THE LT nP'M. FDAIL-Y ' ¢mizi i . IIW q, 0 MOLE 11019 7011077 77TOILE'S -- SOAPS TiIME TABLE. Mlnitiilllre l foim theiroot if lte; 1'css rtIii 11 ,: t 0. tc11 St. 1:. 5, .'t, 1, i> 0 i.'{ . t, 1t. 1 ts. M I I C E l Lt) A (~oI: .i? , 1:'U? . 1-1 roi's Liii N 155 3111 fr1 m l oi ur t im .at TlI I e :mole nnp. is it coninis llii 1:0 0 0 0 , i . E . nd IIt,;.o 1;111,C-0, 119.!5,i10.55) is i . 1ii el lits thSu e hin"t forIliiiiiheal- F. CsiC fIRK,)Wabsh A e.agerllgreffct uri ure forpimpesi ii 1, IME 13. CLA K,1.01, i1,a YPS, 7.NA0ut , ' tit, 6G;,int19.2 iTil di tisi 111of ill i F.CICg r in 5 ,Il ;1t i(tuioiiliiir 5. lIi i li ti (' iss s i . iii i i Inn inim\ AIi I ii ro m li C'ourt linHoitii sl,11 lealnl i' t;lt I S 1S.1 it i c I - it)I h OCIIIT7 L ". yOT1EL - Board and :ooms 14to :14 parVW4, ELLIOTT & SHUT TS, Proprietors. I ll5 ft .Ci s tha: 1t ha li )c illtliii i l.,loiv ric(! II I _lvl Ah:Iant! Oleill iin'iio' i' f10 ti00 0: The "Ash~by Sp iotl, o"Ashlby"' mixFordj "H~arvarcl.' EL. biish(Oril 104. Positions filt c 13(0 Onines ';nnacht' are ambtinus for advanceenrt rather thnaii thosewithout sOoitl0O ; I ii I IG. H.WILD, uIsoie if ig' iian\li ltse itlise limii 102DL 1EC10 1 ~~ ~ ~ White iNo.rub2 r. ahigtn t arM in. i in MI ET 1.1,x. Seni-pri'lai, IootssDlTies - o.eeisi I Pear Wilt didTes -- ---3rts. iier set s M. W BLtntin aK earn, ace ____Aiaminitinie Itillil Teais - - - - 0i ets. per set PICTURES, FRAMES, A > Ilnoten, Semil-poreelain I'ldilpens - - - 75 ets. pier set ART GOOD1S. 10 estHillli St CORRECT :-: STYLES 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. p EAN & C0' FERDON LUMBER YARD, A ass iscisrerof idiatidealer ili -I-THE CAMEUS. Who's ot the Key? SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM BER Spring Suitings 1kitr.XWilliaimi'troy ssill dnve aamCor.iFourthiandi Depoi Sts ANo -r Silks Vestings, \Whlo's o tte Key? slthtiiiofsirelltiiil lls i Stagains 5.'; in con ~itiii the bill nine of thei Baptist chrc h nest ITliirsdany 4n no: INIA INST NeWClrig l\'linton .Sniiniari'. K zarn aPeiril5. Cooinseveniii, Xiiril 'no. 0-M - AT-- N wIN (itto 1Kichier,Esq.,i lctories lt (Captatl i nI inwrn requests ail 1 il"AlEli IN Trouserings. tile j unioirintrs this aftlccii foi t-ba11ll plisyets, esillymiine1w1 Cloth Caskets, Metallic 11 c ii i iiiiiil te lltO lmn i , n tv o expecnt to he cinidattes __ - - N0 iii'ii', t I ii:t' ost <0 ts o y humIII 1 0,1 l~ r tme imtol ies lol1,to J.litA.iltJ. L. HELH USUS i )' titi oy Ntt' "cstis s -ii lilil '1dii 7a Olielwil salooit list t e nt tias) e for lloto apper oil itisG the amps fo prctie, ateroo 1 A SiO ii 1 1.1HAK AD . XNt isi so i .It Seaosoatlie it w1eik 12 to i-. Tie L'. of hI. p 't}-s lrostii5 tti6. ________________ stree___ . btothi ttese i111 tils.Te loiiotciiqill bt te the'narnits' RINSEY & SEABOLT, 10 SOUTH MAIN ST., _Iloiteums ndletinii idol. .Ill Ots itonti i ti tt ht onie a niewhisiwil s' pleytie n iiinO ns t Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, ANN Atitfi O f, - - - M4ICII. 101111- iii o sh i mtiin, ol 13 lnitts mfiisilt.hsitringy}Iin1.7iin iiii5. a' i" I'050 1trillti itron.i c.;kohiisson, p;Riih iLi.; Kellty, JOHN WOTZKE, IIA11 fair o ine OF J . Stanisstirs' line'c91, ws electied 2h.;iPearsoni,311; Baoitri, ss. ilk- ,DI6'az ;~ar. N Js N Lij theiircity eletinfi nolat sweek. Thle 1Univiersity Glee (Club)15 innak 1 SPORTJNG ATLETC_ Who's goXX t the Key? froiiiai n,ooo-Iile 5siin0 tri. GOO S'liie . iif Xhi I)ksit e box in the They gave 12 conocerts, ate n lot o B m I iedhiillbtiiinhai~ is beenichin cyou h anqluets, secuendia scoreof iteicw f'1IL f L trlu it eurnof thii Base I i 'em, A Full and Complete Line (Cheviot Shirts,C(noisus liants,'lTennis Rtackets, Racieut I ImIiiliis, BamseBllis, Base Bali 'Mminks, ('mnusass Bl'ts, Sloe toirs, Stispensorien. Scoerioouks, Bamse Bail Glons, enisB llis, (Caps, lIdian (Cltbs, D)imi hBells, Sweaters; Jerseys, (iatchiers ?Mitts, etc. ete. Don't buy until you have sten our assortment. I3CUfLIGII & JOLLYr 261 S. STATE ST., P-G=N5TM 5F0OR SAMESF;W, ERINE, CA31BlIDmno, MASS. IVCall fur Catalogue and see samplso of Mackintshles. ICE CREAM AND SODA WATER. Biopts;. 1. loss, rif Pliliniel- pim,wtill leiture hefore the WIes- leyan Gu ilid, Sundiay eveining, May 3. 'lhe frnsmain baon hall team iisll1 I go toi Orchard Lake next Saturulay to play thle mlilitary acailemy nine. F. Coinverse, lit. '89, at present stuperinitendienit of schools at Pon-. tiac, wsemsvisitinig itt the city yester- dhay. 'Tle lprofession~al departments at Itarsardt have nio class nines. The two u1lpper and the two lower classes of the literary department play a series of three ganmes, and the win- ners play a series of three for the chsampionship. girls eacht, mtade ml little itoney, andm maul a1 heati of fun.-Ev'eiing -Nesws. 'Tle L niversity 71liiistrets swill coin- fain riiaiy clever sitecialties, gin- tesquee nianicers miid coiieianiis, mcro- hats, a uniqulemunsical specialty, skirt dancers, sandl jig daiicers, atid a quartet and trio froms the Glee Cluh, in ntegro ditties. Thle tFaculties of Wahasht College aiti the Piurdue and State Uiiiversic ties have issued orders to their stn- deunts that no professional shall play in their hail nines and no one will he allowed to enter college just to play hall. The other colleges in the State League are De Pauw, But- ler and Rose Polytechnic. iini all thimt ~ iii ew iandidesir'mable il U'NIOM 111 O501 Bmise Ba~ll. JmSi 'tenniis, (ricket, La (Crose, Y'aclmtili andi foru' tll Outing use's. Our Shamker Ssea'mter for qulality mnidduirability hmis uo equail .Ouri'liic oftBaset Bali Slip' lilies, Bamts, Bamlls, Masks, BlodlyPro- tectoro,(mateluers' Mitts, Lawis 'u1enisi Suipplie's, etc., etc., as in formier seas' onis swill dlefy comipetition, We are justly proudn of our lmrge college fol- lossing, dlue as we'' lre awamre, to the0 superior quality of our goodns. This esteem se ai11 to strenlgthein from seasion to season, iui the im-prosemneult of our goods where it is possible. Car' respondence desired with managers of all college clubs. Sendl for ourNe Catalogue of Sommer Sports and Lon1' forms, A. & 13. free to auny address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CCmAoo: PHILADELPRIA: 108 Madison Street. 10t2 Chstnut StreetL NEW YORE, 241 and 2475 Broadway.