THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Of Old U. of M. should have a (1Y1oun nivrer ity o f Mihtigan Guitar3 Pcearnodutinterested i the above linead s ehave lowietanility highest. Guaranteed every inchl of the iotin wned Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, mlade them a special study, wish yon woul(1 rail and see what wie a eta. Everythig in pr'tootiont. L.:3S . ~iClement, -zIE DNE.N N P A o have. We know iwe can pletae von andIsave volett lteOnlitteti. OMtaa. LM ITIGLITO&OG TCo THE TWO &StMSU If you are going to boy a WHEEL, Why don't you huy the BEST! 17 -TMrION\ LIGHT IRAMLER L T - E or .I harMop S1oall bLaufy. VOORHEIS & DIETAS, .D0.J 4"J7 (2-0 JD0\AT] 0VT-Q\7,7-Nf BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, FOR FOOTWE:AF,. WORK CALLIOR and D~ELIVEREDI FIRST CLASS WORK. SkOES for J3oTIf LPLRIEs asrd GENTLEMEN. Of tkCIrtt 1T 1ft A ijicaf?7'. LL N - Eliii'051 ' )i :ni11(50's' Olice. 23 South Fourth Ave. 22/tLbNN L ~~ t SOUTH STATE ST. LEMMON & BOWDISH. ..._- '""AH'SBOOK STORE, DOW TOWN. Svrc tlltult N atill Soat e lo iev If)v tlil ii i veu rsity Text- littls mil l atal to ' tll l f l l ffi' t'. We fitltta altieil discoutil Lnt AW BOtOKS,BMEDICtAL IllOOK,-;. ItEI-:; AlBOOK>5. ii i s -f ' Ii aevery at ill the f slve: t. alii olu t 11 attl ore it price. t to t to Ie. til Etita jic a 1) 13 ; t i ic th HAVE I-- CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS AT J, T. JACOBS & CO.'S, tRe. F. .H edigieis Vttgitt. hills (i New'tlit'ij 'iii altypca wcsc i i anlt it i it if al- te liil-I i1(tttt i it ha tl ie, ik tseI II tats tbit trait taowIuc atitat toltak )y tI. IIci ton in shrt- { I SEEN' tnupt. Iltfiowffifer tifeiiufol; i T OSEF Th 1 lstr Scet 'xII c $lr2.00 .b 0 $3.00 DON+T MISS THEM Mr. Leather tllttl Icl tti-li, thaiildeh Fh at"t e 1'r a ii .A CIse.i' icgtt! .1.I. ;, r i;( 1 L. GRUNER. Dea-ler 'ill RiQhmnd IStraight Qt. S.No. t CIGAR ETTES. 4C1 Aror avinesilBatak wh ~Il ' ' ttt t l t - i iltt till tea}-10'o littl St t .I. C itatt a rilltfind' atvs e and old args an The lironnnstreet.fh how11111c11li hat' it0Itt tifot'1-Illylto t s I'f. 1t. Ifledge, - he f I heliut he 'att lit'lit-tto f ia t'e 5'1iv tit Wet e u ,' t litn It hl t- ri. f o h - ereot 1 v Vlet' I z 1r e .1. IiC fit I()j Iv 1 en. i ex 1 ii QuoItI1' fasto -Art Goods. franky iCo tl111-f-l it h, thitsatiurfV rti. II.f . \tftua f'.fl Vtiitcl 1 Ce -_fct' Inliftalt at' tils''llit' Naffit' ---S- t-- i-- --f C11.T. 1nti.r I i ifi 10 ttoiilif-titi1i.nfi 1'il.Pes fto hit t Pt igoff f oucii uu in 1tlittti THE CAtMPUS. Sf11 tic. i ttttt Str}'fothla ulinoutoliffvattl tthfreshmant c lasfotr ~ K _ asutea avenuerttt ttlto thei poortittimtuney ttoceiuip - t4'aslbase-balttiteamlt t\'tlucnutv to tute t ilc ~It~ tilt rehpoct all ttoney' collectedh at 20 Itottst, acrotas to the Sonito N psutoutti S In galls street, Tuecatay evening moath,andh back otn Packatrdhstreet. April 28. IH. 11. KRtOGNIANN, SAI .T I ND TS IITh7E, Thie distance teas ahottsix atid a Maae.b.I.H~VIS r1. htalf mihes; and lime, rune hoer. Nit-rude-Thec Captains of the mu Ixta rI, 7.icI-. The next run wil11 he next Saturday. cartons teams in thme Inter-Class Speeral given 1o Studeats. Oiae, at a cail. Mr. Herrington, a '94 medic, has eagute wilhlnieet in Room 1o of the FINE JOB PRINTING. law department this (Tuesday) even- gotten out a hook containing the ing at 7:30 o'cloek. Itisoa~uratplease. Soztifacitanuartedt lectures of Drs. Vaughan and NovyI MANAGES INTER-CLASS LEAGUE. REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.