THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Of Y O ld . fM.soudhave a ie11dub i teI Sw nivrs~it of M ich i an Guitar. aen o outinterested il the abvt i slei t, ind tl hav Prices lowest, Quality highest. Gluaranteed every inch of the road. Violin aid Guitar Strings, to cts.; Bianjo and Mandolin strings. 'tade tltetli a sj teciril sty1 wis ol u 01woutld call and see whatt we .5 rts. Every tig int propiortioni. liv. W Ply W' tlt'Itt~t 'til iti wtt'Vii oililitt. I. M.a'Iin Ceent, ILTLETLITL.. P .PT. & O7 G. (O. If' you are going to kiuy a WHEEL, Why don't you buy the BEST! T HE T TW O J M&IE EIAl S''I t - v 'Lt 1 IGT -IJEI j TomC7TZ7T'S ==TTCO+ S ZO==. OWNl A r oI o ~ ll~ Y VOORHEIS & DI T S AR p o s o m U ~ y TWORK I TH C TYsCO ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED , FIRST CLASS WORK. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. KS F. EE LKS. +:DO:CT -f CaO DOWI~\ " EOWINT+ FOR FOOTWEAR. SHO0ES for J30TH4 LAPIES airlc GENTLEMEL THE "1 il 1'I ''iii l.1 ~ tl: '' 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOW DISH. I ...._.... ._,r_. ._._ . _ ...__ dxer 'SBOO STOE, O NTOWN. , '" H ' BO K S O E D ONIVeStetleli so siv te i I)S i e' Nitin tjiti-it itvTexl'''t-hotosintl till ottitilic' at IIe:1attrtero. We alltow specil tisottit iltnJ'AW lttit)KS, AIlERC AL l( 1'S li~o iA. lBiOOKS, in short. y i. to u seIt i n t he t TJvr4l. - 0 1 I i ok t o t i ce,.t LI 'I\Gi N i ,1 TiOlEIIN T I iTY. INH N OF ALL KINDOS AT tlt 3; _)i J. T. J.ACOBS & CO'S, .t f~l 1it\ 27 A.N-) 29 MAIN' 1. Itls ittst t 0wiii,t 961 i-o 1C StraiQght Q ttndsthtitGumriet CIGARETTES. I I;.Nisbitixti v ? rar ill it tiny ahit tle isil ' ntity i / net han he" pri tth iiI t l tt Iii 01111 I t iar s miii W l-u-t I 10~t i d°lcaeytrii dad ~lhtlcs hpe h ( te (X l'I c .Ifth tli 4- I n'll i ir. 'h sist e(1 1111Orgia ran1 c'.i ti gh, 'n iva 't- wa s( It-i tugin 0~~~ the litectil llt rti ( t ht e 7 courtsI',.ndltti lit Ii ii~li lie iii ltt nti is o t heit stlie. Itrt ii it r.1 ttlte l.s tu E citie to Iti Aisltlo lW i1 are lila s Iad t li Th kt1 i ilwst.i' ) Mlrti.ti'lManesit o l c N' T r t r< Ip z It t uI ct l I i al Siey in 457 Ii. '.. ot lie It hu t' I itiit't il to tliior'exwhliicat11 shi"' 1 Sttfril, r., 'to ititt tit ,lt flei i c r r I ;. . 1 . I . l.I}.ttutd I .10 i 1't t' ;:- .Voste l c let t s-i rtlttt t ilal iiosetilo d o 110 5 1111 an atiti o ttiert it "0 to th rdutctri Itheilasstli -ail litrot Fidayfeveinga t i n oteat ang sthterfer's, s. or. conero Main and Washyigto sti.,y21. flooryrsadoo onrl~ thekrigotice. l~-rE N oric.-Engineall'plaers ewil meet for practice game on the cam- pus tlhis afternoon at 4 o'clock. SF. C. WOOD, Capt. 0e State. Ou iii-lit'or i titilti. 11i ttt 11.11, it ' t tl lt'i tt ii, l i i o s. ics .r 'i t i l Wolsi'tl If %i11it111 Mti '(Itlytlddr'I '.iti rn YOU SEEN THOAS NEW DEFOBYS? $200On ,.50$8.00 DON'T MISS THEM4. Patent Leather f5Iachers. GOOSPEIED. Mitt." s'vandOActtt'ods. W0. II. HAWKINS, Prop1., Special given Io Students. Give, ut a cali. FINE JOB PRINTING. It it Our aim to please. Sataifacltin Guaranteed REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. -'ITHE ARGUS,-- et tx il 11 Prof1. IKelscrl 'tot'anintter- j N j013 F~bJ tottIit Titquttiltopaioniibetiweer t)l ia AT 110'Low ho.1101e0of tte best tperiod, built ao A. PRICES. ''--1). andt a reeitlyv disovttere gp i. .Harkiins iandies all kiutndset lgp of antiad fishiing outfits re- hl tts lit20 i .'hr tbliin are strikingy resemtbtances, but tie faierators, freezers, screen dloors, reat connection cannlot he shiowni ti~llu stocs et., 3 E Itiro. oithout thle consideration of inter- n hatve for sale a law library of 523 mediate links not in our possession. N'lumnes, reports antI texts, ofllcee ix- Po.DO etaea c res anld business. t sh~all sell chleap. lro.D genxgaenac 55Qd opportunity. count of Aristotle's newly discovered E. RANDALL, Atty. Sandwoich, Ills. constitution of Athens. The first't