THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. F Of Old U. of M. should live a are i' Univerit of Michigan Quitar. Xciire crdoubt Interested In the aovtimei\ h, aittas Nye hav 10Pices towiestQuaity highest. Gumanteed every inichIiof the toait Vilinamdiuita oStrings, lit ets.; Banjo iand24 iMan'di ting,s de ttiriii a secillsviudv, wt'ivii ouwouild tall 1and see' what we a sts. Eherythiiig illpropoertioni. Z.. II. ('lenient, A, 'rn I GI.C 1r 0L r o. e. li' n w . cl lo s o ndsvev in~~eYo llil. s . 1 Iitai( iiav THE TWO SP e. AXe 1 iii xxi ('~ihi t il('ase v(iii still 'sa se viii tiieiiev iii tllet i .~LLIEEiTLIIT Li. LiLt, If yea are going to hay a WHEEL, Why don't you buy the BEST! THE - kME"iO1.T - LIGHT - KLE LER Lv.13L' ==C-N777t. i I ARlA1O M O lERRlll VOORHEIS & DIETAS, GOA Y1(-0DONATIT W0VTIT+ BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STARS. ALR, FOR FOOTWEAR. WORLKCALLLDFOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. 5140E5 for 130T14 LADIES ant GEI'4rTLEMEN. Office, - 23 South Fnurth Ave. {'-A"LL F' L. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & ItOWDISH. 1 =Vr 't t i 7 c> c c . ,o l I f ,-- , 10 i "i' 51 arli 4I. o '1nsta0 ~l 'i- 'k)1 wit lwi5 test shill+1: rii 5 ilConsii v i yt~5 i _Ke a alvii t'o otne.sisilgtifi itt' s e 'it I 'l s t l lh i p m " I O s P . p it ts ir t i a rse t se nns o ntti r xit __ _ ly Isisatid siurslygive somisetiiing fins'. I~~7Ii~~IO7 tis only G~riffinuILit. '9z has accsepted a W. 11. HAXCEINS, trisp., i x NAittiit podstion in Chticaga nitwill leave Specili 'vniiitosilais. Givie, is aycau. fialtx in a tsii tays to assuine liis new dau-____________ _______ is Ts ties.IHs witt be bark xtnring ciii- FINE JOB PRINTING. iose whx tienoenent swrek for the tiurpsose of it s our aim to lease. ,S'atoisiiuranteed pampttitt1 gettingtiis tiploni. REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. Stoes, now and old, largoe and ismall, for coal, wood, ott and gasoline, at J. E.ILarkins', 28 E. I{ren street. is thts tie imseibers of the save first ctioice of seat Cthoral tUnion wiii give to th attenit next 'Tesday, ap