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October 13, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-13

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4 M
\T L No. 1.
And a Membsh
ership of Over One
About one hundred ladies were
present at the general meeting of
college girls called for Saturday
evening in the chapel, and there
was also a goodly representation
of the Faculty ladies. Mrs. An-
gell presided and Mrs. Gayley
Brown gave the girls a clear idea
of th plan proposed. A league
is to be formed of all the college
girls as University students, ir-
r ,t, u1. eof class diotin -ions
and fraternity lines. Its object is
a social le, to promote acquaiut-
ate anl friendly feeling on the
part of tle girls of the various
departments towards each other
and towards the Faculty ladies.
Irformal socials are proposed as
a means of erlecting this. Tle
lasn Jas been developing since
lat une. Then a sort of organ-
mizattn wasertected, and com-
mlttees were appointed to com-
Plete the work. St V~iI~
co ethe ork.Sat. evening a
consiationwas adoped and the or-
ganizati 0 took permanent shape.
tie power is vested in an execti-
asd commtee of fifteen members
andea membership fee of twenty-
five cents per year will be tieon-ly
expense for thercollege girls. Tie
ladies of the Faulty gr e
associate n yrbe are to be
not bea mrs A name coul
otbe agreed upona, snd the exe-
to iat omittee were empowered
This league .
acknowledg spplies a long
Ters d need of our Uni-
versity- It cannot fail to- iobur
girls Diore falo ind our
friendly s meclosely together in
Sgirl ysPathy, and every col-
lege shouldgive it her hearty
Prof. Kelsey's Talk.
U. of M. 56. Albion 10.
Pr f .v . I. ri, i .
The subject Of 1rof. Nelser "s
talk at chapel yesterday forenoon In spitO of the tlreatessissg wea-
was, "Some Certainties of 11e- tiher, about 500 gathered at the
ligion." We give a brief outline fair-grounds to see our first game.
of his remarks: Van Nortwick '93, acted as umpire
'Tiis is neither the time nor and Allen, Albion, as referee.
the place to enquire into the phil- Notwithstanding the number of
osopiical basis of Christianity, points made the game was any-
but a few elements of certainty thing but one sided and no doubt,
may be presented, the first being, had not one Albion halfback
that the religious problem presents (Captain) been disqualified early
itself to every human life. It will in the game, and the other early
not down. It may be fought off in the second half, our ele'en
during a college course, through a would have been pushed hard.
number of years of business life, The score shows our weakness in
bsst sooner or later every one is defensive playing. If our oppon-
brought face to face with the ques- esils were eak enough os us to
toll, whetierie shall strive to- score 5O Gpoints they should not
wards. the highest. The second have been able to score 10 points
certainty is, that 'Mlan is by na- against us.
ture a religious animal.' There is This much may be said of the
no tribe, however degraded, no playing of our eleven. While it
inhabitant even of tise islands of showed some good points, very
the Southern Sea, who does not many faults were apparent. There
have religious ideas of a higher or was a general lack of tea'play,
lower nature. Tise way in which only a few men attempted to fol-
a man developes this religious low the ball or block when a man
feeling, determines tise bent of was running. The tackling was
his life. What we think about altogether too high, not nearly as
Christianity enters into every act, good as Albion's. While there
every word, every thought of our were many good individual plays,
every day life. This world is the lack of support often made
changing, mountains are being them void of effect.
worn down, continents are slowly The weakest point on the rush
as sden Saturday was at centre.
sinking, but character endures. Chadbourne was very slow in
Character is the only thing which lining up and several times al-
will last throughi all eternity. lowed the line to be broken at
T .e tsird certaity is tststse that point. Abbott at quarter
thi t yst fumbled the ball a good deal, as in
tlhigs of spirit are just as true as fact did all the men back of the
the things of sense. But the line. Jewett's running was the
largest and fullest certainty comes feature of the game, although
from our own experience. The Grosh and Dygert ran ' well.
largest certainty of the truth of Grosh was several times unfortu-
nate in slipping just after getting
Christianity comes by experience. well started.
No life can be a success unless These faults are no more, per-
this great question of Christianity haps, than might be expected in
shall be settled." the first game. We mention them
Wright, Kay & Co.
r Importers of G ns
a A r Gad Jewelers andl Op-
t+c ars. Manufacturers of the
Fnest Sac tu Badges nade Ainthe
coutru Sampler sent upon pro-
per refereqns,
DEtrot, - - M hlan.
merely to counteract the U. of M.
faslt, that of supreme over-confi-
dexea as the result of a few games
with weaker teams, and to show
the necessity of faithful daily prac-
tice against the biggest possible
odds. The eleven ought to play
against 15 to 20 men each day be-
sides strong practice games Satur-
days, or twice a week if arrange-
ments for games can be made.
Landon (Capt.) was put off in
the early part of the game
for slugging Malley, Parmenter
taking his place. Trainer was
disqualified at the beginning of the
second half and replacod by .Sher-
man. After an exciting contest
the game ended with a score of 56
to 10 in favor U. of M.
Oracle Board.
The Oracle board met last Satur-
day and the following committees
were appointed-On advertisments:
Messrs Currer, Parker, Smith
and Denham. On Contributions:
Messrs Parker and Harris and
Misses Cahill and Southmayd.
On Cuts : Messrs Jannette and
Harris. No one was elected to
fill the vacancy of Whiting not re-
turned, as appeared in Saturday's
issue of the Daily, but it is left to
the Oracle board to fill the vacancy
as it sees fit.

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