P TI Wi THE U. OF M. DAILY. XJ f O '3M . Re view puts it "root for Mr. Gorns- o lYCnth otCAprvdU.o A E T T T 1 C Y A E fashsion."' Every courtesy shioiilsI WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR, WEEKS ublisertDil(uii ndae-s exrepted t uring b2 shiowsni the visiting orators. Nve !Offer ive tons of paper of all kinids to tie sold by the po(und( at regula HEU tO .INDEPEtNDET ASCAr, ON isthe ( .of M . to sin ,of v oiirs, Nill rates. iry- our Crown Impterial Lineis at 25 cents per HEU FM NEENETASCAINanid we thiink thitt al though or.torv pound. bond I'aper, 'Thesis, anti Typewriter Paper at Slusciptionsprice *:).5tpe aritiuniahy-is hut a new ti(;lere, di r. o rno (Great ilargains. PEsvelopes tsi tmatchitall papiers 1510 StSnge ~ie 3ns- nsaleat l ev stands as cood atchine eas an atgritly redunced rates. 'cloakc, nun.s Subsciptioncis niyt i et- atiui if the otiters. -T IC otiec Oa () lit e INs, Optera Ile ic lie-nin atI. . li iiic i teiiat , Iowa t_-iouersits- has .i cv ireseuliti______ ditrs ..muicto--sold -.ac . te ta 0 8ie TA: TErte )at-ria8T.ca~u ilok. at.sc--- iiiif atisare tdiuicr t h i nx j iij T THE U.uofSM. fDAtLY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. S. W.. ui'itr S, Aist.ciii.ISiiivliii ct ii .1. . Ttivt c.'92, 1tui iii'- ci- i II tI,. C. 5W. tIti iET us,', 0A dii. Itiiiiu I.:i'iiri GI. B. It Inerti.'. i. it. iF.uiiii- S.tL. A . Iortic cthei l ii Ioiiiccs. At. BOSINESS LOCALS. 1 -I i oats il lilici i l iiluii i 14) iii iiilii eii iii A tiii Ide iii-kl starSll Ill-le liii lit thelli t u-i- 1i. e n x.Titrdt ovi-s IiiI,, .- aci e. - Tlmii-cut a att.it P..1 (i 111 e. *OUTFITTER Ycini ndiiiiIt 1Plutie ot Fine Ftirnishinqj$ PNflTD TSS A(ier's Kid (Gloves, Perrint's Kid (Gloves, 111111 h'lose ata ,rg 3111 ZALL-:JIZTS tile ci 21 11,1-cilcl o ill - IvI -i 1)i-il I lic h v 1 1 dil-( Wil il -i i --tit, -l riil it e i that this little v-s, citt lifIl ii i i tI iitin s iiiis i turcs i hut is My . Now Air th l-tl -~wt,7 hisi M OM° ''hee i Rone~s i lis.li Seilth r 'till OW c)I; hi our Im id i ilin si-is --hi-i h lit- . t i;?t lf ll ;'' i cip1' IQ pm.c 2,lit ourth A venue, t. he lt2 , iI.i ine t s ow- of i s id. Prosli t i ont I 0- i tia l ou sie fihe lrge i-it1, ee SHIPJS OF fLL KJIL]S blaMde Io Oirder taud Scas iClIo i a On thcicl iiiii ciiilli sit the s11iiiit i-v t 'Iit. cthe Iiir Nirtlucrut1titer-C(Ii Leaguie ivill iceli I Jail.-Si nethe lev the (". iii Ms. 1I-n ais thetilaci fois!h itisth-(ltyhus4ii (tenuts, t(7is i - cit Legei ill cn.Ne it lies wiithli1;'i TEA~CHERSuuRE INTIODUCED TO SCHOOL- ~OFFICRS 1N- 70 nEnuanes ST. C-h ica" e. -No. 12 N'. I I IilI -el1. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. l ime l aoie doing into cuou, Ni NIOIIMQ . i v. Dart ct t e(il ww h t 1 ai pemiii oga ition, T studentsherd i«-il inot hae a iothe chan e: t attnolan iter- , l iii e oratoicalco tetas th c ni s t wicisii na nual i ill 1ic heid, at the colee vhch r nnlr ii thI ei rttoin. meire A. C. McClurgc Co. xChmIc AcI., ZIPJc i7 Z 12 (titNit) T OPER -ni ioAVn :I tI- (.t, liii ~ ~ ~ 3, aiii lcci-tne JtS ts e ai l ..................ci .. n9ci It . BE ii ti ETTc It. S. ttItiNt50 tIl, 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit. MNid"* ace fourucoviileges that ace iiultcs iii iutl ontiin~il li-signs i th it sti- JIutE iP11 . NtIS':,, :ai. otf theLevaigue. 'lhev'conutvest-ill ma~tecsi-ill 1hei'fuuctislut il retiutstit for is nut liwearisotte intletngthtits there iProtgltrame. Frenity 'Statliontery 2_TMTAs-N 1 are but four comtpletitors, anti the -Nititit satdGiuest Cards fur lBanquetrts I~ T M T TT NS ' attilub ith nneturs. IDantceroigr-ammels, T _ foutr oratiotns are sitpplosedl thue the anti all otthet' kitlils of eollege wotrk. best in foutr ifferenttstates. NWe kite statiotnery istalways Inotalerfor sa MiAILEs. I SEATS NOSY litaittidsomeint grainlg, cnreact form, 0 hopte that thsose U. of Ni. studetnts and motdebraIte pritces. STI5O NSIA who attend will not shsow an offen- " " p C . 'TN f N O AEA sive partiality for the U. ofMI. C. NIGCLUR v&CO., sCENvERY. ORBEE'S. representaive, or as the Oberlin CHICAGO. 12