Vol- I.-N 1U1..LNIX EIISIiX 01F IICIII(_x MONDAX, AUIIII 27, l;1.I 'micE, Tmu ECENTS AN5 TWO HOME RUNS. The Indian Pitcher was Pounded Unmercifully. Score-24 to 6, There wtere abioit Goo at tile fair gros Stuirdlac afternloonto see tie farmlers of the -N,.1. is. "dsoneo Up' t was a ser'tihie ilnlini Umatch.'sWilkinslontand. Booth lifted tile hall out1 to tile track for lo021 rolls, withi perfect disregardt for tile ftelings of tile Initan twirler. It Vas5 a golidt tractice gamle, htowever, aria Coach Cosnway wsabletoe iv)ge til teatm a fewe lessonsi. Walsit's frtappearance otn the fieild for titis Year shtowedc that heettas lost tone of 1is tiesverness bhtinithtie hat. Tile 'tore hy innings is as foillos: r. Ketiy took first on a hit, atsd reacted thtirdl on an overthrowv. Ah- bott struck nut. Kelly put out at hoe. Petarson, a hase hit. Wsit- kinson, Ihit hy halt. Richt, a base hit. Coddl, hase on halls. Wash, base on halls, forcing Pearson tiotie. Iitti, 1ou~t nallattenmpt to steal Koine. t ili son out to B3ootit. Buarnlettt aelilt.t -tittemger atti 'Coret. tiui-liiiy sttrtck out. Croil1 ot irt "tilt5 rechcitrt i l er1cirots anatti 4 bt' itt. lPearsontiase ott ills. Belly coirit on ilismon's base hit. lPcarsoni antitAbbott S~srell 015 Richt's iise lilt.Coidd 'track 5111. (Gibhs fielideit oit. Chaise strutck out. Store, bas5e oli lilt AVilsota foutledtout t Ricit. 3. Walshitsrttck 0111. lothi. isase ruioOthtit to rightt centre. iaer, flied out. Kelly, out frst. liatnett anid Rittenger, out at first. 's's dttanittby Ipitchled hail. Baiter Capturetd a hot liner fromtt-%IcElrcsy's ie reittilplayiii sigtiaide by Plitilt itindPearson.Thr lteieti is ere on bses whe Lih cal~it a 111) on frs Ipt 11 outtri cl iiiliiteitiestn thnil it hull toiii Ill i i iicuitho tired ilson The lay w sti,- siiiasilkit eons, mit hai.11alsh t hep itt stocnd 111111 attil ttctrci snidrroreilnd bastcdi0 b11 eaosn'iatdstsW1111kinst- tetagerot at fit.i 8. Kcliy titroswnot at secottdt Abbhottiibtie on halls;IPearsoni, hase 4 very-Day Phitanthrophy. Troitghitthieeciot st te o 111's111 i \Mi st(atnt'sof Blehicagosliotie in chl,iiSaturtdias lIiitilirhcait ill iiii li t ondonthei culoes o Ofod ind(.'atilriute t a ct da ontioliots clib l ouse, alirovbe 11111l in tiltrists.ltti Here the ecllege ttletsolietoli e ttonthis or yeatrs. I t inSitii to make the tall a cetitreoflitilieation for te neighj horttoiis thlece are various cliths cultisvating fellowsipt, there are etn- tertailsmectts, stutdy classes, fine-art exhtibittsattitlecetturesotnthe tuni- versity etentcsiointsy stiet. outt. Met trot iiut it secottdt folloseeitits Scotlatdis n ~ ses-eral Weitnman at hlonte; Crosbyi scored harts of Enlganid, in Nesw York atti ont passed hail anil 51055 c outt at fitrst. Chicago. Itt Nese York there is 9. RTe U. of M. pilcd ttps8rutns titeNeiglitborhtoodt Guild atniltile hby terrific tbattin-t M.t.(.addieit College Settlemtent, the latter bseitig twso rutas to thiri scotrc hs il son' cottititteit by twomten of sariouts col- twro baseIit, atdtit isietcit antit c 'cisdMiss Atdanits atiithiss Starr Croihy 's lase htt it-tiae fouintieitIHail I louinitnieicof liii ii oR E.thetcst tunsavorpo tiso 1thtf Clit- Nil hciet cittireitpele lend a Ilittle ofp Kel ' to 6 1U tteit titme eacteltiek tio aid icarit Sisiet1.s s_ ; i22 r ills onthemtanImetsinof stork uti teklnl rots -- a s 10 ietaketa. IHells is necded; tie Rich, t i-------; 2 ! o k is frutitfiti otilye u i alitica- wetts i -t ---__, , ~ « tiots is requiiredinltwsorkes- hede Boot, c -t --- 5 o I o0 ir o letnita liatid. 53 2625 927 1 5 } Oratorical Contest. I IA.1V9It G the exiperiencee of Cellege Metn twhoistktnitw and11appreclite the catefuliisiruinyleof CBisiteiSt- denst iti aot'111 aresorpi of -skilled Itainedifort toe ande 11other jeseelled itirk, itptil lli' as ises sdt, diriectly fto P1111rtis, Ltidonti and1 Stmsterdant manufac ts'ed-isl tthais tllt ti lre Wright, Kay & Co~ UMI IIS~, .1E9\'l Li lt ANtS> MA1NU'FACTURING JEWEVILERlS. Detroclt, M ch'aan. Chas. Speller & Go Univ ersity Outfitter, 2011 SOcUtH TA-TEST. EN GLI SH MAOKINTOSHES, TCPPfl$+ GQD$ ENGLISH SERGE COJlS i D I11 USF S B{SI Ea Bfl GOODS, TOMLINSON, -AT- +236 WOODWARD AVENUE,+ W'ILL GIVEI YOU $PCgIAL IRATE$. TRY HIM. A.B. R11. N S it~ i.-CitSi i-1it.IAlilt Burntt 1it -------5 2i l 1 5 1 0 We ima , b--- ii 0 1 0 4I itneslioy, e s--- I5 0 1 0 1 Crosby it f--s ---- 51 1 0i : 0 40 4 2at 1 4. Ahbbott, hase lhit; Pearson, too5 hase thit; andI 'Wilkitnson hroughut I SCORtE 11ivINNINGS. t tnl hothait inp-yaitonte rutthittto U oLM-t--------1;1 1 42,5 UI io -2t the track. Codd and Walsha sene __________________ flle out, anti Rich scored on Eartted rttts, hi. of Al, 16; PM. A. tt's two itase hit. Blauer flied 2. Too base tilts, Wilson, Petarsont, out. Crosbty struck out, Gibhs base Wilkitnsott, ihe, Bootlt attd Codid, 2. hitCaefue u n tw htomte runs, Booth, Wilkinsont. Strtuck I, Ctasefoued ot ad Stsseby piteched hail, Wilkinson, Rittenger, Shock out. Weidemntl. Passed hail, Walsh. 5" Kelly and Abbott, out at first, Struck out, Codd, 9; Burnett, 4. Base Pearson, base on balls and scored oil hails, Codd, l; Burnett, 6. Triple ou V lkiso's as hi. he aterplay, Rich and Pearson. Left on Xearkdon R's w base itt hte bases, U. of M., 7; M. A. C., 8. Time itord o R~c's wo bse it.of game, 2 hours, 20 minutes. Um- Iadd, out at first. In this inning a pire, A. IH. Seymour. Prof. Tulotchsodt andithiscot-swork- ens are to tie congratulatedt for thte success iw~tistt i lhwihts-yitave aroutsed ata intetrest tat oratory thtis year. PTe organizatiton of the N ortitertt Oiratorical ILeagute tas its origin its Ptrof. ITruthlood, atnd at Ants Arbor. Sit that thetccutesct next Fritday nt its thecfinst, atis it has thte alt. prnopriatettess of iteitng teld in tite city atas college of its organaizatiott. The Oratorical League htas thte wonk- ing apphrobationt of mnty of thte othter professsrs. Eivery studetst shtould shsow at least enougha interest to attend thte contest Friday evening. The itrice of tickets is hut 5o eta., and thsis not only enables the purchaser to witness an exciting contest, but it helps pay the prizes. Best speaker gets $i00 in cash; next beat, $50.00.