T HE t;O M. FDAILY I 7 7 T f ' IN ,II I C"IL E . t U 1I 1 4 T l ls 4 Y u T O I L E T - - S O A P S TIME TABE171 , 'I, 120, 11.1W) 1.00 ANlO, 11:.1,V'a lYO RK, ANN ;.11 ), 19,0 1.:11. rII tI 5' 11 c. iooh0fom lee110r1o(t11f11110e11 'Irc m t 'ac, tiClzto t. I.:,.s . 54 (Nl) , .111, 10. 51 1. 5, .15 M.x, 111 11 .111 J.loll oll So (1111 13. F. ,,EL S 1. .RK ,prManagert. 0.1~1l.11N N lAt111011, from11Court1Ilo c,10,1 The111 111 ole llg Ilo as ggi o nt 0. 1 55I 0111 OIIO A I,011 21, '..511.55, 5, lll. 1. 1(2111001 11 11 81161 1.g l. 1I .5t0111.510.55 0 1111 01111fats11111tilt1 hest f Ofl a7 1- 991 99 incnncin voi 11,1ri 0101 1.le101,1 l 11111. i (11 liellh t - Bordand Roms Uto S14 p ~r W4 " ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors- The 1"JAshby Special,' ('Ashby," Oxfor'd,""Har'vard.' Es1thcised i 884. 1sitonsfiled,230.. Seeks 'Teahers VWI0 are ambiious (or advancement rather than those withoul- 11001 De1lr in ookJo tiobowletc, X11the I1.1109sha1 es1111 novti esil osri ngs11)(0 111 ,1 1 tle111.1ll 4. ST S TI '111 T. lxI SoI( t_11 111 AIN'11 , Overcoatiegs. 1110neo.011b lilc No. 2 EWashington St, near Main. G .WL T.0. I 21S OIP, HIGH CJLA IVfAIT$O 1k I[\7(. CORBECT :-: STYLES Spring Suitings) AND } Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. Colorings New 2 IN STrouserings. .Novl1.ooin1Fa1.y1) '1001111o0 9101 119119 Ne01-Stylish and11 Seasonlable 11t 9lOUiTHs MIlN ST.. GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES OIN (1110ERYIY N5111E CIY. 7 111011100110 White Plates - - - - 3:y cts. 1100 oct 7i11h11 Alallmlitineina Plates0 - - - 40) cts. per'0set 7 inchi Semi-porcelain, iloote's Plates - - 5s cts. per set Pearl Whlite 1I111'11'peais - .- .5- )s ts. 1100 set Adamatin1111e ld dT110.10 - - - 5i0lcts. per set Bloote's Semi-porcelain i'dl' eas 0- - '-75 cts. 110r set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAK & CO. THE CAMPUS. Whio's got 1110 Koy? Presidenlt 1)1019111 1111100 1115 111000 is an outbrealk of scarlet fever 1110 1111111110of '111sar 111110raisedl $ 40,000 for 1110,0endowmenIt 1of 111e 10111 ton 1111 11)11 v1110d11 NN11111 end n111on-resiets amount 1to ablout $6o,- 000o£0111o l te :icholigan studeIntIs, $30,000. W'1s t0t1110Key? 110,10 11he 'A1r1 Loa1n exhibition 11n 'res, Mr. W.S.lorry:;fi rot vice- s0e0r751ry, 1hiss .11n5 Conlgdon; - %- -I I. 00t1,0tre10501100, M.11 11111711 X ANN ARBOfR, - -M IC .011511ecu.tv1e110lorcom0111001111110, the aboveofflicers _--_--_10110 571a1te 1r0a1hle 11110nOtis c lo ty, 11( o.J.I.A 01 M o 9 . ~~JJ4D PJS~~.y 111 11100511illtol~tlO 15100 11I) Ooge, Mro. lJ. 1:. IBal, 'Mrs. J N. cji sp11011100s 1a11 11110rlmetiod1 inth;atin ,1111,Ars. A. 1B. Stevens0, Mo. 1) 0 NV.ICI111110 £Ouig f. Pettee, Mrs. Gayley lBrown, Alnll 1is5albattin~g 105111 three liss lilian JohnsonI, Atiss Fanie Goo D Ds-. of 11ts0r111 11gainst1the SyracsesH111011 sltars 11ing earned1. 1F1011, 05101100, U YR LB I Q T1i & 0 recenlyoI made11500 hom0110run15and l 110)1 l o's got 1110 Key? 11 11 lS 11171110ED 11111M1 s0111l100in .1 951110with Rochester. Lovers of Tennlysonwll viie10af- J- ' -7177_ = = 1110 IlfInlnder, the 11010literary- £15011011 a grand itreat 11n 111e 1ear i 11 111, 1.111111'01ll0111ltol 1It1ltlt1'rs, lioltily £01511 1110 University of1 £111r0. (In 1110l1411h of Alay the AFull and Complete Line 111icligan, is by far the mo10t1sup11rb1)Unit17clab will give a loennyson 111 of anlythlininlltile way of college evenling, wich plromhises to be a very (Clieviot .Shi11s, (Canvass Pat~s, Tennis j~lllrlllislllt11151has 9y1t0050110d u10. a1tr1c11ve 11111g. 111000 isto be a Racokets, 1111101 1111hand lsosealls, -Be111aDe0lauwnvly. half-ihour 1)51100 010Tennysono, lnd BaseBa ?IbI aslis, (anvss BIelts, S1ho '10en rst 9isres~ tile roottof tileniVnlg is to be de- flates, BoxIin~g (iloe oIldy Prote- TeUiest isrl r tors, S1u)penso11010, Score bool~ks, 11110 complosedl entirely of students, wbo voted 10 tile1100111 themselves, ii- (lulls, Dutu~b Bells, Sweaters; .1erseys, are co~achedl by Hlaug. 'they haveIlortdi101101aduacon Catchlers 91ills, et1'. e10. Iloiit buy 35Jperformlers, thseir on orchestra Several of the short 1p00111sOr to be untl yu avesen or asotmet.Of 12 Ipieces, a doublel quartet, siN sling or presenltedl with tableauxandl BUTRiLE IGI & JOLLY' 011111,tvsootsadabnj twoaof the Idyls of tbe King, "l1aun- 50 5. STATE ST.,,edmn w ooit n aj --.S7,N'ZGF Il uintet. celot and Elaine' and "Guinevere" JAME S W, E RIIN1 E 'Ilhe nlo-residents in the Univer. are to be dramatized. Ntuclh time (AMBIDGmE, MASS. sity constitute 52 1100 cent. of thse and care are beingexpendedto make gl!r'Clail 0110 Cata1lo11e 1nd1 bee'samp~lesl of nnbriiat llne big128the presentations as beautiful as Mackintoses.nubriatednebin 1,5 l ICE CRIA'M AND SOD1A WATERI. out of 2,420. The fees fromi the possible. 13113111E3 PLC'I Oay- WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 351 MAIN 5ST110ET, Sp~ecial attentlion pa113id torepairingO sWatces and1 Jewelry. M. W. BLAKE, IICTUHTi7S, FRAMIES, A 1$ D ART GOODS. 10 ovest HurenSt' FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufacturer 11f 11111d(('e1001 SAGINAWOGANG SAWED LUMBER J. HALLER 0O. M.MIARTIN, 1I;A.I.1:1{ IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND1 11110110 )011100NS___- J. A. POLHEMUS, N torthi11n tee. RINSEY & SEABOLT, 11111005 1and11elers in 1 Groceries, ProvisionsFlour an dFeed, JOHN WOTZKE. Makoler of 11110 LADIES' aiid GIN S IOlsS' With (lie retuirnl of t1110 e1011 Seasomi, Nwe 011111l be Ireprllredlto fur' 11101 illt1111is bew111 11111desirablefil (N11201191S F1OR1Base' Ball, LawN11 a111 £110 al1 Oiutiing11000. (O110Shaker S11011(00fo01qulity1111icl durablibty 11'11 no1 011111l. 011u110linof IBase lBall 5llp- llies, 11111, 111111, Alasko, Bodypr09 ltetlors. Catchlers' Mills, Lawon 't'eniis Sulpplies, etc., etc., 110 ill £0r11100ea,, o110 kill odefy comittbion, We are' justly proud1 of 0110 large college fol-' lowin~g, due 110 11e1100 111a10, to 1110 osiperior quiality of 0110 goodls. Th'isO esteem timeSaiii 1(1strengthen £00111 s0ea111 to sesonil, ii the imuproveuuill of 0110 goodso where it is possible. COO' respondence desired with mana1llgers of all college clubs. Send for our00 Catalogue (If Simmer Spools aiidtool. forms, A. & B. free to aniy address- A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CCrAGO: PIIILoAoELrIIIA: 108 Madison Street. 10102 Chestnut Sitee NEW YORK: 1141 and 11413 Boadw~ay.