THlE C, ()W ;M. FDAIL-Y TIME TABLE, T J'cllntPltc . ; Joll'lSt i'l.1,N 5, 10 , 17 . o1. ., .5,CI 2. F. CLARK, Manager slANAl,111(111lse,1 711' 1170.1117ross N 111dam Thend mAs by Sec Man a sl. bYucal Ox\,,one bygi ng hisayt TOLT --SOAPS Th0 i1t,1 1 711111 t ic oI' 1111 tll 11111t of, tillil 111 1 (' l olN id)O M71 ENx i (A.\N A m(111i: z1, 4:171. Ujhm m ,..7 CI'I 1Th1' .51e1111'o51as1'it.11 it ils Im ON111U\ I.IDE T L d1J0T- >111l(t 111I I rN . 17o1)-I V(11111eS 5 11101111171117111atie. 111111 S(' 111 111111 k117i1s. -iadal d TlC1v1 PEORIAA, fILL.AP O, LLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietor,* .aeu'rs Co-Ope^ra t eAMs a tQ777,C L-st i)ishi nlC ISS114. PositionsfilledI, 230. 'Seeks Teci1irN 71 at(, arnhi7ous for avncernent rather than those w ithlout a 171051n T I - )GG. H. WILD 44 STA E' STR ET. 6 t I'lf I A N ST.No. 2 E. Washnton St near Main.G.H WI D 1..1. 31IAFFOIP POA~nraTCOT hA DIrTV ' fI nrLT ODIP3513 EIJSIESS IDILEOIOaFY HIGH CbAS$ CORRECT ::STYLES UREM ICO I VAMflII t LUWVL i rnhiuca OIN I JICEIIYXIN 11E5C111. 7 111171 1PearIl White Ptlates 31111 11(er Net 71711ch1-1dama1tine1China111Pltes N41) ts. perset 7 1i11711Seini-porcelaill, Iootes Ptates - -) i1711. 11cr 5set Pearl17 White IIII'ld Tells 3,S~i cts. per set Iloote's Scni-lorcetaill IF (ltd Tei15 - 71 Cts per sett 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & GO. Spring Suitings Overcoatings. Silk Vestings,I Colorings New IN (Trouserings. Noveltis 1 lily\stiliigs 'try- 711in1 N 171'-Stylish 01111 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, ---MICHI. BIflM~II & JOIAIY, BJLAN1K BOOK$Y, For tiele nt thirty daiys. HlarvardI, Yale, U. ofI M. a11d1Uni11ve7sal1 COLLEGE + OJ1FITTEL.R Sporting 1101 Athletic Goods, Base Ball and Tennis Goods a speciaIlty. t0 AND 11 HARVARD ROW, TIURLEIGIT & JOLLY, AGENTS. THE CAMPUS. \\tio'S 407 11117Key? 1110 11tennis1cout, 1 to 1th111 elt of .7 1list conllst in11r11k 71114 ris 0 117111ellatla1mbr i 17711My Ijai.Al l'11rec17101Ns lI)Iluli e 1111111 a17Ionce. .7111oil I %isiltdold friendls this week. Mliss zkaislI, of Ctiica, -o, wrill speak a111t the chtapel 1meeti1111"Saul- (laly mornling4. Subject: 'iO'lly Ilfall.' Calhosun, (ale's captainl, diSt0l tat17lthis shoulder ill slidinsg toSl 01111base. 1HI' ,will be ldisabledtI 11or siN wseeks. Soutllcrland, of the17'90 Rugby te7am1, take7sIHoiuck's tptace as aI mem711ber of 11117me7dical base-Isall c0010111171. Candidates for next year's foot- ball teans at Cornell will plractice untilthIle end of thle terml. What's tbe nmatter with the U. of 71? Prof. Hinsdale will not meet his classes to-morrow. Hie is to deliver a lecture at Elgin before the North- ern Illinois Teachers' Association. Thse first of a series of "cross- country " or " Iclub'" runs will oc- cur next Saturday mlornsing. Par- ticulars will1 be annlounicedt later. 'IWho's 1g07t te 11ev? leDr. E'1.1. Wardield 11as5ac- ceplctii thiresidlencty'of Lafavette collece rIe ic olsto I1. ea4Ilo 111111, last week, w 111n(1 Yic rmtli( I ar- 1 111 nlinc 1y)tile closesco~re Ill 6 to ThI coire 11.11 5 10 2 111 11:17- 17(1 5 10107r1up1t11the1nint11111111111110. Nex c Stn01110 evellirig lRes' Daid I-,. Brccd of Chifag, xs ill spea7k ill Univity liall,01111177tile ausies of thec -Ministcril 1Band. Ills sull- icct weill bce11117 'Ministry for Christian15 '1 1111"'Men." Who's aoltilhe Key? At1 tlse .dclpli Literary Shociety, Saturday evening, thle 25thI, thle fol- 1111sing pro0gra1 still be renldered lanjo Solo, '71e11 Cillespsie;7 acconm- planimnst, -Miss Davis. Latin Reci- tationl, 1). 1F. Wilcox. Greek Read- 111 n,.tusic: A Greek selections. D~ebate : Resolved, That Greek liter- ature has exerted a greater inftuence on tile world than Latin literature. Aft'., Mliss Stevens. Neg.), Miss Phsillips. Genseral debate. tBanjo Solo, Xlett Gillespie; accompani- nment, Miss Davis. Critic's Report. For sevecral years thle Choral Union has enjoyed tlse use of music belonging to the Anion Club, of Providence, R. I. It was decided last evening to send them a conduc- tor's stand as a slight token of grati- tude. WM. ARNOLD. -r WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 5, SMAIN STREE T.I -aee ,peil att11ention 11pa11is toreplairing1 o'M 1111 J1ewelry. M. W. BLAKE, ]PICTrURES, FRtAMES, AN AIVRGOODS. Ilo51wes1t Hara5 51. FEROON LUMBER YARD, Manufactsrer 11f 11111 dealer illl SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER ('11711111ilt ad epot -StI,5. 0. HALLER 0.MNIARTIN, IE.XI.171IN Cloth Caskets, Metalli0 J. A. POLHEMUS, -1 NcTII 51 7ix 1511 ?1511 5y1-11 NLS 11'S11 1 NIe A;A;, Ir RINSEY &SEABOLT, Bakesi ll 's In~11 Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE. Makier of fine, I.ADIES' aid GlINTS' s*1p5-4* WIith thle return of the IBase 13all ISealson, we Shlall be llrellraredl to f5C- Ilish ll11t11111is new 11n11 desir'able ill UNIF"ORMS FOR BIase Balt, Law"1 Tensnis, (ricket, LIa Crosse, Y0bfiillg a111 for all Outing ulses. OIur 'ShaR-l" Sweater for qulttity a111d durabilityh110 110eqlll l -1r line of Ba1sfe111111SaIP- plies, Bats, Blalls, Alsks,'iBody 1)'7o' teeters, Catchers'AMitts, ELwn TellilIl Sulpplies, etc., etc., 1s ill foriner sf511 ols twill defy complletitionI, We are ju~stly proud Of Ou~r large College fol' lowin~g, due Is we 11re awalreto the sulperior qulality of o111 goods' Thi's esteem wte SilIi to strengthen fo season to 5fseaso, in the improv.enBenl of our goods where it is possible. Ce7% respondene desired With nmanagers O all college clubs. Send for our Catalogue of Slimmer Sports and Uni- forms, A. &- B. free to any address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CfsIcAGO: P111LAnaLrennC 108 MadiasnStreet. 1032 1Chestnut Street NEW YourK: 241 and 213 Broadwar.