Cit. of . c 12. Publhedho Daily ( ott' tys oexcepted)Buin the (ollee lear, by Th .C .IDPEN1ENT A'SOCi TiON.I :bsceiipt~a th ieeoo$2,51) pert SO, ivll3aii tin t tncc.'Singetotie- - (0it Lllslea F tittit oO ta'anPot Olihi!c., tt lcvr eoctaiiag ;it 0 oclock. S tip t Ottio i mu'he left at teiilihaoe f te itto y, c ill' tas tilc c l, at Oticototo 'e, tt totts, o Wti r ,t the tit ors. Communcaionhs shoo h 'tt (11oehothoo hby' 10 A. it. it they are t ottttear the sameo.'dty.I Atddrestsaltltttt tto er ot tendd ohi~icathonto tte.Mattagitto Fttitor. Alt ttt itot -tntnn icatioit ouht ie settto the itticittosan-ti ager. Beotealltoglettono the pat eof fCarrierstto the City Circultotr, tW. 13. O'Neill. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nich. 1,82. 142k i43. 141. 142. 144. {147. S148. '1491. THE U. OF M. DAILY, State Supervision of P'rivate S T L, Schools. Rleforminjti rison Maitageent. _ Value of Phtysicl iCuittire. IE I BOOTS, Lif.itt'TtDEN' r and1 it s tttR15 lntol. Secci'h-aitd bookstl (w-aililInury Holant 1 1 'as ti'tin s'ierrvScitie ti JOENTS' BOOKS. BiUY YOUiiCOLLE'GE LLNITD MEDICAL 3BOOKS TS' 1100K STORE I, STATE STRIEET. ow ptrices. We are agents of Pau11l E. Wirt.Scott antI 'ftuiitainpeisi. Bargalits in stationery. AXL1JQAGENTRA. "?'he Niagara Falls Route." Ovser-wotrked Wortis. ('tillege Journtalits. Spooker If eeti's View of is P'rerogative. h ythinta iProse. litect tif the Use of Slang. tosof Novel Ifealitig. ltmilon nil. (ron(011 EDITORS. 150. 'Th'y'olicy of tQueeni Elizabthi~. H. B. SHOaEMAKER, 'ai., NO o.EDIOR A. H. COERTo, '92. Aano. tM.A,.ANEDT. M. B. HAMMOttD. 'a1 t' asoe~MAoaIo.. BUSINESS LOCALS. W. B. OCt.. 'L, 91, Assna.Bu.MNGR R. W . U HT 1 92 Al. tu . ANG t. ctlc:i-l'111 i t! 11of 441 311 i llati1i's1" I 01i0 10011 ''it"tr's ii l ;lras i1-",t ,1. tfvi 11 I'. (;I;I'FIN 'tail1( t'i. I ' ti ct'st' . 3Vll i iii' I 8-lC tin. lttttt ,ii.'it ii tili. t4, iil'sti(tit ci il t 111E 1t1 rv 1 ut's 'i' l 'l it scit u lt ts cuiii ii t . 'hatehite ItteoiS tetistseeeilie outccit jrof tsw if ' lin tis-rstyit Sol jilup}s.W ~li~ ht I('}taitA- etynearflit'Ie.e . .i a rjroot lt t xoo' iittittiii nliiotl l1 rtitig ntil S11i.I-ins tele }srigohtstifl(irt itsn tharostrltic I tgtt T1TwMackitigtosihte a'lo comees d acnratot ccountifvertit o E. 11i C. ~h aernsl.~eu IltaLeeo'sIl i l~ti1. . abenrllhop. collgeam oiril is ahihe r s alun odsIlodgo anMacitosatTeTo known at this Universitv and 'will, Buiy etitdl ittSchiltz. Office oni West AintiSt. we think, ho appreciated by all .I)oy rigors, itanily, stationery, etc., intterestedh in atihletic spoits. it Grutberos1'. 0. NewsRoiomt. Go tisohtier for best hard tatd soft SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. cool. 11, W. Washtingtont St. -- . (tiGitnger & Baixter's Star Launtdry. -il:NOLISHit Col ] I% 1 ,'t north out Aim, oil 1"ourtht St. A hookbcif references to iseadiing 'Netclite of Statioinery it Gruiber's. 'IIltotie lwis the best andt cleantest ctttl. nmattero(l teaicihstuhject itas becit XYard, 'A'. Ilt iroitstret, near rtiilrotat. coimpiletd aind oay bo constulted 'it lity coal til tooitlotf JudtsonState streel. the delivery desk ini thle lihoaiy. ittitetllig iiti. '. of " 113. Stimer Schools.1 guitar. tttalily ilgltetit. lPricres 114.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 EtlSIf(ttliitOt 'A. (it., ittilers it everythitngitu- 115.Th 'Ind ltepenilet inliPolitits. sical. sos . Mai. 116. Reform of Local '1axiiitiAl y1linte ssortmnt of etrtligi 117. Or Methiods of Clarty.( ; II irdovare at Eberbaeli Ilairtire(to.s 118.' Newvspalwcr tnterviewing. Koch & lletnne, 5ti amil 58 Main St. 119I. Nicaragua ('till. Hteadqualrters f'or tftrniture anld car- 12 rtSu aylOericnt f ibaies Ipe.Lo'cr-Soveet's Anglo-Saxon larilner, ar Galeres nd usems.bc1lItginlg tto Miss Nera McKay. 121. The Work of John Brownt. Fintler please letive same at Stewards 122. Tenliyson'o Earlier and Later office. Poetry Compared. Despite (lieitew tariff act whlichi 123. The Saloon in Politico. advanices (lie root of strings 2.5 per 124. Spelling Reform. ccitt., I guarantee to sell (lie best anid 125.Secet Sssins o th Sente. strongest strinigs at old prices, viz., 126. Sherksin of atileqeua. lee for violin and guitar, Sc for banjo, 12(1 Th Wok ofChatauua. 3 plain wire 10c, and guaranatee them 127. Christianity and Popular Educa- equal to any sold in this city at any (ion, price. A freshlsock to-day. See the 128. Should the Presidential Term be elegant Bay State guitar. Fiad lie Lengthenedc place, 25 So. 4th Ave. A. Wilsey. I t ________________ CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ..ND TilEI P. Fle tacr.LEarYwih Presied Ha BUJRLILIGI'I&JOLLYZ BULANK BOOKS, Bot I )iif "t'NT.X 11IN P'ISNS it, hit'-p it v. Ihot' rall)"Sods'TliW ter'to.c ' z1z, Ci-r n oac.PAN YSTS, PFtY, STEW t0.1t1L'sI Coil and see us at °;° D. L. DO0WD'S HEALTH EXERCISER o . Fto Brain-Workersi &aSeeary People:_______4______________________________ Athltor0naltidi. A coml~tel +DaIily. *Saudayexeted. .AW s 'tat lor oo, ewli entific, duroblt,iompreatl'hensivechap.Otlt W.5'RI tGtES If. t. HAbYES, indaoredetby 2ioio r iiaoioawtte G. P. ,-T. A. Ciceaga. AietAnArbhor. }tI r, lergymenit. eitrst t hers _________________I___ noi 0 . te sin t .l S endo orhl - I cic- L. DowiiienSiootifl icthsicaI ndiToledo, Ann Arbor and North Fiocal Cult, oEat14ttistt, Neotr,ob Michigan Railway. ~ ~ J~~i ~"J' Tinte Table goinginoa r"act Monday, Roe. 25. Gong North. STATIONS.Goaing 5Sth, FiRNCHItI('1011AM3. FINEST h'IENCH i'6. I 2.113.I5 Ctsi1ttl. 1,sittST PRICERS bOil Alan. ijtti' aa. 5itdard Tine. COtead. itt.ano fl'Si' MAtERIAl.x. Lap Mai. il Exp. MSail ExRp. 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit,.ic.--I- eoa. iLs'ej1 Arr P,am. P. - CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. . 1.3215h6I00'....TOLEDO...... 1i011t5 .,.. C . I.. x'sts' ROR.t I ET OR-it .... 4 07 16ittMooroe Jontt's it 27 1to . liii. 13 oatd 10 Wahingtnits.1, - IpsiltiMih. ... 4 17 6 47 .......Oadee...... i2 20 10 ist .. Fiost-claiss Riot anii Stylish Satiate horsos .... 4 35 7 05 ........Mtia ...120 9 8 fore Hire. 45 07 21 . . .ittiaieid 11.. tiii9534 ... _________________....______ 5 017 753 .ANN ARBOR 1tiSt 92':... ... 547 8f05Whitnora Lake 11 02855..... I . ii... 5 i5 0......Hamburg..... t1078 5 E . 76310045...,Cooell...... 10 tt1 81~, 71 935.... Da ndu ...... 03r 7 31- .....75 B00 ..0 ornaoo ...... 9liii6h4t ... 8 0010 1 ,..,.O oss...... 1 sai40...... { UA 7-1 ..... . 22t12t0.St. Louaas..... 7 32 5hO8. A.5U. i 10 24.u..Mt. Pleasat.... 6 4135 P. m. O.) 1'2"AV. tURON ST. 533010451 i20..Clare....O154 0t, 8 40 _____ ____________ 5__ 4__ 3 a..... tai3l.....Farteiel.........1350 9820 7 7 U o... oa10. ...Cadilac......,. a .5 16 41......; 40...C>>fpt'no. to7o5 8ct 11~ 6t- .. 020...Maitttte. lit 152 30 _j 10 18....5a 18.. atnotia....8 161 3a26 w '_<' 11I. 5040 F.5rankf'urt...7.. 50. 2t t 0 oaing Earth STIOrNa. Goaing Sauth. on Wednesday. Oct. 8. g 6 s5 '7 I Pave Pass. pang. Pa. pin - ....~ .. v .1 (Ar.~ A. m....... IN 5 807..... 711$ ..Ann Arhor.. 1ilaa.912 A MIDNIGHT.. 9CA6......Durand..,9115 ..,..... 7 150.. lsigAM D IHT C L 5 .. 05 EstSga.. .,B5 il.... 101 Eattigaw4fi74516.565 H. W. SHLEY, A. J.PAISLEY, PRICES--35. 50 AND 75 CENTS. Superintnennt. Gen. Pan.. Agent: Sats on Bale at P.OU. NewnsRoom., GEO. H AcZLEWOOD. Local Agent.