thtes-act- itltn ssere tlte 'tests of Priof. atit Mrs. 'M1 1".Coicy at tea list evts- IDt. Vittgthitilotvs c s to-clyfor; itttctttof the .Amtetricant 1 lical ,Associt ion. IlIeis clttirtttattif lte lit Nosy ssill etutre to his clatsses 4Yostoriday wsas ailadday for the -ieis. eriy a(tozeouf Itet flitnicl Itmhit ater dits inas Dtrt N autorodo 'soperations. Ilic leat atndt bloodi togetheorstore csvidetity tots tiuchitfor thtetm. Alli oftheto ssttms ttsedlby lte 41Minstrels arce maole front origitnalito- sights atnd are thte excltusive psropterty ofi thetom Sipny. Thte etditisls arc if solutcoliors, for theton ittes a bright Chiiit-ste yellotws, for thte tatit- sits a strikintg luet. Tule tUnisversity is ttoo- otsgraltu- l latedin ttsecutrinsg I-Iettry- Waite Rogers, Ptresidentt of Niorthtwsesternt U ivsersity, to tdeliver the anntutal oil- tress at thtebase Cotmsttetcemtentt. President Rogers had the on tor if ho-lng Jutdge- Cooley's successor as Diean of thue LaswSchtool of te tUniversity of Michtigan, and to htis efforts is doe the reputation of tat noted school. While Pres. Rogers is a cootparatively young mtan, he is recogniz-ed amng the forenmost edu- cators of this country.-Blerra, D~e Pauw Univ. 3-lSI1TLs DPIEQIOY WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELERi ,W MAIN STREiET, Speoiltatentiopaid it epjairingtghe anti Jewelry. M. W. BLAKE, PICTU'RES, ]ERIAMES, A N AltRTGOODS. t0 wet liroS n FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manuttfacturereof antd tealer tn SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER J" HALLER Remr~taseityii5.51 O 0. M. MARTIN, it 511 I:t IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANI) I MtltN C I INs.__--- J. A. POLHEM US, RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baesaddaesi roceries, ProvisionsFlour snd Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, With themleturti iftt hiaseIs hat' SetIstun, swt-shall tot' preptraredt to ftur- tush 1111 tthat is itt-st d eirab5le-tIe t 17IF-OIS101FORhttse B11l1 tOa th henntis, (ricket, ha (roisse, acitttitOh andtor atrtll Outingugtses. Utur Shaker Swseater for iquality atnthturabtility l110 plieks, Bats, h3alls, Masks, ibitty hro teotors, Cateres' Aitts, Lawnti eutti Suippies, etce, ete., as ini hornier seas' juistly piroudi of thur large college fol- loscing, tdute is sse are asetire, to tlit suipertor quat~lity of tiur goodls. Tits esteetmiwe0 aimi to strengtheon fr )th season t seasonin t the imptroveentt tof oiur goodtithsvtere it is possibile.- for- respotidene desiretd swith mtanaigeirsOf alt college elubs. Setnd for otur S Catalogite of Summer Sports and I :li forms, A. & hI. free to anty address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICiAGO: PILiOADEPI',0et 108 Madison Street. 102 Chestnut Stret 241 antI 2413 Broadway.