THE U. OF M +. of"Inc,$20,000 by 'Mr. Waterman. While l Soo 30 studlents at Dlartmnouth raisetd 1,200 for at lase-ball cage several F T Publis~hed ilyor(Sunays exrceptedt) taring te Collegea' r, by MHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI Suscipio pice o.t(toproea, invribl iv advancet'' in lc copies 3 aetst. (tnialeairt cneaisandtosiaat tM 't' itt stand at f ocoknoto.aitatoript in ay behleft at hehratirvat hrtolaact'ittort'ithar ork t Communtitcation"aasholdtreacthefficehatiby o'clok ir . tti tey ar to ajitwr the vet clay. Addtresst ill mtatterr intendtr fr uhit cot muticto nssoudh snrtr." ui THE U. of 1K. DAILY, Ann aArhar, ticih. EDITORS. taott , t1.It' i rs Si1,Aaaiat. }Ottittai t t. itt H . It. t,,v",t.. to I.t B 1 . I . r , St.t 1.3 .1:tt I F. 1) -o.. roil' irtt liat tai Stt, .11) lilil . Sk2tII (" ; ()I ill the I).I [,1 a',icn ir' s to Ii Con-' As ' l he ",Ctit l i ll years a'ttt)taldthe aenior casisait Yale' tuimbileringtt mnore ttantwtioi hunitdraleild tfand ift tm n hs ratisad Vivct ()f Mic'tail, numbilerini 2,420 stiltekit', allra, agan x i i BUSINESS LOCALS. i ii I'l' in t l it h ais,.co lum i t th at the 'ilatl aliit at S ei1 jo Iitc o eistvtHilit'lll'. .1 itaco-thirds oiiikel 0Str1Bil e for thi otto ot ill ittrteil Ai. Iarsti lP ell'tak'e1a ' lint ie l be Ii o uii ii ls ilt iii t ltr hp ini , orI' ty tutu ti it' s I i lit shttode ini iii 'itt iimerchandise iothe, Infest~t i iioflgoodsIInithis lust 'IX tiltsuit'thitU Ilittoilof ttit 111e}jl'itr 't trill ive= ligloat outnit. ter lisu inesotinitis. Sit eoil n t itsto i. g t or I itt ices 'tWetittitig ro i itot IM l igs ilitit. 'ite city. s a n I ri tc l 2. i i o . iitt'ot'' i i, ii Nit )t IC I t u ,'1ot iere. liiiId, oW.rIo GiIi tti II ' i ~I v '' i aa 5 isk :a - N-= .TT BU I i L itns i t: 't i t: .10,c i IC:tt. 11110 i t ,i 111it1 liII.:10 ii i o aiy cw 'a. rIl titicotins he tars w ; It is tcuireto y is i tl'oltIht A lit lo L th tlt iI t three 'I Ii 1 iof a', and i 'titots. I I. ~ li r t we do Imtliiknowla, 15 ii Ih't M. DAILY. C1RCAT $TATIOflC1Y $AfLF WE WILL FORl THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS Offear live totns of ptaper of till kinds to tie sotld by the houtndi at regular Mitill etites. iry' otur('rotaawnImperial Linenat 25 cetits per toin.lionh1 taper, 'Thesit, aindTvpewvriter Paper it fGreat Btargalins. Enovelopes to noatcaill papears at graatly rtneuce rates. STATE ST. OUTFITTER i to tut ii li tttrun inof l j AatLTJID TTA =S- ___ /.Lt ..41 ~4 .A Pr>n's Hid (Gloves, a'aaaat~tto 0 o aaaf vBose"at. tari' ej~ ti / ~ A tl tulaCt a% SHIRTS6T!\LKJIS /iiaua'toInOitder and San/cis /Of af4 G Oln'in/ond. TERICHERS AIRE INTRODUCED TO SCHIOOL- AV12V a CER T Toledo, Ann Arbor and North N~ 7 nersaes5+ Cticu~icMichigan Railway. 1/ )/',.v ffTimerT iableo iito t Ntotittatt 7t Fort St.,Westa-Detroit, Micho 'sott it ,iti't'incl. ls we A.C. M cCur&CO,. e iii,'l l 1ii ctlo'w,' o {a'i a I('tiv.iiIliviti '..1 ..ยง II IJ2' +S at 1If)PO RA l ot., i mlii tnuiwii t lilt 0 rs , i i-No). 12XW. 11 K N TX I. andi wtt''ern tiortions ofi ttIh h C101111-11 tGtranda osit i tt- oupe~ try'. It is a jlutt aId ittint, tribt t t iiis trill lbe iurniished i' l i rtiit r ii e(o%(S 11(TI H Iy 1111(1 by the hla Imater tot tar stint CitkI1iiilt ia.l'vhi'iiil s l'ian's' owto lhtte helpeto attpreaul her fametienn andi tiitII lih 'inils forlanquets 0aiiO:1 thoronghot the otrlal iad C'hu111biiners, IDtatce Praigrania's, withifatilytmahttnTursday oaft' terniioni. thrughutthe"r< 4-intl tillathier kitids of ctolhege stairk. Otir statiotnrry is al~ways iottible for lllISa1 1'S Eq{ES tshadsmeenraintoracIfrm 'Tis Sad, But True. itTlanlona Rirrigcoretfom The Unvriyo ihgnhsod moderate prices. 30 Famous Trained Horse. M C U raised $20,000, the amount neces- . C C UR & CO.,Pe, - 25, 35 and 50 Ots. sary to make use of the gift of, CHICAGO. Seats at;orubrs. M I Ova Z 1 . cn r . .. .... .00' , oe Ian s. va it. t.titiilak. i ipt lfeceafio Si Stoe P. ten.unt,4elegnt row11andl botdnehaladmsc I lraiufo tdns Proprietor.~ nV