Pi TI tip THE U. OF M. DAILY. r> +of f o te neroleiae n cl G CEA T . rcrswic v pbiht TATIQUC1pY $ALE# dlay, we are indeibtedt to MIr. C. T. WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS swbished aimlIs-eudaeet ed) uring il R. Itates, one of the best ot I tar- (liffer fitse tons of paper of all kinds to be soild by the pound at regular HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION b'r' il akrs h ascr: Ml aes r urConInmperial Linen at 25 rents per fully totmpiledl them front thes.eerys! oiundf. Iondt Papler, 'thesis, antI Typessriter Paper at it-r t -,s , best auithioritis. Great Ilargains. Enivelopes to ntatcti all patters o dale Sitle Coiese3Icents. on saleat at greatly reCtilieil rates. - nennsat'iot fitirnews-tstatidt it 1:: Iliiio's iottht heyS= = =_2_2 &4. OO. , lilck ot i.tttttteititis a lt tatile -1111i1111lt .TTE -- he11111 t "to l tit itittor itwit e f t e Nl 'I : °I s s ul Ilus t 'dt .o h : ib rn S crttil ii o'lckt:tt t hy r o p ea h ix I''l T A E LJJ y d rest itm t ite fo pliii- tttitt Z i)fiiiI c.ll IiltI aIee lt t ie r THE U. of M.DAILY ie., t OItitiii tii siitri i IjfT L EDITORS. III a-bodeittl i lit'le atiilet rsir ti 1i ll i>si--- zI' Si-i-i911;_tit tt. ttt i.tLtiC i s . I t 9:, ss-ti i ta in El i tm tii. I' tt:t '93, Aist t i - sitt lt tlti r ISI MV':,. L I). t ile titr V It,9. FI i iit I tiitit ,,::' F . 'S)'.' test anti vealti h r e-s)tiIs sheire iii- liii* t tic l.of M ,wlil CO-ltitto he A hctc ssca tinleasjut i l t tM '( ill iin ;ai i aet til I re ost C I(Iiiin l;ei- andtate ctitleioulyWoe ccIt ing tile lst ri--isas finit- 'he triter idon i- eagod ting for ithletic st lhe U . fi.i sriF .t itik tti iIi ti- wtentnit Ii i l lndtt ml Iiii a chang es I -tto 1 -mde is lie i-itt'is th tire i rit ti - . IIi i]t I t - ri t ; utu-a- to lip 'tit-iitase-bl-itefm wi It reporttall mny olctda 21 S. In lii-s sin -t,' - I ti-itt-ti r-t ittt . BU- -r m . uiwii~ Qi L CGC C,-dlerls Kid Glos-es, -"IT ? 'T,7T7 rTl1f lf Ilose of n 1051atil- 1. . C silty , ires. - 7, I ratice- tilt at u is ev-ry Ip. ii. BUSINESS LOCALS. NEte i ici c l itl c ti1thi rlut ttert '5 wy aili 1tli li lIlc i t 0 Ic TO SCHOOL 'iittt i i itssithitt silt sI CE" t ti ttiti- tttii suilc 't:iti i i Itcitis Nf70OlitseR ST Cht -i42tt M dstil liisl. iii i i l'a Mise I t''l e t liii t . il it-i l 1 E 1 c . < t y - 11 r lltrsh ll tciscti~ll f~l~e a lrtlittO ititt 'itt 7 So fSpupe-it DetroitculMcii t CILL Cji?:i \.f Y01lltl utltstAZ dIRTS OF ALL KINEJS Muadet to Ordct- and Sa/*,fs/lIIO @:a;aii/ccd. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. rime Title going inoa uuleettiltit. 5titl-t - !;?I ( i't--iiti.t tg r. - lni',i -o t xpressand-- ail... it-ti r 10t1:1'21. -Itl.t.pi -i ,.iii.ts.itsttiitti rlsttiii f cti i set ttlt iC.A. C.McClurg& Co. I a nk'til 1ay k1 ltthecci 'AG .,. ctillegit rii lcs -----tn; - ---c1 tititi hn oit in h cnet hr- f i - L T-I7 LS {N . I'? 1. I "ti 3 afteito lir i vets.ki-eth. ie~li-, tttttitt-sishs i ,i Grand Opera house recoridsstiltlibe sitmpltifited, i ituti i MteisNsiill lieifutrnished-iontt iitletssIfoiii iednestlayanod rTursdasy sonts be~tseen u ir retorits .indtthle Progrtatinins. Frt-etrnity- Si t atitne Siti1, it S't) l30 itntercollegiat~e retordts c-itn utire 'i ettittiattd Iiihest C'ardis foti hhriiiitts easilClbe t.instcif itt the futureeitiitittatuity- kit-ieitthursdaygefssrnoon. eaiyb ae ni nteftr n l te id fcleewr.it becotessptossible for uts to 'se1d urite ationterysis alwss iSnotabtie for lllIS1O1S PIILN tURhIRMl,3 i thantsomne engrasving, ceorisct fent, an atthetic leans to thie intereottegi atid nmoderate prices. 3 aosTandHre ate meetinigsone athetes witlhbase oFausTindHre trainest for the esvents contested A. C. MCCL URG & CO., Prices, - 25, 35 and 50 Cits. there. CHICAGO. Seatt ot;Gruber't. Reetioeleganturoendsat boats, stance hatt and music. Proprietor.