-E F t M DATL TIME TABLE. IO :N, , NI I V()RIE. I ,r I rl "'II-%NVII It;.N,!+l',, ., .., .. n , I 111:4)111 I I- I(. ,i ( li os, S . 11' 1 , ' f 1 5 1.}: N G1 L I .NII II IN I. IIN, ANN 1II~tl, fomI 'I i H II Nc.t C.i }ZC1"CA0. (}Is WaItaHII 'NISvc.SVDYTI. F.' rnssov M nag r 1 :io e N N1lAN ll t1,211, , I,.05,N1.5,+.:'0 J c'J ,~IL flIC . ,,, I.aveANN 01t131)11, 1from I Court I Hous, at Th sih Seia, at by," Ofossad" 'RH' ys, Viad. 111' 'ItlA111 N IIIIINI .1,cal.J'I.JE.1JGI .I1P IJ1lI*-F0 E 11; e ff c t, (II I I ' I 1 ' 1c f oII N ' i s ti1Vt 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nl ie l l e f a tl ~e , 1t e i11110A17 111,. j OELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. Teachers C 0" WIIC". 11 ; H iA ENtalisIhed in 108S4. PositionsNfiled 2300. SeekN TeacIIhrs H aNH, ambHiiousNfor advancement rather than thoetout po1111001 11 1 l ir > I 1111111 zn. 1 l 1 31' 1 1 c, '1l. H . W IL D , ;..} "II''1' ' 'Nl. >11171.1 l; 'I"111 71 'IN ST.G H W L No. 2E.WashingtNH St.,near Main. .H ID 5, 1 21170,C IGH lC1AA$ CORRECT ::STYLES -iN- Spring Suitings Overcoatings. Silk Vestings, Colorings New IN STrouserings. N IINovel iil I v1 T ' S111117 -1 '.vNI'I- 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN' All 'IOR, - - - 111 II. SPORTING ATKIHLE7fIt GO00DS- UITIL1 TH & JOIJIY A Full and Complete Line Base Ball .Maskss. ('avis Is Belts, Shoe PlatesIBoxing(Gloves, Boldy Protec- IBall Gloves.,'Tenniiis Balls, Caphs, Indiani C'11111, DbIBell7s, NSeaters; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, eIN. etc. Don't lily iiitil you have seen ourt assortment. Bt1TIILEIGII & JJOLLY 261 S. STATE ST., 13.G NTT3 FORT JAMES W, ERINE, CAMBRIDGoE, MASS. g"'Call for Catalogue and see samples of' Mackinohes. ICE CREAM AND) SODA WATER. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES 7 in~ch Pearl While Plates - - - - :>:t ets. per Net 7 inchi Adamoantinie Chlina Plates - - - 4ll cts. h~er set 7 inchlSemIi-poirelai,1, iltle's Plates - - ;.5 FIN. 1114 set P'earl Whil I 111111 'eas- - - - - 3S cts. per set Adamlanltinle 111111d'Tells - - - - 50 (Is.11pe1 et llootiiH iseIli-p~orcelalinl 11 1111 'leas - - 7,1ebs. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & Go. THE CAMPUS. The Obllrin11base-basiteam wnlxi ti110'94 its lfly the Itt171Scholl larrive herelFtiday anattend07111thle thlis week'. InteCCollegiate OrtorI~l~i cl onest ITr. Nacrde roise1aver i- hni htifor thpuosofcer Itresin1g7clin~il' this Iafitrnoon~. 111117theiT representatlive il in leh NoII- TlIN'. .A. are having11' 1twoInHHw test. 'N l.C . Is ly raneNo'teN) 111:11courtsI INNiltiolilth111'a1p71. l'. Of M .,1 at TopeIN , Il l ' ta' ke ' 117laceI' 51111o 11ning 111111 ie ampusItoinstuc Jun10s~~ . t 'N IN who 're I 117 SIiis- frcis HIield yeseray A.1feature1'OHftthe11-Minstr'iilw'(1b7 fr~lnln ocalwil ~ehel tCo. It htandls fourteen feet 11igh1 21111i15til oly111o(117illtile business. 1117 plors oIN f tile I resilteTian1 h 11 Netlllysia churchllSatlurdayl'vn'NNIling at cig'11 o'clock: ' H onLaI (rippeN'. am117onloter tings Prof. Staney111 wil1gveaninformtal le 1a111a rippe furnishe'd 11s a talk upon)1 tile prTogrTamIIof thle IN I atlaile 1n'lt 1inthle diagnosi f (111 Symphonll~y conclert tlIIo-morrow aS. \' llI''NTIlee1 afItrnoonl at 5 1o7111ck1,11n 1oo11)111 2.1 ou1011c)ce1rning a Iisease, it isi Presidle1nt Angellis15callng 11 17in 1 1111the ~l~ sublscrip~tlis to1111 Gymllfund, 111- (ol 1lNN1ITIN'~I i.1 asmuchN1 as thle $20,NNN, 0vcr and~ fayettII;A.'NC . S. N. 15, 'N'.(If 1P. ab)oN'Nte til erm'.i'~anI gift, I lhv e een 111 'utgers4a rsinliuIs o;Dick- LIISIITLFSS P17101011 WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, :;MAIN SIIIIE1.1, M. W . BLAKE, PICTrURE;S, VFRAMES, A ND ART (GOODS. 150IWest111ron St- FERDON LUMBER YARD, Maunufauer of1 1and1 dealler in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER C'or. SNourthl and,1Depot11StN, J. HALLR 0. M.7IARTIN, DI;A1.1711IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic J. ,A. POLHEMUS, RINSEY & SEABOLT, Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, uI 11 11 1o s o1r With the reltrn of the Basle Bali Seasonl 7w1e' 11211l be IprN'II'reIIto fur' dishal ti s ne1w111 1 anl'd11 des~ir'abll in l 'N 117011M 101R Iase 11al1, LawnO 'Tennis1, ('ricket, La ('rouse, YaclitiIni 11111 for1111 01111117 useN. Ouir Stal~er Swealter for qultity 11111 (durability111as 1n1 eql~l. Ou~r line of Balse 111111Sup' plies, Bats, B~allN, lIsks, Body Pt1)' tectolrs, Catchers' Mitts, Lawnt l 'eullls Su~pplieN, etc., etc., as in former sells o~n still defy comp~letitionI, 'we 1re juistly lproud Iof ourltamre cllege fol- lowlinlg, dule 110 wtelre iawalre to the sulperior Iqulality of oor goods., '1111 esteem Avse alni 10 stren~gthen'11fIvIn seasonl to seaso)n, in the iwlproveenlt of ourt goods wvhere it is possible.Cot' resplonden'lce desired withl manlagersof all college clubs. Seull for our NO. Catalogue of Summer Sports an~d L'O' forms, A. & B. free to any uddress. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CbICAGO: PHIILADEILPHIA: 10 Sadison Street. 10111 Cheslaut Street' NE- Y OitK: 241 and 143 Broadway. AV'. E. Cullenl, '93 Li.,.was25Nquite badlly huet Tuesday 7e'enin1g, whlile exercisin~g at Hlobart Guild. ils face wtas badly totrl by a flying sp~ring. The1 nemlorial service of 1St. WVincliell will be 117111inl Unisersity, Hiall next Sunday afternoon, com-' nmencing at 3.30 o'clock. Thle Ch~oral Union will sing. i11s0n19, Htarrisbnrg 5;IHarvard 6; BrtownTi; HIarvard '941, is etet 8i; Birown 15, tHarvard 6; 11217i13, Harvard 3. Codld and V'an Nortwvick collided wvbile trying to catch a fly ball on thle campus1 yesterday afternoon, antI Codd's nose w~as bruised. Spizer swas struck in the nose by a Ibitched ball, during thle game. No bones were broken in either case.