TI-E ~010\i AIL I N, 8,1' 1018.TIME TABLE. I' . n It l 18,. 6 Ci 1( lto I'1:5 "i,.,541) .0 t t.W 1.tt 1.) .8 '. A e 2 1..8 1 8. 1.1 , ,', .tNN:,, 111.;),11. t,., a n i, ..t, :W il~ti Wa. ell Ave C 1ZC1 ,Q, 11(3 N~aaYh AN1 SUN8A11 IME B3. F. CLAtRK, Manager 8111.11nl. '1110LE V u.,I ET SQOPS '" The 1, 111f11 11 1111111, 811 1111 ,1 1 1 -1 - 1111 01(1 11 miZiwiOA~ls.itheLOet orally0, LIOT HTS rpitr ill efect, , Ir u e ti. I jj,. A anRai.frI'tet tiin~ld o I;, Rc1t hthv dl hr 'iytii n1 181 1+ hersCo-Operativ CtSo.jijj iOflA.lX1 G "o 811 188l ter't .il(°i111.11Established in 1854. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Tea811e8s8 81 are ambiticus for advancement rather than those without0118 3118 , The "Asihby Special," llAshby,'l "Oxford," "Ha~rvar'd.'CT q4l SI 1 1 4_' "I1 1 T'.161 5(11111 MIN Ov S. ierce1tiegs. 1 1 281,8 1111 h 1of11 No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD- HIGH CJLA CORRECT ::STYLES GREATEST VARIETYc LOWEST PRICES O'_\ COC 111 8118IN 1111 C118 7 111811 1earl W1 itellate11sCC - -1 e 3 ts. per set 7 11e11 Adamants11ine Ch1ina11 Plates - - -40ets. 11er7set 7 1in111Semoi-poela11in1, B11 e's11 atsC 158cets. per set Pea1rl Wihite 1t'd11'pea1118 - - S- - 8etc. 11pe el AdamalI1ntineC1 II'ldl'8118 - -I)- 0ets. per set Bootle's SemIi-porcelain 1111111Tas1 1 -75ets.11p1r1set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST, PEAN & GO. Spring Suitings Overcoatings. Silk Vestings, New Colorings STrouserings. Novcities'in Fan11c11t8 88111,.8 1, Irv - 18 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN.AIICOP, .-.-.- ICII. Gf 7Ahf isplsp]S,Ay SPRTJNG !THLE'TJ6 GOODS. BRLI(UI &( DIAY, A Full and Complete Line «l" C.ll'ieiot111i18, (1111818s 1101), Tennis11 111aC1111 BallMasksC (18isBells, 81108 lIates, B18114G(ove's, IBody Protec- tors, .Spesories,Sc118re Boks5, Base 711111 Gloes, ferisBlls111, CaIn ~di'snl Clube, DuibBlis, Swseaters; Jerseys, Catch~ers IlittC. e. etc. 1Don't buy u1nt111you aee u r1118 ass1o011 rtment1011. I3t'IIL :IG II &JOLLY 26 S. SeATE, ST., S1AM~ES . RINE, CAalsslloos, MASS. ~for 8 Catalegue and eee sample,, of '12'JnT CREAM AND SODA WATER. THE CAMPUS. (118111inlla1ys 1ere8next Saturdaey. Pu111d18 118s2 108111181118tsiC attenl- 1)e. orlln' ,of IamlonCll11) 1848 (1d8e1 1181 81ek1 Pie fresh1ia 11tem 1wil ('11.111ba1 for 8188. lie 1Pauw8 V'niversitN',1is11)o11318 1 1n8w8' 1181111418 11 18111(1i11, to c1188 I 3,800. reception to118t118 seniorsC 181No111711 The 128211118 iCs1busy) wit111reports D~r. (1o111181, of Wabaslh Co)11e48, las 118818e8188188 presCiden1t(of11hc Indiana1111State-U'nivcrsity. 1Brons8011IlowtardI, 1118 playwtrighlt, autholr 1o1 11hell"Henrietta," ~has 41881 ~So0o1to111he '0ymnasiumIIIfund. 1118 Presb~yterians Young 1Peop1l1's Society 18111 g1ve a social to) 111 freslillcen at 1118elhurchl parlorsC 188t Saturday evening1. Trie National Chsristian Associa- tion wiil Ioid a Chsristian conference 018 tile secret lodge system, May 14I, at Central Music Hlall, Chicago. The petition of thle base-ball management to play Cornell on Mondaily if it rains 015 Saturd(ay, wa11 refused last nigh1t1by thse Faclity'. It wo(uld Dmeanl nothinless8CCthanl a 111oliay1for 1118e81t1188Uivrit'yS). Prof. C. W'. Pearson, If 1118 Northwes'stern, and IgnIa"tis1 D1)01 11811), (If the c11> 1)11158 a me1111, 1188 to deat 11138the Shlakespearan-blacon lTle 1acIllsy4o('1(8181111h1(e11p1ss8( a 1118e1permitting.4 students18its thle yea so (8h88 t1 t11 e118)an 3 gradu1ate 1in 1118 1(c1111y (f the ('111888118' 01 111111 elayin.(I'1181 a31l808u(81of(that enlgagemlenlts last sweek, 0118 88111h0811 club, 1118 1111817w81118\\'abash Cot. has1 been1 ind1ictedI b)' 1118grand jury7 rItr tile false arrest of sev'eral sto- dlentsCo1 Lehighs Unsiversity'. Thie Cstudlnts1 388 881p1e28018(1 by cx- .111(1108 ('eleral (If iPennsylvansia (G8ne8111 Kirkplatrick. rile prospects of V ale's sccess55 in athlietictis season are still someI- whiat d~ark~ened( by tile cloud wh11ic1 has Ihovered 0ove17111801all11his terns. fThere are but tswo 0111 018 on the crew; tile bace-ball team icsvery much weakened by tile loss of such nmen ac Stagg, Mcllride and Dalzell; and Sherill hlas declined to run tis year on the Mott Haven team-Ex. 3TJSIITLSDIDiCOK Y WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER~, 3S MAIN STIREET, Special attentieonIpaid ts relpairing W'at8ee 01111 Jewry- M. W . BLAKE, P'ICTURE S, FRAMWES, A14D ART GOODS. 10 dNest HarenS t, FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manulfactulrer eof1and1dealer is SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER J. HALLER 488111111.11AIN(S'. 0. MIIARTIN, I)II,1.111I1 Cloth Caskets, Metallic A N 11111111118-(11118 J. A .POLH 'MUS, RINSEY & SEAROLT, Bakers1awl dealersinI Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, riad1; . I'I~ashigon St.- JOHN WOTZKE, I,A1DJEVS' and G(.ENT:*S' 5J50J' With(1 thle retu~rn of till'111188 131111 SIeso, 1818s11111 hbelprepr1aredlt10fus- UNlt'II MS FO"01t 1118B'11,111 ast 1T11111, ('1ic81,1La811('17s81, '(08111154 11118 f(117a111 O)u111g4uses. 0o117tSha1ker Swe8ater' for 11u11111)y11111 1durablility 11ll3 no1qua 8111. 011'1r18litne1of.B8se11B11l51111 111188. 1Bats, Balls, ?MIass, IBody 11179 Lectolrs, Catchlers' MittC, ELawnTe 181111 Su~pplies, stc., etc., 118 in1formler seas" ils still sdefy Coll,1petition, We 58 jly pr1170111of ((ur17111148college fol- 108w111, 4118 Cas We11178e sware', to 1119 su~perior qual~lity of 0111 goodis. This8 esteems sse aiul 1o stren~gthenO (1011 seasCon to sCeason, 1in the irnllrlleImeil of 01117goods whlere it is possible. C('' respondfenee desired ith111mana1gerscOf all college clubs. Senld for ourNe Catalogue of Sulmmer Sports and Z 'ib forms, A. & B.. free to ally address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICuAGO: PHIILADELP'HIA: 100 Madlisen Street. l.- Clhestnt Slrlre1 NEW YOREb 241 and 1811 Broadway.