/* ln.Wai Vron . 1-N"Tc. liii,. U-NIVEILI1TY OF MIICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRLIL f:), 1691. Pja'cE, THREE CENTS. Inter-MCass League Schedule. Harvard Recitation Hours. 'Va I~~~ ~ asThre t~i-a rso lr f icasing" toiiier of courses gi Vai s casteamts iot in r1om 1 0 0feredilat I 1Irvardf tolleefits marde waia fisti 91 theflateblif andiif atecr somer m1o01 rcitation 1hours ncessary T'lnineplayedf 6iftitssllii adoptedI ther folfowing1"et temi thfac ultyiysteirdaiy matde flddscat Sceuefor the class iiiir- iiapcateai'ei trfisIhlsare fto rif~0 9 1 ii i ~ alli 11 porta hn o I l srse tda eclcl( fair grottiids, andl'9' 1it. S 9 ollrw h orswr a. iito refetltf 1 Lit.,o aps 1 hr fall sco Iop.eM , 111d to -} p. ix r crpt -slay 4. 11 ciic is. Iliarlic, fairon Sa turd ay, swheii there wecir no sroitnfi !O.}Lit. N'S. '92 Lit.,Icani- if ternoono exercises. ftheio.(irsew i 1tyo 9 ii , arias' eiiieiitthe f lnceonl turei15bbtif...-- gl rc 'fghific v. (,) Lte !shiirteiied toi falffaiihour and of k{ tc wo liii - fairntr 2i tiiiel til 1 a I tilkintsil. f.. oil thitcaitptis. IThrextra hour oin Saturdlayswiilfbe Coad .---- iir 14. ~Medlcevs. Plharnic, inrn t Boiloth .us 1li 1aii C.f.. '94 it.Vs.'91Lit, curse whch re ive atthelatest Rauescist..-_ tr tlie campusi. hour still necessarily be unipopular Julie 4. '91>1Li ti.92 Lit.,oil because the athletic gamtes trill hr the fair grouintds;91 L aw s'9 allowed to begin as formeirly at 4 Law camus. p. n1 Spitzer, p.'25b.. JunliC5. '93 Lit. is. 94111.,OnLnossosure._-- fir grud J 9 o 9 IaeThe Farmers are "Off." liteorgso ap. 'letlic or i'fuarnc Thompson~ ... Junee 9. '91 11itvs. 9a it., 0i9 ieasurer Soule, of the U11vcr- iher. f._ campussits' "it-es it asliis opiiointhat v3-gerte. f, 5 ltNortiiek s ute 16. F-ital "game2fetsee somlethoin"glmist lie wroiig at I alt il511fgteam ini Iit. depaitmntand jsing tihellthey' say iii the Legislatiure tnd winninig tretil in plrofrssional Ithat110 rrfports flits-cbeent rcrivedl SC( dpartments.Ifrou thtiis iinstituttiont for ses-cral I t- a .of r_-- foie mtaniageirs o)6theirescr-ive r'r. lesays that every qurterr -ntp''~eee. te il ust arraanre for scorrcc-niiii I de~livercs a replort itintot ch iIlpircs thicisre1ves.'-will's miil sersicec, directred to thir irsity Versu ,al ycsicrdles n. I-ithi bit I -cely lette xs'cccc ipr Aats, the 1m1 di. (Pllsai -is 93. 5 -AVtNfthflitexperienice of College isy afterinoont / d ih ~os'111Ilfrelf teiiarful scrt1n11- of ('iltcgc Sttu- fir \ 'arsitsdeiits. laingt-ilar lge corps of skilled tttle sniap, aitilIesi;iiers '1n1d Jewrelers speefially er tll-nit93 trainled for badge and iithier jewtelled rot-oiii tinat- Nvilkimpringfii'as ti-c do, diricely )st nioticrable rPr1StiIlsI Lndonand1111Amsitrdamn Stone, Nveare i a po iits pro- huee inesiictplinland11jettelleid N". Soc-lietl badges of all fkiniiis IihefiII 1 l 2 Wright, Kay & Co. I' 5 1 EMPO)ITERlS, INELEW I Ff1 I ' IMNLV I3'ACTC11TNG JEWEtLIERS. 14 16 5 I7 Detroit, Mich&an. l;\1VER ____4 i 'I' li. SNIETY-THREIE. Chas. Speller &c . 5-_3 10 0 University Outfitters, _. . o :3 1 2 I1 1.:1 0 21 04- SOUTHScAnTESr. - 2 It 0S 0 --3 0 1 2 I0 I1 a.3 1 1 1 l (4sllnasillaniilAtltic fGoods. :26 6 1 lxi; is INNNIs GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING .__--_U S y -F111. lST N THE CT' Y. I-0 1 0 :3 -li. Resolutions. has Prof. Ewrell.,II-1.. AETEPC 'flicalgo, delivereld ss)-rail / 5T Meclihat .1 lli~'iilIIl c libe- U (G QATA LoGs, Contesting Colleges Confident. Audtitor-Gtenleral, amid es-cry qu acter ic fiat receised wo-lrdIthalt tis relport I iIlsill iel LL. 1)., of C lectures 1oil froulifi i hrI ni I o fit li-is bell received ithcre. f11 19 -5111 fc iiiitrjustlgl fivoii h'ron th diferet rview in ther yond tht cn5 reaiarrafordIforft isla tarijits crllee fillictationisit seemls tecreh s ed o- h lgsa aiy t il>l ietl" ol-c a i tree ltcommitteec 1o salk iiin t ahf' ReslvedllThat the thanllks iof the 11a at nthi liiyt taltie nt oil mmlailencc01-er -tuihe''o-t-fraluiatc handrISenior la usses he statthitittiniiisioificeabtnitth1y1wtatt'exftiiideditoIn r. Ewell, ftir the iliter- t1 hooumrsiofmacxt Fi'aymiitasi tii'siihsofle mdtlyiO est aid zeal manliffestedlil in elff of "ell as the covted rir prize.iiad maitirouble, is thc treasulrr thettuttdeitis of this Uiiersity, talc- hefththi onfiec 91l00 av P 15nevrIimnore thiaiili f iivittrbe- ill"his touirstinillMedliel Jurispro- is eight iiift restilt is idoutibfulhind iin his stork ini the officeec b I Rsolveid, That colpies of thlese reac- iniy t;l osintlt lionls be senit to Iliml, andl to the press representatives to "rater effort. Tennis.' for fpublicatfion. 'fhe foflowin g is flue list of thle - J.ysuiets~,ho cii~-. . 11.,XNtoall lint fudges: On delit'ery, AIO ei At- Asmn=suet ontse oJ . -CUlITIS. tWaterIBloomsington, 1ff.; I-h. A.tinowthfle tennlis courts onu the J1. DoNOYv ,, Cleveland, Indianapohis. fOn style camplus, except the ladies' courfs I ELtMONTAVW tPios, I-ltouht oun. Afe usl b the hospitals, are controlced by It.=A. llIKMANs, 'ad hougt, Afre RusellhiyCommuitfee. betroit; tPres. C. A. Callaghter, the A. A. and for membihers onlyt. -- "ityrence University; Hlon. Ilorace flue rules regarding players arc flue Notice has buet giveut that an "itchcock, Detroif. Each contest- sanue as used by flue olif Tcenuis aumencluient to the constitutionl of z119 university sends three represen- Associatio n. After "May' 4, Ito one the S. L. A. trill be offered, to flit tativ-es to Ann Arbor; flit orator, 'aitluout an Association badge tiill be effect tha t all students of flit Uni- alternate, and the presidenlt of flit alloswed 011 the courts. 'fhuese versity muay beconle menmbers of flue lotal league. can be procured of Msr. Htoldeni at Associations on the piurchase of ..a.--- the coturts Saturday morning, on cours' tickets. This privilege has 'The Souths Dakofa College trouble presentation of membership tickets. hifherto been restricted to msembers has been settled by the complete ex- The court in thse extreme southwest of thme literary department. An 'a'afration of President Grosse and corner of the campus has been re- amendment will also be proposed to tht censture of the students wlso served for Faculty members of thse the article governing the election of prefefrred charges against him. Association, officers of the Association. -u-PoF' Sole ag eulls ill innIArbor. qI5A$. $PC:LLC1R & ~q. 'THIS EAR UYAly. DE TIEOI7- PIIOTOO'alliIEI. TOMLINSON, __AT- 236 WOODWARD AVENUE,+ WILL GIVE YOU $PC:gIAL IRATC$. TIIY HIM.