THDE U. OF M. DAILY. -.-..T HF NEW- CLOTHING HOUSE, 71,73, 175VV'ccdwa rd Avenue, D t tJ Mih a Li i s \n u LLY Elii i BLYI _11T2B F Da It is the Latest and Olyl. Nothing Takes its Place. See NOBLE'S Window Display. Black Shirts. Black Underwear, Black Neckwatr, Black Ifandkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Suspenders, Black Hosiery, Black Mastics, Black Studs, Black Buttons. NEW BOOK STO RES, 6 South Malq Street, 4 Soutl1 State Street, UNIVERISITY TEXT-BOOKS, S'rl IO.2T =C) Medical Books, Lao) Books, BLANK BOOKeniS, ALL.KINS, Alt Btooks used in City Schools. Students, Note Btooks and lads. Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. tinIstnrments. Large Stock of Fountain [Pens. A Wiarranted Fountatn Pen (Gotd) for $1.5(}. JAMES M. STAFFORDJ, INE I~JOB PRINTING. tisoramtoplease. . uuifatries Gsursst,,l REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE, THE BLACK CRAZE. G. H. WILD, Is showing the Largest Stock of ll Dress Suitings in the market. Att the latest shadues and novelties in Trouserings anot Overcoatings. Fine Vests can be had of 1 No.2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. -- THE ARGUS,- 1ES PE.!U. FINS JO15 f IM;IN@ 11> P5 nl ArLOW PRICEoS. j n ! j * c pI ppy! . ( y IMLOR k1I0P6R R, THE L.ARG.EST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY a 10WEST PRICES WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 36SMAIN S IIIEET, The best pltace to gct a tin LANMPS, in this city. 'You Will Saveiimoniey by btising of ns. Our ueciluua ttentonlaiosearing atcltes 1tlED STSl'At" OIL has'nwequal, burns without odor, or ~ -____________ charring of wick and gives a clear white light. M. W. BLAKE, ~ ttI0)(~ -~ 1A~)~~ ~Ut~9 Sold at 10l cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. FRM ,ANP A 1\ &G .;. R GOODS. 10 5west ii neS 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN ERONLUBECoRD MADE TO ORDTER Manuacteurer orfad dealer ia THE CAMPUS. The honorary members of Ly- BAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM8SER LATEST STYLES Jamtes F. Klnight, '89 law, is ceum NO. 1, A. A. I1. S., held a Car. Fourth andrDepot Sts. teachingv English and history inuteeting last evening to consider J.HALLE R 13N~~a the La Porte High School. the advisability of forming a Uni- 46SUHMI T The elocution class in the High vestOrnho ieLcem ptig ~ SM 5 MOEAT RIEG. P. Codd, '91, has returned O.M.AR IN, MODERATE PRICESchelool gave their first public re- DAE citl lsteveing Te prfom-from the East, where lie won te Cloth Caskets, eta~llic vita SOUTHveiMAINhepST.,m-AND COMMON COiFFINS. - ance was excellent atnd reflected ht-alpennn o heD .C RINSEY & SEABOLT, ANN\ ARBOR, - - - MiICH. much credit upon tho instructor, Cltilcote, '92, has married and Rakersanaddealers in 11rls, ruelood goe Wst.Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andJ Feed, Mrs. ruebesod.goneVt es. ted 8E. Washuingtoa St. Mr. Adler, archtitect of tho famn- Andrew E. Gibson will give a JOHNWOZKE, ~Tfuouis Chicago auditoricum, is in life-size portrait as a prize for tile IA'- andi (tENTrS'SHO09' Pb Ubpairing neatly (done.4:35. MinaSt. - I town, visitiing his soil, of the class best title page in thle Oracle. of'9.The soenior phlarinics held their AC REMYNGERNING'S The junieor law who was the class electionl yesterday, and chose ACDM'FDNIG-~ Where ane lo1w to buy Lades ' mnain lpartic-ilplait ill Cle melee yes- tile followiiigoffheers folr tlie-Oi- Opposite I.- ~v Buiding. anid Gents' Furiinusu tCrdsy afternoomn has discarded s il ea:PresideitA. teLwstXunVya:, . W ft teLoet ile tile that povdso ohnloxeiuus11Aveii wivice--president, Misstitnesduris. Prices. loved l le-llelen, . isuleuubeueieluu itSoutedura to the seniors.Gree;sceay VK.Snid - Grives seretryW. . Shmit;Throughw Vestibuled and Colonist Over foirty iiersons were exllnll- treasnrer-, 1. L. M ill-ray; base ball Sleepers Between Chicago and s 3 ; Twusama, Wash., and Port- ~uI I 1 IlII ite. lat eeilila fier ositoli 01 lad Oego theGle Cltritinesothecatpaini II. Burgess; foot ball cap- The Wiscoitsin Central anidNorhler" ~~e"taut, I.- Briggs; isitoriain, F. W.e~ Pacific tines run through Pullumain Ves large nunmber of applicants present, Braal.Acmitewsas fibunled and Colonist Sleepers hetwee0_ Borrdaie. comitee as lsoCiticago anld Tacoma, Wash., and noF. HVILLS C0 no definite choice could be made. apone odeieo -ls Portland, Oregon. Tihe traiin kno ' zpns ste"acfcEpes"lae ih E. ~ UU, From titis it will be seen that weapitd odcdGo ls in.aCt al"Pacii xss'e vesatilea will itave a fine glee Club this Fred C. Hicks, formerly in- GiandorCenralfFitPAsseneatind The ' strector in political economy, H~ Iarrison Street, at 10:4,5 P. M. daily- THE PPULAR DRY GOODS AND CAR- Year. T e emination will be For tickets, berths in Pullman or 001' concluded next Monday evening. married to ;Mins Verna C. Sheldoni. onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GxO. J0- PET QTORE. TamoMrsoy, City .asgesr and Tickt The sophomores have received Xi$8 Mei . o-le ecme Agent, 2%6 Clark Street, or to F.. r8tueNhe ~o ar nteE , 4TcktAuGsubjects for essays in Rnmian yCntrl ITawte toncorer Arcemology. V054ie. AeP.*w ar u9h bc