T-THEI("1OF MV AlI V 1~.of1TL'Xi. PublihedDaihly (Su2nd1aysexceptedluring121 he Coll ee)ear, by THEI U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcrition prjie$'2.50 per year1, invariabl5y in 1111 221. Singl2e2121221'222cets. 0n sale t S'neehoan's and P1st .1 (.le newsstand 01 tt12 o212'cloc, non. Subsc2rptions may be lef1 t'ltit tl fieo tieDIY, 01),(1-11. 101S' bloc,22.at Iheinsa tollt 111, or N th '2i'y2o2 12e ( 'clo ' -. m. if they 122tire 2to .app a ll(, next THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mic2h. EDITORS. 1122 'lt22'NE, ,'91, t' 2 2)112. W,. ('ucis , '21.2, s..'.3,2.22 1 1' ,k22 1 1,:l?, 12221 '93,Asis 2.Bu in ss''. mLv C'. W. R1122221 ,'.14,Ass2,. 112-2222.31222211g. I.1..1 '1' " 21 III 12 22 .2. .1 It2122. 12 22 G. 1B. D gI ''12 t I jC F. WELL 1,'2. AS. we. 11, 1 , l 21il 2evo2 21222 12 2" ': t 1 :2111.( th I nd 1j ss1 t11". ). is (2, 111,23 2Ils(.hc 2222221 ' lx 'vd'pc w "1 W call 12' 222 ) y ,(j-I equal( t2221t221 NThis 121211', 2a1 (2)2221 1221 the 12 212122 2> o fo 2.212>42'212)23 11 2222211( Il222 m '1 12ar12 122222 v221 11222_1,1 s,1lIt 4)f t1 c li 21 a12221222 2,2 2121' 11 lv 1121 522cI s1s212 1 222 22 r( bershlip is n011 regullatedl, it shlould be nsamtedtile " S. 1L. A. of the 1L1t- erary IDepartm1en2t."' We (10 2not knowr of2112y'2211121realson wh2122thle law,125' cs 2521222rmics, 2112(111e121 s121u2121be2 1211221121from21 12222 121r- 212112i10 11212orgaiaion21. IThere 111y1 12v11 b2222 221111reason.12ye1211 'r222221ves 2 sup1212211froll 1121 212 21e2212o22 1121 I 2211.23222221 e2121221 I 1.2222 A.2 wil2!22 22121 t ill 1 1)ar a21 222,21 21 112221 2122 1ile .212211,2s o LiUiIiNESSa LOCALS. ("o2to122. 1111 11 1221222,11 111112> We)at2 1.1).1111221 '21hop. Sp1222(22221 122o'> 2,e 1llll)2'at2 21 (2l~s A ll;(,J.2 l1, 1. 122221 for il 22t22 '122,>12ml , 1 11isltv(rl c li 1222122122 2122,221221> 2222 2 2222 222 211222 22 (iddrss22222 t 112 .22 2ow222for 22Il" 1:111c t 2122111 21222 22221' i1212212 11 2' 1222'.111121 22221' 1 s)2' >22 212''>1222 1 2 .2122 c2e1121121 stck 2 1 2our11ic 1s. 1.21l 121211 (111c. 12>1'sc~lato1>12l 'i21211 2 a1am,1ri12 .2,11)So. Four121223 211 121 22 Bef'o' re o ',1' 122' 1221 2)22'1'2 sil122,1121 iO(222221122 1 2 the1l12le1offered122 ' h2 Gode 2222212 2221 22122211) o.2,222 N'11211 12 -et2til1.3 . 1212'of 211 2)2l x '222'11. 1. ('2 122221> '.2 2)21A'.ep 21.122 '2)222o ('2~ k ,2)' (22 11 IC ;I Gird2C12 \ 22.t CFCAT $TATI~flC1Y $ADE0 WE WILL FORl THE NEXT FOUR WEEK{S Offer fiv etons of paperlC of all kinds to2 be 20121 by tle (pou1nd at rei1Iar Mill rates. 'try 012r' (rown Impljerial Linen at 25 cents Per po0und1. Bond 1PIaper, Thlesis, and Typewriter P~aper at G~reat Bargains. 1.122 101212 to01atc112all paper11s a12 gre'ally reductedl rates. S =: 1A IT 6&;00, TTHTE S TA TE S T. +OUTFITTER You2 1 12 12122 1 1a1F LinIO BU~III F ine Furnishing$ __ - Lci IL C GCI deC, RdClvs 1,4>3 T > 111 1 01 ilo 10at1a a"t"' 00 TERACERS ARtE INTRODUCED To SCHOOL- ~OFFICERS Nc 70. DEA R BO N ST. C'hica o SHIRTS 6? ALL KINDS Made 'o Order and Scfsfaiwl' G:/fll'17(teedl. ff J. L. F iRGSOji Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. TieTal 222oig int effe11t, 2122121223.12 'Mt.22, 122 . 2)22 'I 2"11'2Mai 2.. .. ... .. . . 2. ' 71 Fort St. West, - DetrntMioh.3;222 212) 11'.2'> 22 2)A 221, , I 1. . (2 , 212 ,one f lsths T IA. C.IM cUlurg&Co. 1111 1ZIl;22 1'21 IS, 11 222 22 1211222 il221C2)'-7 11 sS. so I I ticketsl and 22'' '2 >LL.22 , \- rad Opera I5ouse iC1(1(0tIo'Sidil 2221 1.221 1'2221212 to (' tend21212 21'> 211 1 22llh 'llfI-1'21>h'fl )It2 112122 t for.i' e( di s y aund Thursodal 211 1022 o lelllrcr. 1122 211222 211121 21111 (221 > ('.121>ent lI1121j1( 1 The1 S. L ;\ clams otbeaof s111Ou StltlltlS (f tie Ai IR.G1.1\Prices, i-..,,fo-1 de onenenes whole Unisersity, 21n21 not of any A. C. McCLUR & CO,)Prce,- 25 35 and 50 Ots. 1/ -I particular departmnt. 2As 115 01101 J CHICAGO. catn 11t'G e', Proprietor.